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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. IMO, some people automatically seem to think every move the Saves make is doomed to fail. Guess they can't see past the last decade+ of the drought.
  2. What a pickup this has been so far...dude has been a force. Is there something that suggests he won't be? Typically when a player comes in and plays exceptional, he doesn't get sent down. It becomes a lot easier if you simply have a clean slate with new players instead of assuming every move will fail just because you want to be negative about everything they do.
  3. They certainly were when they came out in the 2nd and scored to tie it... Sabres wrestled control right back again with 3 straight to end the period. I don't care about any of that...I care the Sabres have gotten 5 out of a possible 6 points in the last 3 games. They need to keep stacking points however they come...10 out of every 16 should be their goal.
  4. What a great trade this has been so far... Okoposo-Robinson-Krebs line has accounted for all 3 goals tonight and Robinson and Okposo have 3 points a piece. Robinson brings some juice that is much needed
  5. E Rob!! Been playing well, good to see him get rewarded after he had one taken away the other night Wait...did I hear that PA announcement right? They gave the first goal to Robinson also? They said "his second of the night" Won't you be my neighbor?
  6. Seems like it..random dudes with 3 goals in 80 games score against us consistently.
  7. WTF are they doing in their own end?? Get the damn puck out and stop playing tiddlywinks with it...inexcusable play in their own end with how casual they are at getting the puck out.
  8. This team needs to score more than 2-3 goals a game. Especially when they had at least 12 good chances...based on their skill level you would expect AT LEAST 5 goals off those chances. No idea why the entire team is having such a hard time fighting the puck at the same time.
  9. Screw the moral victory. They are way past that point. Stop losing games you have no business losing. Stop going to OT when you should have won by 5 goals in regulation.
  10. Game never should have come down to a shootout...they dominated Montreal but couldn't score. Lesson for what happens when you allow games that shouldn't come down to chance to come down to chance. 2 looses to the Habs where they kicked their @ss both games
  11. Been a long time since I seen a team miss this many Grade A scoring chances in one game. They could be up by 5 goals at this point.
  12. Where would it be if we were playing with last year's offense? We'd have at least 6 right now. Nope it's 2-2
  13. I mean, I shave my head too...it just looks stupid when you have a bunch of missing hair patches. Some people spend crazy jack to get their hair back thru transplants. I just shave it and I think it looks good.
  14. People bag on Okposo but 600 points is a pretty damn good career and being 6th or 7th in an entire draft class is quite an accomplishment.
  15. Oh Captain, my Captain!!! Clifton??? In on the forecheck??? What am I seeing here??
  16. Haha...you mean the "I really don't care to maximize my potential with the cards I am dealt" Look? Just shave your head and own it.
  17. Skinner Skinner Winner!! Nice little kick move with the puck off his skate to throw off the timing of the goalie and change where the shot was coming from.
  18. I mean they got almost 30 shots...how do they do that if they aren't shooting the puck? At least 7 have been point blank chances. How can a team this talented at scoring have 0 goals off them? Especially against a goalie with a sub .890 save percentage coming into the game.
  19. Sabres have had enough chances to have 5 goals...my God what has happened to this team putting the puck in the net? Looks like the last game against the Habs...they mostly dominate but losw the game.
  20. Here we go again... Two not so great goals to let in...same spot.
  21. Good point...they very well may.
  22. There a time line on Quinn now that he is no longer in a non-contact jersey? Assuming it's at least 2-3 weeks of ramp up to get back conditioning and hockey related shape/skills for game play.
  23. People who didn't grow up in this area don't know what they were missing with the HNIC games growing up as a kid...freaking loved watching them with my Dad even when the Sabres weren't playing.
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