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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. Dell is what he is. Two goals were 100% laziness from Miller. So much for being the vet
  2. Vaccine doesn’t stop transmission. Vermont is 91% vaccinated and their cases have never been higher before.
  3. Cozens line did so much better matching up than Girgensons line. I was getting frustrated with the latter skating in circles. Cozens did get a few lucky breaks but overall that’s the best line out there and they did well. Oilers do nothing this game without the power plays. Tokarski stole 2 points. To think of all the extra talent this team is getting off of injury over the next month, followed by prospects kicking butt.
  4. They moved better even if they got caught chasing some shifts in their zone than they did during the west coast trip.
  5. Adam’s seems committed to developing a goalie, not trading for one. Toronto keeps trading for one and look where that got them.
  6. Who said anything about Buffalo giving up assets to get Kane. Chicago would have to give up assets to unload the cap space Cancel culture isn’t about rapists. That’s just treating scum like they deserve and is universally accepted. Cancel culture is about cancelling wrongthink and people not curtailing to words people believe they’ve changed the definitions for.
  7. Titans game was a defense problem Jaguars game was an offense problem
  8. Oh my god this is the most gut wrenching game
  9. Oh god Feluciano is out and we sick major
  10. A broken wrist off of a nasty slash? Do they let the players drink Lake Erie water or something? Not sure what to do with dumb luck like that.
  11. Disappointing. Bad first five minutes and last five minutes of the game was enough to lose it. They at least looked like they had their mojo again for most of the game. Would be nice to have half our players back again
  12. Cozens really deserves an upgrade on both of his wingers. He’s playing much better, don’t send him down. Bring up the support
  13. Skinner+Thompson is definitely and interesting combo of what on earth are they doing? But hey it’s working.
  14. Tuch put up all those numbers on a third line. Sam did it with Eichel. Tuch is a better player y’all just in denial
  15. What an incredibly racist thread. ESL and accent does not mean dumb. He is forced to play top minutes with the worst team in the leagues healthy scratch from last year, yet somehow is getting all the blame.
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