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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Did @SDS run it last year? It’s been a long year….I’m in.
  2. Wow Quinn seems to be ranked criminally low here. Surprised by how high Savoie is ranked.
  3. This can’t be the term you were intending. How is someone’s ranking of prospects ‘fundamentally dishonest’?
  4. Juri Kulich has entered the chat.
  5. He looked great at the Worlds. I think he breaks out sooner than later.
  6. @dudacek https://thechildrensfoundation.ca/?page_id=1215
  7. He looked so good out there. Him, Dahlin and Muele back there makes me smile.
  8. @dudacek - I’ll think about the charity and get back to you 😉
  9. Owen power in a three on three will be…..fun to watch…..
  10. Bahahhaha. You’re going down!! I’ll do $50 of the charity of your choosing should I lose. You’re Canadian right? Let’s keep it in cad lol.
  11. Oh come on you already took the obvious favourite. Snake draft. I’ll take Perrault and Martin. You can have Robert as well.
  12. This is my favourite signing of the day. Great 4th line guy with enough skill to move up on a temporary basis if needed.
  13. I’ve now read two Hasek and a Poyer reference. I’ll have some of whatever you all are having.
  14. Lmao. Jordan Poyer is a pro bowl safety. This goalie is 27 and less than 30 nhl games to his name. There is no comparison. I’m just shocked by how optimistic this thread reads. Hope you guys are right.
  15. I completely agree. They have some battlers in that lineup. That’s why they should be rewarded by bringing in a legit nhl goalie and let these kids compete. This team was better than Detroit last year and has more promise (imo) and they go out and make all the moves I wish the Sabres made.
  16. And if he was our backup then perfect I’m all for the hope machine. But it’s him or Anderson starting? Yikes. I’m sure that instills a ton of confidence in this young developing core. When is winning going to start mattering again?
  17. Average absolutely would be. Don’t know how a 28 game sample size over several years can instill confidence that he is even average. Bah. Maybe I’m just getting old and crabby today.
  18. Agreed but JFC goalies take awhile to develop. It may be 3 more years before Levi is ready. Plus we’re putting a ton of faith in a (albeit great looking) prospect. That’s a lot of magic beans and hoping for one of the most important positions in hockey. I’ll hope for the best but this is the third straight offseason KA has reached for the bottom of the barrel in net. I’ll believe we have an nhl goaltender when I actually see someone in net who is even an average quality nhl starter.
  19. Does he though? This guy has played all of…..28 career games? And his competition is Anderson? Wtf.
  20. I like this one best so far. It’s not new shiny toy syndrome. I truly think savoie has massive potential after all of the reading I’ve done. Unless the rankings include nhl readiness then I would have him ahead of JJP like Thorny has.
  21. Yep but it’s for only two years so won’t matter.
  22. After reading through some of his older stuff, he was labelled as a pretty special player all the way back to when he was 13. He put up 71 points in 31 games as a 14 year old against kids older than him at a prep league school. He then applies for exceptional status to join the WHL at the age of 15 and is denied by Hockey Canada because they feel he’s too small and don’t want to risk his health. He still cuts a deal with Winnipeg (who drafted him first overall in WHL entry draft) and the WHL basically supersede Hockey Canada decision and they allow him to play 22 games. He puts up 7 assists as a 15 year old against many guys 19 in whl. He splits time with the same prep school and puts up 52 points in 22 games. His age 16 year is messed up by covid. WHL season canceled. He ends up scoring 38 points in 34 games playing for the Dubuque Fighting Saints of ushl. His age 17/18 season is last year and the WHL returns from covid. He plays for Winnipeg putting up 35 goals and 55 assists for 95 points in 65 games. That’s good for 7th in the league. Only next years draft phenom Connor Bedard put up more points at a younger age. Everyone else in the top 12 is 1-3 years older than him. If you are someone who thinks you need big guys come playoff time then I can see your hesitation. But if you don’t think size is a huge factor then boy there is a lot to be excited about here.
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