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Who's this guy captaining the Rangers ...


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Perhaps but they didn't win a cup with him and maybe some of the younger guys grew last year and learned a few lessons. I just get annoyed with the man crush certain posters, you included had on Drury. He was a good player. He led by example. He's now a NY Ranger. Move on.

I will stop whining about Drury if I never have to see a post about non tippers for the pizza delivery guy.. :nana:

We will see if the younger players learned..My point was they shoulda added to Drury not subtracted..Call it a man crush whatever you want..Bottom line they were worse without him..Admit and I and others would probably move on...

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Rangers outshoot Tampa


80-40 over two games.


Tampa with all their moves forgot to sign a second nhl caliber D man.

Stamkos looked like he is gonna be a pretty good player..For all the great offensive players that come into this league I would take a Dion Phaneuf type every day of the week with the first pick..Or any pick till my def is filled with players like him..

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Well to start the season the only upgrade they made all offseason was to add Rivet..We will have to see if that adds up to replacing the 3 mentioned above..

Uhhh ... one of those three (Teppo) is on the roster this year and wasn't last year. Our starting offense will likely be Rivet, Spacek, Teppo, Sekera, Lydman and either Tallinder or Weber. Of those, at least three were not on the starting roster last season. We lost Campbell, Kalinin and Pratt. I'd say that our D is definitely better; maybe a little less offensive, but definitely better in their own end. Also, Lalime looks like an upgrade to T-bo.


As I've said before, they still need to find a reliable replacement for one of the two (Briere, Drury). Yes, they should have signed Chris, but far more important is that they needed to sign somebody to fill that spot who can be counted on to play most of the season. I like Chris, but I don't think that the team was dead after July 1st that year. It didn't have to be either of those guys, but it had to be somebody.

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Uhhh ... one of those three (Teppo) is on the roster this year and wasn't last year. Our starting offense will likely be Rivet, Spacek, Teppo, Sekera, Lydman and either Tallinder or Weber. Of those, at least three were not on the starting roster last season. We lost Campbell, Kalinin and Pratt. I'd say that our D is definitely better; maybe a little less offensive, but definitely better in their own end. Also, Lalime looks like an upgrade to T-bo.


As I've said before, they still need to find a reliable replacement for one of the two (Briere, Drury). Yes, they should have signed Chris, but far more important is that they needed to sign somebody to fill that spot who can be counted on to play most of the season. I like Chris, but I don't think that the team was dead after July 1st that year. It didn't have to be either of those guys, but it had to be somebody.

I dont count Teppo quite yet....I gotta see him play awhile before I say we replaced what he brought to us 2 yrs ago...


I agree with the center comment..Why they didnt address this is ridiculous at best to me.

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First time I've ever heard Chris Drury referred to as the "least likable 'star'"


I know a guy in Calgary who absolutely couldn't stand Drury when he was a Flame. This guy is a good man. Well paid, good job, husband, not a yahoo in any way at all. And when Drury was leading the way for Buffalo, he just shook his head to me and repeatedly reminded me of how much of a Drury was in Cowtown.


I'm just sayin'

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I know a guy in Calgary who absolutely couldn't stand Drury when he was a Flame. This guy is a good man. Well paid, good job, husband, not a yahoo in any way at all. And when Drury was leading the way for Buffalo, he just shook his head to me and repeatedly reminded me of how much of a Drury was in Cowtown.

I'm curious (I don't know one way or the other) as to what did he do to be called a "" there?

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Nothing I have heard about Drury has ever sounded charismatic. Yeah, yeah, he wants to win...blah, blah, blah but is he that a#$^$#!e nobody likes being around because he makes everyone uncomfortable because he's constantly trying to "win". I'm guessing there are several other players on the Sabres who enjoy winning just as much as Chris and work just as hard at it too. They just don't go brooding around with a sour puss ruining everyone's day to get there.


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who cares about Chris Drury?




Do you like spooning?



First time I've ever heard Chris Drury referred to as the "least likable 'star'"

this is a fairly interesting debate topic, albeit post-mortem. i have two friends who, even during the 06-07 run, used to make light of drury's affectless interview manner and were of the mind that the guy had a joyless aspect to his game/personality that they just couldn't get over.


i didn't, and still don't,

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What I don't understand is the harsh critisim and dislike for Briere, all because he went to a rival that was willing to pay him big money to play for (with a good friend and former teammate whom the team traded him to this "rival"), yet Drury is given praise and well wishes by most. Briere wanted to stay and even made it public he wanted to be a Sabre, but the team was moving on and letting him walk. Drury was the one who walked away from the Sabres and the fans so he could live his boyhood dream of playing in NY for the Rangers. The Sabres tried to keep him, he turned his back on them with every intention of being a Ranger first.

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What I don't understand is the harsh critisim and dislike for Briere, all because he went to a rival that was willing to pay him big money to play for (with a good friend and former teammate whom the team traded him to this "rival"), yet Drury is given praise and well wishes by most. Briere wanted to stay and even made it public he wanted to be a Sabre, but the team was moving on and letting him walk. Drury was the one who walked away from the Sabres and the fans so he could live his boyhood dream of playing in NY for the Rangers. The Sabres tried to keep him, he turned his back on them with every intention of being a Ranger first.


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What I don't understand is the harsh critisim and dislike for Briere, all because he went to a rival that was willing to pay him big money to play for (with a good friend and former teammate whom the team traded him to this "rival"), yet Drury is given praise and well wishes by most. Briere wanted to stay and even made it public he wanted to be a Sabre, but the team was moving on and letting him walk. Drury was the one who walked away from the Sabres and the fans so he could live his boyhood dream of playing in NY for the Rangers. The Sabres tried to keep him, he turned his back on them with every intention of being a Ranger first.


I wish them both a case of piles.

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I'm curious (I don't know one way or the other) as to what did he do to be called a "" there?


Apparently he never once showed any interest in being there. The guy I know said he was a dick in interviews. He was indifferent on the ice. Being a small market, word got out that he was always complaining about being there. Take it for what it's worth.


And to that aud smell. I can assure you, I am over Drury being gone. I was over it the day he left. It's about the Sabres, not the player.

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And to that aud smell. I can assure you, I am over Drury being gone. I was over it the day he left. It's about the Sabres, not the player.

i may've been unclear: i'm all for the team, our team, and i don't pine for guys who've been gone for more than a year now. all i was saying was that, when he was here, his trademarked monotone and blank face in interviews didn't take any of the shine off of what he contributed to the team's success, at least not for me.

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i may've been unclear: i'm all for the team, our team, and i don't pine for guys who've been gone for more than a year now. all i was saying was that, when he was here, his trademarked monotone and blank face in interviews didn't take any of the shine off of what he contributed to the team's success, at least not for me.


I hear ya. I appreciate guys who play hard, of course, but you know it wouldn't kill the guy to show a smile and enthusiasm for winning, etc.

Markus Naslund was the same in Vancity. He'd score, barely smile, if at all, and be on with it. The game is supposed to be fun, and so is scoring. Smile, be happy, enjoy.

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