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Harry Neale just hit the nail on the head. We can point at the SO record, we can look at the winless streak, whatever - but our playoff hopes are in jeopardy because this mentally soft team pissed away so many points at home this year.

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well four goals against isn't going to win you many games. Goal tending / defense was the difference tonight. On the 3rd goal if Miller doesn't try to clear the puck on his own (something that never works) that game probably never goes to overtime. I don't know how many points Miller has cost us, but he just hasn't been the goalie he was the past two years. His confidence has been lacking and it shows. I won't blame him for the overtime goal, but it is a save I would like to see him make. Ow well maybe next year.

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Roy and Paetsch fumble the puck behind the net and then somehow both defensemen are to Miller's left and the front of the net is wide open.


Rpy and Paetsch giveth, and Roy and Paetsch taketh away.

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