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Broken Ankles

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Everything posted by Broken Ankles

  1. How? They have zero cap space. What’s the projected AAV for JG? $8-9m? They would need to pay someone to take JVR, and still clear more, as he’s only $7m. Or R. Ellis, who missed all year and supposedly will play next year. They have $28m tied up between 5 defensemen. And those contracts….
  2. Yeah, what better way to pump your clients value than being linked to the Buffalo “must overpay a UFA to come there” Sabres. Would love to know if Adams has feelers on Burakovsky. Insiders?
  3. Redlinkski breakfast sausage is highly underrated as one of Buffalo’s best. It’s always in the gift package when the parents visit SoCal.
  4. Bummed the Vegas (away) game is so close to Christmas. Same with Arizona. Busy season for me so that leaves Kings/Ducks games in February.
  5. So you’re saying 2 wrongs, make a White?
  6. Sit back at his cottage (assuming they all have some kind of summer home), take another vacation with the family in Sept, collect $4m. Wait for some underperforming team to fire a coach. See if that job fits. If not, wait until next June and have 5 other job opportunities that are only available to a limited and incestuous few. Life doesn’t suck for the recently fired Trotz.
  7. When I hear GIJ w/kung fu grip, I think of this….
  8. 1. Saving assets. 16OA is nothing to sneeze at. 2. Sabres get an additional/free year to see if Kanes skills are in decline. Could be the difference in negotiation of term in 2023. A trade presumes extensions are already agreed upon. 3. Kane gets a chance to see if the Sabres are taking that next step. Maybe he is not sold, yet. 4. Chance to play for a contender and win another Cup next year. As noted above, it’s more probable than not it won’t happen in Buffalo if he was traded there. 5. Learning from your mistakes. Lower echelon teams should not trade multiple assets for UFA’s with no term. I believe your comp was Claude G. Traded to a first place contender. When was the last time a bottom 9 team traded for a top flight UFA in the final year of their contract? Not including ROR.
  9. A good Fonzie gif must be rewarded a thumbs up.
  10. If you started a sentence with “so I’m at this bar in Vegas”, the absolute last guess ever is that you follow with, “everyone is quiet for the Anthem”. Not the bars I used to frequent in Las Vegas. oh, and go about your business.
  11. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nhl/news/largest-shutout-victory-stanley-cup-final-avalanche/txkzmc6jhkgohojxew5a04zj good call.
  12. Largest shutout victory in a Stanley cup Final game in the history of the sport. A sweep would be appropriate as Colorado has be the class of the west all year. Tampa is outmatched, and has to be exhausted after so many playoff games the last three years.
  13. Pretty sure Bogo was there for 20 & 21 so it would be his third.
  14. To the bold, their GM Said they would not pursue PK at any price. Goes a step further than saying he is “key” to resign. All reports are good locker room guy, but what does that say when you are a rebuilding team with $25m+ in cap space and you don’t want a veteran D at 50% or less. And they need to fill at least one, maybe two spots on the blue line. Should be interesting to see who they sign. If KO was in the last year of his deal, would the Sabres not entertain resigning him to a reasonable extension? Yes, Kyle had a much better on ice performance but their ages are about the same and perception of veteran presence in the locker room are similar. The fact Fitz doesn’t want to sign him is suspect. For me this pushes him way down on list for RD. Plan K-M.
  15. A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door.” ~ Confucius “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” ~ George S. Patton
  16. Zemgus and KO were extremely low on the totem pole as to reasons for losing over the past few years and this year (without other voices in the room) had a lot to do with them winning. Going into the season I viewed KO as an aging vet and potential anchor (like many). Wrong! This a goaltender thread so I won’t derail, but these two are definitely important to the growth of the team. Talented players and quality leadership for a young core which had been rudderless is vital, regardless if they are a 4th line. Yes a 4th line exceeding $10m AAV is not ideal, but this will correct itself in the next negotiation.
  17. After tonight’s performance maybe the comments about his poor +/-, and regression over the last few years is warranted. Really poor play by Manson. Mental mistakes too.
  18. 1. Maybe Drury knew what Jack was worth and was negotiating based on the value he saw. 2. NYC/ Bos/ Toronto - all big city fans are annoying. 3. Rangers have more drafted players on their roster than Tampa or Carolina, not including Fox and Giorgiev who weren’t drafted by the Rangers but you could say are home grown. 4. agreed. I dislike both organizations but just hate Carolina a little bit more. The original 6 things plays a small factor in the Rangers favor and of course the 2006 playoffs and me paying up on a $100 bet against a North Carolinian whom I was working with at the time sets it over the edge. Does it matter? Is anyone going to solve Vasilevskiy?
  19. Definitely a kick. The problem is the referees/League hardly ever over turn a goal. I’d disqualify half of the goals directed in with a skate. But we get so tied up with language like distinct kicking motion. Get rid of all goals that go off an offensive player and we won’t have to argue about this anymore.
  20. How about this guy? Checks most of the boxes. Probably would expect term of 5 years.
  21. Nate breaking ankles like only he can do.
  22. More Hank, and less Biz is a good thing. Lose Koho next.
  23. I’m starting to think Andrew Copp should be the focus of the Sabres attention this summer. His contributions thus far in the playoffs is impressive. Ten points in 11 games. Considering he is one of these mid-range UFA, he could be what Phillip Danault was to the Kings this year. Brought in to be a middle six player with defensive responsibility but blossomed into a premier 2C with a career high in goals. Copp has improved each year and it shows. It’s not like you would break the bank to sign him to a longer term deal, and he strikes me as the kind of guy that would have no issue sliding down in years to come when others assume a top six role. Can play wing or Center. Sturdy and reliable. Can play on PP and PK. Why not?
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