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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. Too much. Two 1's and a 1 player should get this done. Östlund is a 1 + (Mitts or Joker) + offer a 2nd in 2023, but settle on a protected 1 in 2024. Losing Mitts will hurt in the near term (but we have Savioe and the kid in Roch). Losing Joker means losing an RHD, which we should want to keep.
  2. Injuries have been significant but I would not give up the ship just yet. Lots of football to be played.
  3. Just seeing this. Great player. I never liked the Leaves but Salming was a heck of a player. RIP
  4. You just cannot be a contending team without a very good goalie. Getting one should always be a priority. ALWAYS.
  5. You cannot say KA is not competent just yet, he is still working it, albeit at a slow "economic and efficient" pace. Yes - Nice moves by Jersey to build a defense and acquire Marino (25), Hamilton (29), Smith (33), and Graves (27) to shore up their once terrible D. Don't forget Siegenthaler (25), he is looking very solid back there. Granato commented on how good this defense is. It is a blend of youth and experience. At forward NJ has a lot of top level homegrown talent but they added Haula (31), and Palat (31) from winning programs, they added Tatar (31) too. All solid vets that want to win now. As these guy age out, some will likely be replaced by their prospect pool - prospects that will be beating out established vets. I like that. They added Vanecek in goal, that was a great signing - I really like that. I like some of what Adams is doing but he has more to prove. It appears he is drafting well and he is taking the correct steps to develop players. I think he is doing the right things to establish a winning culture by his handling of young players. He connects, he is bright. I don't know who to credit for DG, but KA kept him on board, and DG is good for this stage of the rebuild. Adams has to find a goalie. Maybe UPL can consistently play like he did versus the Blues? Maybe Comrie plays better once our defense settles? Maybe we get lucky and Levi is ready fast? OR, maybe he makes a move for a ready to go NHL #1? He should have assets to do that. As for filling out any roster needs with key vets, heis not going to have near the scope of work that NJ had because he has significantly more young players that are ready or getting ready. He still will need to tweak the roster with vets in some way and he has not demonstrated any major success at that yet. What if DG is not the man? Adams will have to address that too, another task he has not dealt with before. So I would say Adams grade is still incomplete. I do think Adams is a really a bright guy and would not doubt him at this point. We can only hope that he can convince the Pegula's to spend money (and to stay out of the way of Hockey Operations).
  6. Yup, I wanna win. Ruff probably wont leave if his team continues to play like this and they have success in the playoffs. Lindy is the kind of person that is highly committed to the job. If Jersey lets him go I would be surprised. Would he coach in Buffalo? He probably would have to get a commitment to start spending toward the cap and make some moves to win right now. He wants a Cup, not another 3-4 years of rebuild. He just did a rebuild with Jersey. I would rather have DG stay if we are going to continue to toil on the cap floor and wait for whatever we are waiting for. Lindy still lives in Clarence, NY. He still loves Buffalo. He is a Sabre at heart. But what is his relationship with the Pegula's? Another thought, would he come here someday? Maybe as an Executive on the Hockey Operations side. Lots of teams (but not the Pegula led Sabres) keep a few savvy old hockey guys in the organization. I am happy to see Lindy winning again and I will pull for his team in the playoffs.
  7. All you are saying here is what Adam’s has already said numerous times, and what most of us are already resigned too long ago. All these good young Sabres prospects will someday need a little veteran support. That is the part Jersey has done and we have yet to do. Which is in part due to our operate at cap floor with no blockers philosophy. We definitely have more youth in our lineup than they do and probably have more top prospects in our pipeline too Oh, and goaltending, we just got stymied by their #3. Ryan Miller left 9 years ago. Can we get better in goal sometime this decade? That might help us to win more games when it’s deemed ok to do so.
  8. I am well aware of their turnaround. NJ has the basic blueprint Draft well and develop a strong young core. Add goaltending. Add solid veteran skill and leadership. Add a proven NHL Coach.
  9. Crowd not happy with the refs and linesmen tonight. Good game. Nice effort. We lost to a better team tonight. We are not that far from them. They have goalies and better veteran pieces, but our young core has more players and it may be better. Andy was good at times but we gotta get better goaltending. That is crazy that he is their 3.
  10. It was loose and it went in. They blew the whistle too soon. That’s twice now.
  11. Ok 77 is showing some emotion. I am thinking of the day that 22, 23, 24, 25 and 77 reach their prime along with 26 and 72. I really want another goal 5v5 You won’t have too. It’s promo stuff
  12. Tage can play with an edge to him. I want to see that more. If he plays nasty that will create room for him. Room will help him get his shot off.
  13. Our family had a local business. They had 7 tickets - 3 golds and 4 orange. I worked on Saturdays and got to sit in the orange.
  14. Damn. We hit another post. Refs miss a hook on NJ and then call that?
  15. The Devils have had solid goalkeeping. We need more shots and body’s to the net.
  16. Good question. He is on the path of a great coach. If he wins a SB he will be considered great by many. Sometimes that is a long journey, even for the great ones. Even without a SB his coaching (especially defensive), his team building, and his culture developing methods have results that are very significant.
  17. Yes. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything. I roamed in that Aud, new it in and out. what a special place. The sounds and smells and the feel were amazing. The teams were often very good and the players always fun.
  18. The Sabres took control of play for awhile. Devils have a few softies tonight.
  19. Yup. Me to. When I got into hockey my favorites were Dennis Hextall, Guy Trottier, and Gil Villemure.
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