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Nice article on Gilbert Perreault at nhl.com...


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Connee, I watched that yesterday during my own youtube search but didn't have the sense to post it--thanks.


Perreault was a freak of a hockey player, and the more amazing thing is that it never went to his head (not even during the acrimony with Sabres management). The guy was always about two things: the game and the fans. I even wonder how his wife dealt with it, he was so dedicated to hockey and to this city.


The great thing is, we're lucky to have some guys like that on the Sabres roster right now. I'd love to know if Perreault has influence over them through his position with the team; if so, it's smart--and if not, well, they're interacting with the fans the right way anyway.

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Connee, I watched that yesterday during my own youtube search but didn't have the sense to post it--thanks.


Perreault was a freak of a hockey player, and the more amazing thing is that it never went to his head (not even during the acrimony with Sabres management). The guy was always about two things: the game and the fans. I even wonder how his wife dealt with it, he was so dedicated to hockey and to this city.


The great thing is, we're lucky to have some guys like that on the Sabres roster right now. I'd love to know if Perreault has influence over them through his position with the team; if so, it's smart--and if not, well, they're interacting with the fans the right way anyway.

i like the last highlight where there are 4 NY Islanders at the blue line and he skates by all of them in alone and scores

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These guys look so small compare to current hockey players. I know part of that is the pads, braces, helmets, etc. But evening compensating for that, hockey players today just look much bigger, stronger and faster.


Goalies are twice the size with all their padding. Less net to shoot for now.


Also takes me back to the big hair era.

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It was a pretty sad time there for a while when they had cut ties with GP, but I'm glad that they brought him back into the team somehow. For me, when I think of the Sabres, he's one of the first people that pops into my mind.

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These guys look so small compare to current hockey players. I know part of that is the pads, braces, helmets, etc. But evening compensating for that, hockey players today just look much bigger, stronger and faster.



Yes, but the competition was tighter then with only half the teams, the rinks were smaller, and the game was a lot tougher. The French Connection was as fast as anyone today.


This one is even better ... it's great to hear the things non-Buffalo people say about him. Let's face it, he is the reason most of us are on this board today.


Great, thanks!

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