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I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Claude Balls

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TBS knows funny, and they say this is funny :clapping:


I love my Sabres, but not to the point where I'd get turning red mad at them. It's good to see the team get the win and Stafford made the front page of NHL.com (He is in the middle of the 3 stars, so I'm guessing that means he was the 2nd star of the night for the NHL).


And that first Stafford goal was absolutely a thing of bueaty. I have to give Darcy Regier credit where it is due. To pick up a player of Brad Boyes caliber for a 2nd round pick because he was struggling in St. Louis the prior season and a half was truly a very good move. I won't speak to whether or not Boyes will always be centering Stafford and Ennis, but one thing is becoming more evident to me, Stafford and Ennis need to stay together on a line. Who their center will be I have no idea, but I'm hoping for a stud, superstar center in the off season, by hook or by crook to really elevate their play.


As for Boyes, I would love to see him on the right wing with Vanek and Roy next season to see what he can do with them while playing his normal position.

The question I have is where does that leave Pominville? :blink:

I do like Ennis w/ Stafford, but think Stafford would be fine w/ Roy centering him as well. They've had pretty good chemistry in the past as well.


I agree that it'd be interesting to see Vanek & Boyes on a line together. I'd hope that they find a way to bring in a stud #1 center this off-season; and if they do, these are the wings I'd like to see him center.


I just really don't want to see Roy and Ennis on the same line. Ennis needs to have the puck, it's amazing some of the things he can do w/ it, and Roy seems to always want to have it. I don't think they'd compliment each other. I also don't like the way Roy & Vanek play together. Tommy seemed to pick his game up after he and Derek were separated.


If Vanek can learn to lift the puck when he picks it up in front of the net and spins around for the forehand shot he'll start scoring again. He's been robbed on that shot at least 3 times the last 3 games as the only play the goalie had - stretching the leg out to the post, is the one that got the job done.


Another last random thought, I was very surprised to see Stafford killing a penalty in the 2nd but he did a great job of forechecking and killed most of one in the Panther end. He and Ennis worked very well on the pk on the other pk as well. I'm expecting to see that pk pairing stay together. Stafford was stating in the post game interviews that his leg felt much better this game, and it definitely showed. He was skating well for the 1st time since he'd gotten hurt. Having him back on his game would be huge.


And the final bit of randomness. For those that missed it, the Sabres become the answer to the trivia question: which team was the one to officially eliminate the Cats when they were eliminated for a record 10th consecutive season.

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Jesus, I couldn't backpeddle on a bicycle faster than this.


Is Mark Mancari dating Lindy's daughter or something? ...The guy is a turd on skates.
Mancari has been a beast in the AHL for 5 years,... I watched him play in Rochester, he was fairly physical. I don't know what happens to him when he gets to Buffalo.

I gotta admit, Mancari looked like he wanted to stick around a little longer with last night's play. He threw a few good hits early in the game, then stuck up for his teammates later in the game. ... All in all, it was the best physical performance I have seen from him.

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Jesus, I couldn't backpeddle on a bicycle faster than this.

He does preface the third comment with 'I gotta admit' which usually means he's owning the earlier statements and may be changing his stance. That is allowed and imo would be nice to see more of on this board. Too many have an opinion and become entrenched without the ability to admit that perhaps they may have been mistaken. Like with Gerbe. Last years playoffs I had said he was simply a chip it in and go for a change machine that wasn't benefitting the team in any way. I might have said he was useless and may have been right . Lately he's been a sparkplug for this team and a big part of their resurgence. Opinions aren't static and can evolve and change. I would hope mine do. The minute you think you know it all you stop learning.

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He does preface the third comment with 'I gotta admit' which usually means he's owning the earlier statements and may be changing his stance. That is allowed and imo would be nice to see more of on this board. Too many have an opinion and become entrenched without the ability to admit that perhaps they may have been mistaken. Like with Gerbe. Last years playoffs I had said he was simply a chip it in and go for a change machine that wasn't benefitting the team in any way. I might have said he was useless and may have been right . Lately he's been a sparkplug for this team and a big part of their resurgence. Opinions aren't static and can evolve and change. I would hope mine do. The minute you think you know it all you stop learning.


This whole thread is a mea culpa fest. Seems to me that when folks do genuinely have a change of heart they own up to it. I think your real complaint is that folks don't come around to the popular view more often.


Edit- Meant to say that the Gerbe thread is a mea culpa fest. But you get the idea.

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