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Carmel Corn

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Everything posted by Carmel Corn

  1. I wish Sheary could stay on his skates more. He has speed, but is at a real size disadvantage. Seems to end up on his knees or gets knocked off balance quite a bit. Some smaller guys can still play big (ex. Mike Peca), but Sheary seems really "small" to me.
  2. This game was "winnable" despite the bad performances by Eichel, Dahlin, etc. SPECIAL TEAMS - stop the shorties and cash in on the PP (we had enough chances). Imagine where this team could be if the coaching staff could figure it out!
  3. How much do you want to bet that HCPH reunites the Eichel-Skinner-Reinhardt line the next game?
  4. We all want and expect Dahlin to be special....but wow he is having a rough game so far!
  5. Wouldn't it be nice if KO's contract had the same amount of term left as Sobotka's. Still hard to swallow the fact we're stuck with both of them next year and KO for a while beyond even that.
  6. Perhaps, but expect Beaulieu to get moved. Maybe a Bob Corkum 'ish type of year.
  7. Smaller players like Sheary and Pilut getting run over. Imagine playing a 7 game playoff series against this team. We're too small and weak.
  8. You and I have a much different memory of Housley. Offensively talented for sure, but played as soft as a baby's bottom. He had the benefit of other players who helped create space for him and/or enabled him to generate strong offensive numbers.
  9. Sometimes a team can be a reflection of their coach. We all know how HCPH played as a player and I think our team reflects his soft play and defensive liabilities. Compare that to the last game with the Canes (Rob B. HC), who played a complete 200ft game with tenacity...The Canes reflected his style as a player.
  10. Also count how many of his shots are blocked due to a slow motion windup....that's one so far!
  11. Thompson is sitting, but he at least will pull the trigger. I'd like to see CM get chewed out by the coach for passing.
  12. Maybe Eichel and Ulmark went to Taco Bell for their pregame meal. Maybe the worst games I've seen for both of them tonight.
  13. I don't recall either....but he did tangle with O"Reilly at some point....whether that game or another one. I'd like to think that having both James and Larry Playfair in the lineup the same time would cause the other team to maybe behave themselves just a little bit.
  14. Pizza absolutely. Wings, Beef on Weck, Subs.....all substandard or non-existent in my neck of the woods. Good thing I don't still live in WNY or else I weigh 300 lbs.
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