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Everything posted by Buffalonill

  1. Exactly it's a It's just a ***** Circle Contract year, they all get paid and go back to *****
  2. All I know nothing else is working so if it blows up in buffalo's face oh well It's basically just another day in as a buffalo fan
  3. I believe it was his brother everyone thought it was the blues or nothing then the trade to the panthers happened. If anything brady wants to be with his brother
  4. this a franchise Changing type of move I don't care what the cost is just do it . Buffalo has enough Prospects and and draft choices to get this done Didn't realize he has maturity issues.. Looks like we're doomed.
  5. Didn't You learn from Miller? You guys went all in that year Just things happened.. You can't Make that mistake again
  6. matthews is legit the lamar jackson of the NHL Sure lots here would want him on this team but I wouldn't he's Selfish and horrible in the playoffs . So what's the point of having him just to look at his cool goal stats? My vote Nathan McKinnon
  7. You guys have the perfect opportunity to get young and have cheap contracts on rookie deals Instead of paying a 31 year old Evans who will hit a wall this season or next
  8. He probably knew not to sign with this tire fire organization
  9. Greenway has grown on me He's not like some super star or some elite player But hes still a solid piece going forward
  10. Wonderful to see and happy for him Hopefully he gets another chance in the NHL
  11. Oh I thought he was from buffalo I've seen him A lot When the bills play national games. Maybe he's just a bill's fan
  12. I have a feeling adams is going to trade for washed up logan couture bring another buffalo Player back home " Wants to be here "
  13. Let's get the tiny little violin out for the multi millionaires
  14. He should of had a whole new coaching staff this year He got his chance He's going down with everyone
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