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Myers: Calder bound


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At just 20 years of age, Myers has already become a well-known player around the league and it’s fanbase, and his popularity will only continue to grow once Rookie-of-the-Year talks begin. After his fantastic 4-point performance in Wednesday’s game against Dallas, commentator Harry Neale stated that Myers had “cemented the Calder trophy.” That may not be entirely true (yet), but it is really a two-man race for the Calder trophy this year: Tyler Myers vs. Matt Duchene. Myers has recorded 9 goals and 27 assists (which leads all rookies) in 65 games with the Sabres. He’s a +7 and has been absolutely crucial to the success of the Sabres’ defense core. His size helps him be extremely effective on defense, but his offensive awareness may be his true niche– he joins the rush more than any other defenseman, often times carrying the puck end-to-end with Gretzky-like grace, and at times has shown promise as Powerplay quarterback.


Full article: http://bit.ly/9esh8u

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Harry Neal claiming something more prematurely than inkman blowing his ###### after he sticks his ###### in chz's ######?


Harry Neale loves counting his chickens before they hatch. Anyone remember the shootout not too long ago (Dec/Jan maybe?) when Roy was up to shoot, and Harry just goes: "Roy's gonna end it!"


And of course, he didn't.

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Harry Neal claiming something more prematurely than inkman blowing his ###### after he sticks his ###### in chz's ######?


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3. Super NES.





Harry Neale loves counting his chickens before they hatch. Anyone remember the shootout not too long ago (Dec/Jan maybe?) when Roy was up to shoot, and Harry just goes: "Roy's gonna end it!"


And of course, he didn't.


Maybe Harry was being sarcastic. ;)

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There is also this article from one of my favorite sports bloggers that came out before he played last night and had that 4 point game. I think it does a nice job of surveying the playing field of candidates for the trophy.





Greg Wyshynski = Legend.


I think it's more about points. It's about composure and how you handle it. Myers has played lots of time against top lines. That will be well noted when people go to vote. From hearing or reading peoples tweets, such as Kevin Allen from USA Today, i will be shocked if Myers didn't win it. He has the "stats" to back him up, and also, as Allen once said, he has been arguably the best d-men on a team that is 3rd in the East. Nuff' said.


Also, Jimmy Howard's age will hurt him with voters I think.

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