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Everything posted by WhenWillItEnd66

  1. 100% not a fan of this unless there is more coming back...... a 3/4 left Dman for a 2/3 center that can play top line...... KA is an idiot
  2. Dominos start to fall..... KA sleeping at the wheel
  3. I think we get our ass kicked tonight and we can officially move on from this playoff pipe dream we have this year. 13 years and counting in a league where 1/2 the teams go to the playoffs is straight disgusting. I am disgusted as a fan that ownership lets this happen. But, unfortunately i will be sitting my old ass in front of the TV tonight watching the Titanic sink for the 13th time....LOL
  4. This needs to stop. I get he is a great defenseman, but you can see he is losing a step as he is so damn tired. We need another top 4 Dman who can eat more minutes and be reliable in our own end!!!
  5. This team is what it is until KA does what is needed to make us a hard to play against team. Last night was a case of physically wearing this team down with physicality and speed. Both that we seem to be lacking. Unless we get a physical productive forward and a defensive beat the crap out of you defenseman, this team is going to continue to have some Issues. On the other hand, this team is playing better as of late. Again, another year of too little too late. Changes need to be made or heads need to roll. How many more years can we stay status quo??
  6. The better team is winning tonight, not the Sabres. They got wore down physically by a lot faster team
  7. First 10 minutes awesome, last 10...ughhhhh. Buffalo needs to get it together or that lead will be gone quickly.
  8. Actually not bad when you include Levi as well.....
  9. If they truly understand the teams problems then it will not be painful. They just need to remember: This team, as built, is not a playoff contending team. 2 full seasons has demonstrated that. Even with an improvement in goaltending and defense, they are still not a playoff team. Most of our prospects are built the same way as the current forwards on the team, so no help coming that way. You have to give to get. Not to mention that there will not be room for all the current and upcoming prospects on the team anyways, so some needs to be utilized to acquire what this team really needs. (We all know what that is by now) Seems pretty black and white to me. Make the moves and make the team better. I would rather give up a favorite player to become a contender then another 13 years of this disgusting losing crap.
  10. Supposedly Buffalo tried to get Tanev and he would not waive to come to Buffalo. Was reported on WGR this morning. Also another team offered a 1st for Tanev....could not confirm it was Buffalo. A hockey trade is the only way we are going to get someone, and they cannot have a NTC. LOL We are going to be on EVERYONES No trade list!!
  11. Ok, i am calling BS on this..... we had 14 shots total 5 mins into the 3rd...... and we were down a goal. We had a grand total of 2 High danger chances the whole game. Either there was a huge error or Moneypuck had no idea what they hell they were doing. And there is a lot KA could of done as we have a trove of young talent that other teams would want for some skilled grit and sandpaper. There is zero way there is room on the Sabres for all these kids. KA is going to pull a Olofsson and let the pieces rot while not getting anything for them.
  12. I am not sure if i was watching a different game then some...... We were lucky to get to where our result was. Tampa missed a couple of wide open nets and it should not have been a close game in the 3rd. Some Thought and Observations.... - 6k is the man!!! He cannot save this season, but if he continues this kind of play next year, he will definitely save next! - OT PP was finally doing something!!!! That designed play was perfect! Our 5v5 PP is old and tired. Feed Dahlin, or feed Thompson. Easy and predictable. PP needs to be Tage, Mitts, Dahlin, Greenway and Cozens. PP2 should be Skinner, Krebs, Tuch, Power and JJ. 4th line players should never be on the PP!!!!! - I know both teams were limiting offense, but TB had 3 times the amount of grade A chances. Because of Buffalo's lack of physicality and willingness to lay the body, they were skating all over us in our own end. That is unacceptable that as a whole, this hockey team is easy to play against. - Too many stupid passes and perimeter play!!! At least one player on every line needs to go straight to the front of the net!!!! How many years of this is it going to take to sink in?? Fans say it, tv announcers say it....WAKE THE HELL UP!!!! We need REAL net front presence! It seems weird to be so negative on a win, but this team is built so wrong and only get so many lucky wins. 2 physical players will change this team so damn much. I defensive physical dman and a power forward that will hit and drive the net. Just 2 players would have put this team in the playoffs. Who knows that kind of play could be contagious to the players that do not play like that and are called out by their own players after every loss!!!
  13. That was one of the best pp moves of the season. Where the hell has that been??
  14. 14 shots all game.. this team is a joke....I hate being a Buffalo fan. You would think we get used to being losers
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