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The Dominator

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Everything posted by The Dominator

  1. Hah, 75% of Trump's statements that have been fact checked have been proven to be either mostly false, false, or "pants on fire" false. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/
  2. Is this in regards to the glowing reviews Hillary has been getting across the board from news outlets? If so, I agree.
  3. I wish I heard this 4 years ago. It was the first presidential nomination I was eligible to vote on and I refused to vote as I was completely cynical towards politics. I would have added a period at the end of "They're all disingenuous"
  4. I'm so torn. I can't fully get behind a candidate from either party. Clinton seems disingenuous. Sanders strikes me as the most sincere and probably stands on my side for most of the issues, but his head seems to be in the clouds at times. I don't really know. The Republican debates brought about more reality tv spit takes than actual policy answers. Maybe when they wind the field down to about 5 I can get some longer, more genuine answers from them. I'll wait patiently for that as I'm not locked into either party. I still have no clue what's in the nuclear deal, what backdoor deals were made, etc. How quickly do they usually role out those articles on the debate? What's the bet?
  5. That short segment on the enemy you are most proud of making (or something to that extent), Hillary chose the Republicans after mulling over others such as health insurance companies and Iran. Can I get a Presidential candidate that wants to mediate and find common ground with the right? Someone that can not only look past differences, but work to enact real change? I'm so tired of this left vs right, right vs wrong rhetoric
  6. I don't think it was posted here, but Yahoo had an article on Clinton's email fiasco. Basically, it wasn't a secure connection and didn't have the necessary measures to avoid being hacked and exploited. http://news.yahoo.com/only-ap-clinton-server-ran-software-risked-hacking-072458787.html I know many people are over this issue (or non-issue if you're over it) but to me it shows a great lack of judgement, some irresponsibility, and there needs to be more light shone on it. There is a cyber war going on after all...
  7. Does anyone see the similarities (while looking through a mirror) between Sanders and Trump? Emotionally moving in the way they present their beliefs, truly believe everything they have to say, have their own "revolutionary" ideas, looking to take down the status quo, etc. Sanders mentions Pope Francis and scientists on climate change. Good move.
  8. I think these are the exact feelings Bernie's closest followers feel unanimously. Regardless on how people feel about his policies, it's hard to argue his ability to connect with individuals on a 1-to-1 basis. Right now, he is the one I'm most interested in. He seems to be the most focused on re-investing in the US (through his plan to fix infrastructure) and that's something that's very important to me. I'm currently not ready to vote for anyone though. I still feel like I don't have enough info on each candidate's policies.
  9. I personally think that Eichel was just naturally more suited for the NHL simply because of the physicality he brings. Not in the sense of knocking people off their feet, but in the sense of staying on the puck and showing balance. The way he moves on the ice is reminiscent of a skater that's 15-20 pounds lighter than him, but with that weight and acceleration he looks like a train coming at you. In the Eichel v. McDavid comparison, while Eichel is only listed at 10 pounds heavier than McDavid, he plays as if he has 20 pounds on him. Each stride seems so forceful. That's why I figured he would have a better rookie year than McDavid because he seemed more physically ready. Over time that advantage will probably even out but still the point remains for the near future. Either way, the NCAA would be smart to leverage Eichel's success to get more prospects to go the college route.
  10. I'll be at my brother's game tonight but I'll DVR the debate and catch up when I get back. I'm sure posters on here offering commentary throughout will help me out as well. I'm very interested in this debate. Hopefully it is set up to be more informational than what we've seen from the Republican debates (which I put blame on the shoulders of the moderators) and we get some actual answers in regards to policy.
  11. Just read that article and was about to post it but you beat me to it. Very well thought out and level-headed approach to the problem. I'm glad that the author is able to point blame towards both sides and point out how progress can't be made if it gets in the way of preconceived political agendas, which seems to be a common theme in American politics.
  12. D4rk, I can't thank you enough for that post and those links. I've been searching for my own opinion on gun issues for quite some time now. I have known we needed reformation, but couldn't conceive of the kind of reformation that would alleviate the problem while also avoiding unnecessary side effects. By God, I think you've done it. Thank you for helping me shape my own opinion on this topic as it has been bothering me for years now. Eastside, I couldn't agree more. Your post immediately made me think of the Japanese Kaizen business model. Kaizen, meaning improvement, basically brought about lean manufacturing. The Kaizen way of thinking is that everything in manufacturing or logistics can always be improved. No matter how well you are doing now, it can always be improved upon. It's an interesting way of thinking that leaves no room for complacency.
  13. I'm willing to bet that even before the age of psyche drugs, most mass shootings involve a shooter in his/her early years (of course I don't have the numbers in front of me). This could be because of many factors that come along with being young (emotional instability, those who struggle with their coming of age, feelings of being lost in the world and the fear of not knowing what the future holds for them, etc). Not that I'm disregarding psyche drugs playing a part in the equation, just that it's more common for younger people to be emotionally charged as they have had less time to adjust and deal with their full spectrum of emotions.
  14. Sorry if everyone has moved on from this topic already, I'm just catching up. In regards to GMOs, I've taken an environmental class where the professor (with a doctorate I might add) pointed to a few studies that claimed GMOs were potentially harmful. That class was over a year ago so I don't have the studies readily available. For those saying there's scientific evidence pointing towards GMOs being safe, can you point me to a scholarly article on that or an actual case study? I'm at a loss on the topic after reading some posts on here.
  15. In regards to Hillary and the email controversy, I think a lot of the details don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. Whether the emails were retroactively classified or not means nothing to me. As someone who's only bit of power in this situation is a single vote, I don't care to worry about how her actions play out judicially. It all boils down to her doing something that was nothing short of irresponsible. Some will go as far as to say wreckless and illegal. Nonetheless, if she thinks so little of her email exchanges, maybe she should take her responsibilities in the position of power she's in more seriously. There's a cyber attack going on, you would think she would be more cognizant of that. Naivety is a bad look for anyone running in politics.
  16. Same. Cost of college is killing my funds. I'm really itching for the new Madden and NHL (haven't missed an iteration of Madden since Madden 04)
  17. My friend's dad (who is a cop) told me something that I think resonates with the Patriots and how they seem to always be the team stepping further over the line than others. Basically, he said that in his 20+ years on the job, he has never caught someone driving intoxicated the first time they drove drunk. To bring it back to the NFL, to be caught cheating as many times as they have, in the ways that they have cheated, it shows that they tend to cheat more often and in more ways than any other NFL team. So while it is easy (and true) that many other teams cheat as well, no one is doing it as fervently and consistently as NE.
  18. I really hope Carpenter sticks around. He has just been too good in the most crucial situations. Although with a new head coach, I could see why he would be hesitant to assume everything will just work out.
  19. That game against Houston is burned into my mind. Take out the Watt interception, and all I remember from that game is Sammy running wide open across the field and throws going about 4 feet over his head. By the end of the third quarter Sammy and Woods were visually frustrated with EJ. Between week 1 vs. Chicago and week 4, I could see regression. I will venture to say that the EJ we saw this preseason was much better than the EJ of weeks 3 and 4 last year. Even though he still has a head-scratching throw from time to time, they are less prevalent and the "NFL" throws are occurring more often than before. I'd give a tip of the cap to not only EJ, but this coaching staff. Will he continue to improve? Not sure. Should the Bills look for the "next best QB prospect" in the draft? I think they should.
  20. If I remember correctly, I think I saw that the Bills freed up over 11 mil of cap space from the roster cuts, most in the NFL. I can't find the tweet so the number may be wrong. Anyways, these cuts should directly correlate towards more re-signings than previously expected.
  21. Do any of his stances on issues coincide with yours?
  22. Overall, he articulates his beliefs very well. You know exactly where he stands with no minced words. While I don't personally agree with everything he stands for (immigration being one of those) I do like how he made a point to reform the process of acquiring a gun while also re-investing in mental health.
  23. Were all those features added to the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions though? I bought Madden last year and they didn't put all the new features in the old consoles.
  24. Here's a question I have and I'm opening this up for anyone to give their thoughts... (hypothetically speaking) If EJ was their guy, wouldn't they have kept him out of the game after the first 2 drives he had? Would they have tried to avoid injury and not put him back in after 2 quarters and a halftime of rest and cooling down? I know Rex mentioned him only having 2 throws in those first 2 drives which is understandable, but it's still interesting to me that he didn't just trot EJ out there for the third drive rather than waiting 2 full quarters later. I'm just curious as to how the rotation played out yesterday, and what I posted above isn't necessarily what I believe to be the truth, just something to think about and discuss.
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