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Has anyone ever seen the Canadiens' Locker room?


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is there any pics or anything like this of the Sabres locker room?


I read somewhere they just remodeled it before this season...


click on the picture and if you have quicktime you can do a 360 around the room.


what pisses me off is the grand tradition they have in there and we have a fuggin' humping ferret in ours.... :censored:

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sounds like an Oprah special for post-menopausal women.


God, i hope we have something posted in our locker room tougher than that.

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It's so damn cool, it gives me chills. I know they have the replica at the hockey hall of fame in Toronto. As much as I love the Sabres and I hate the Canadiens, I do respect their history and if I had a choice of teams to play for, they'd be #2 behind Buffalo. File that one under "guilty pleasures."

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Um... That is sure to put the ladies "in the mood"... Quiet winter's night, kids in bed and a nice fire crackling in the background... ;)

The mini hockey sticks come out and a game of floor hockey takes place on the little rink in the centre of the carpet


I hear thats how SDS spent his last aniversary, well that and looking at pictures posted on this sites of which way ours bends, LOL

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sounds like an Oprah special for post-menopausal women.


God, i hope we have something posted in our locker room tougher than that.


I think it says-




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