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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. What happened in the goon era was the goonier teams (Flyers, Islanders) did not get enough penalties, hindering the skilled teams in a playoff series. In fact, the skilled teams would often retaliate and then get the penalties. It was like officiating you saw on TV watching professional wrestling.
  2. <sarcasm on> Watching Jack hoist the Cup will be special <sarcasm off>
  3. They will close it when Buffalo gets a benefit for it.
  4. What was disgraceful about it? Pegula finally went after someone a big name and a person with a Cup winning record in the NHL.
  5. They had a lot of injured vets last year, and they have some young talent. I think its a good hire and he will help them.
  6. Congrats Buffalo Bandits and their fans. A 5th Championship Banner will hang from the rafters!
  7. Stillman used his forearm to smash into the opponents visor and knock the helmet off. Nice technique and it saved his knuckles. Then he lands a left with the hand holding the jersey, then the devastating right to the kisser. That guy knows what he is going.
  8. Happy to say I hated the idea of losing on purpose. I remember Nolan trying to win games and the FO trading away his goaltending and anything else was was not nailed down.
  9. Ascending teams - Florida, Devils, Buffalo, Ottawa and Detroit. Holding - Canes, Lightning, Rags, Islanders Could be falling - Leaves, Broons Falling - Pens, Caps Still working on it - Habs, Flyers, CBJ
  10. Marv Levy used to say, when you listen to the fans you end up sitting with them. This is the first take I have read that the fans are to blame. I don’t think so. Pegula gets the blame, he hired the wrong people.
  11. We could use a vet forward for bottom 6 that can play a heavy game and helps the PK, Kane is not that.
  12. You may be right. In Seattle he is one of 3 assistant GMs and he is the only one of the three that does not carry the VP title. The other two, Ricky Olcyzk and Alexandra Mandryky have never been an NHL GM either, yet they carry the VP title. Francis is an Exec VP and GM. Seems odd and almost like a slight to JBOT. In Pitts he would be a GM but a #2 under Dubas. So he gets a promotion in title, and most likely a raise, and it should be more responsibilities than he has in Seattle today.
  13. Golfed yesterday and it was downright hot out there. WNY has the best summers. I will be here for most of it. Greek Fest this weekend. Allentown Art Festival next weekend.
  14. This type of thing is happening much to often in the US. Buffalo's violent crime is not yet at the level of Detroit, Philly, Baltimore, St Louis, Chicago, Cleveland, Washington, Minneapolis, LA, SF, but it is still a big problem here. In many places it is clear they are electing the wrong people, enacting policies that embolden criminals, and as a society we tend watch it on TV and look the other way even though it can effect everyone. It got so bad in St Louis that the state legislature moved to replace that cities DA. She simply would not enforce crimes which led to massive violent crime spikes and so many police retirements (after defunding) that they can barely function.
  15. Thank you Rico and you nailed it. This dog is a rescue attempt. The owner has two other rescue dogs (not Pit Bulls) and was contemplating putting this one down, but now that I am doing ok he is backing away from that. I am staying out of it for now, but part of me thinks I should motion to have it put down. It is in the suburbs and there are small kids in that neighborhood. Erie County is looking into it. Trust me, this dog is a loaded weapon and it is gets free it will not be good.
  16. I never made a blanket statement, I said they "can" snap, I blanket statement might be they "do" snap, or they "will" snap. The one that bit me snapped. It was unprovoked, and I was introduced to it 5 minutes prior in his garage, with the owner there, and the dog let me pet him and it smelled me. Again, I am used to Pit Bulls from my sons dog, which I have experience with. We went into the yard and it snapped, it immediately attacked and it defied the owners command. I was there. I have the wounds to prove it. To say a pit bull is not naturally violent is a blanket statement that it is very misleading and not back by statistics. The highest percentage of dog attacks in the US are by pit bulls, and the large majority of the victims are family members, not strangers. That gives a little credence to my comments. Your comment on properly raising one is interesting. How about properly bred? How much of this problem with pit bulls is do to bad breeding? If you need a guard dog for a home or business they will get the job done. I will never have one and now I will never go near one, but some people, like my son who also owns one, can manage them.
  17. No. Usually its the owner but those dogs can snap, even when the owner does everything correctly that he can. The breeding over the past decades has been a problem. The animal is flawed. I just got bit by one last week. The owner told me it was ok to go into the yard, I was reluctant to and I said no two times. Still he insisted that it was ok with him there. I am lucky the owner was in front of me to block its all out attack. Still, he bit my arm (that I instinctively used as a shield) and he left deep flesh wounds. Thankfully he did not get hold of my arm and clamp down on it. It was the fault of the owner but that dog is a terrible pet that is a huge liability and does not belong in the suburbs. He will attack everything in his sight if he gets loose. I can still see his crazed eyes looking at me after the attack. He had his lower jaw jutted and he was freaking out, even with the owner standing there holding him. I want to go back and bash his head in with a baseball bat. Yes, I am angry and this injury hurts. BTW, my son has had one for 10 years and no problems, but the dog is a pain to deal with. I used to watch his Pit Bull when he was a puppy but over time the dog has forgotten who I am. I cannot enter my sons house without him in there and handling him. You have to be careful around him. You cannot go into my sons bedroom, ever. You can't touch my son the wrong way. To be honest, I really cant wait for that dog to die. My son will be devastated for awhile but the rest of the family will be relieved. I will able to go to his house and relax, help him fix things, spend more time together, and not have to worry about the dam dog. The dog is always guarding that house. The Pit Bull is the worst choice you can make for a pet. They are watch dogs, not pets. Statistics don't lie. The breed has been ruined by bad people who bred the dog to fight. I will never get near one again unless I have a bat or a gun. I will never trust one ever again. I am lucky to have a functional arm.
  18. Yes. I get called "boss" or "dude" or something similar by young people on occasion. I don't like being called "dog". I was called that once and I corrected the young man. Typically I don't say a thing if I sense they are just being friendly or polite. It is on parents to teach their kids how to address elders and how to show respect, otherwise they learn it from other places or they don't learn it at all.
  19. I don't have this kind of neighbor, but I tend to have disdain towards slobs who do not maintain their property or themselves. Especially when the they have the wealth and resources to do so.
  20. They were both second overall, not that it matters.
  21. The last two teams I wanted to see win the Cup are in the finals. I am going for Florida with Reinhart and Montour. Seeing Vegas/Eichel win it would be a terrible outcome.
  22. After watching and listening to his interview I think the author embellished the article. "We had a long road trip and we didn’t go through the best places on Earth,” said a smirking Ullmark to NESN during some postgame comments. The only issue to me is who is he to judge other cities? It sounds more like the Boston media embellishing and taking shots.
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