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Everything posted by FogBat

  1. I'd completely forgotten about this thread. I never thought anyone would bump it.
  2. I have a couple bottles of Moosehead back at my house. :beer:
  3. Part of that problem is that some of those girls were Army brats! <_< I know. I haven't had it happen to me, but I've seen it happen.
  4. For any of you who have been through Chicago, whoever planned and developed some of the roadways around there needs a refresher course in civil engineering. Case in point: I was driving eastbound on I-90 before I got to the I-290 Interchange toll booth. There are four toll lanes, but only one lane to get through afterwards. Talk about a cluster :censored: on a daily basis! :angry:
  5. My complaint is against myself. While I am glad that I started a new job last week, I should not have openly broadcast it all over the place. I should have been more considerate toward those who are still unemployed and can't find work. My sincere apologies. :(
  6. He may be producing, but the biggest negative against Max is his horribly bad habit of skating like Eric Heiden and beating the puck to the finish line.
  7. Doesn't this make you glad that he's somewhere else now instead of wearing blue and gold of OBS?
  8. After taking a load from Virginia to Iowa en route to new hire orientation in northwest Iowa, I can honestly say that I am about to complete my first full week of employment with the new company.
  9. Definitely worth complaining about: the Ottawa Senators continue to beat us at our own game.
  10. The problem with being unemployed is that sometimes it can feel like an eternity of misery and despair.
  11. You're right. That complaint didn't make any sense at all. Every PA announcer is a homer. It's their job. Ok, my two cents. Yes, this is a complaint thread. However, I do have something to rejoice about. I have two job offers. Now I have to decide before the end of the week who I want to work for. Yes, it would involve me going back into trucking; but if someone is willing to give me a shot to where I can clear my name over bogus allegations, then that's what I'm willing to do. Then again, everything could fall through and I still wind up with nothing by next Monday. This whole experience of being unemployed really can be humbling. I can't help but wonder what has happened to henysgol as of late (and I know that he said he was really struggling a few weeks ago). I hope he's doing all right.
  12. You didn't need to overstate the obvious.
  13. If we go 0-2 today, I'm gonna be depressed (not like I'm already down and out because I was wrongly terminated). If we go 1-1, it may not be so bad (so long as that victory has blue and gold all over it). If we go 2-0, I'll be pleasantly surprised and it will lift my spirits up (even as I pound the pavement looking for work).
  14. First off, thanks to everyone for their concerns. As much as we may agree or disagree on some things, it is reassuring that this forum has become something of a close-knit community. Here's what really sucks: I have to look for a new job. I no longer have a job with them. However, the silver lining is that I have been home for all this time and at least I have a bachelor's degree in a totally unrelated field. So, here's to finding a job where I can at least be home every night and off the road.
  15. I appreciate your concerns. Now for the good news and bad news. Good news (even though I could reserve it for PASabresFan's Saturday thread): the ENT specialist told me that it was more likely due to work-induced stress, so no vertigo there. Plus, he told me to cut back on salt, caffeine, and fried-type foods. (This is motivation for me to try to lose between 40-50 pounds). At least I have a NordicTrack treadmill at home to walk on. Bad news: Since my family doctor gave me an indefinite out-of-work notice from last Monday, I had to send that in to my company. Given that the initial diagnosis was vertigo-like symptoms, this became a DOT factor. There is no way a safety-conscious trucking company would allow me to drive under those conditions. Now, I have to wait for my ENT specialist to fill out a specific return-to-work form as to why I should be allowed to drive again. This could not have come at a worse time. Two weeks with no paycheck.
  16. Thanks for caring (seriously!). No, I haven't had anything that severe like the swirlies... yet. However, the headaches feel rather dull. Then there are times when I feel fine. The lack of consistency is irritating to say the least. <_< I think it's interesting that you should bring up the "brain tumor" issue. My grandfather died of it about two months before his 54th birthday in 1982 (and I'll be 40 next year).
  17. I've been having vertigo-like symptoms for the past week and I can't work as a truck driver because of it.
  18. I know that PaSabresFan won't like my complaint of the week: AARP.
  19. Yeah, it was very weird. He wasn't even rooting for anything related to hockey - or sports in general for that matter.
  20. I think the mods have already fixed this. His post is gone.
  21. Not to mention that there are people who are desperately trying to hang on to their jobs.
  22. I can't resist. Is that a lack of endowment? :unsure:
  23. I actually thought it was a clever play on words. Now, for the real complaint of the week: how a judge like this one could so flippantly ignore the plea of asylum from this teenager is just mind-numbing. If this girl dies at the hands of her parents because she converted, her blood should be on this judge's hands because he practically signed her death warrant.
  24. That does look really cool. However, I need to be wearing something like that in a major hockey city - and most people might not get it if they don't follow hockey.
  25. Not exactly what I had in mind. I was thinking that they would be as hardcore as . Believe it or not, there are times when I get in the mood to listen to stuff like this in order to wake up. Throw in a little CC to boot as well.
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