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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. With the injuries to Kaner and Bogo it makes it even harder to analyze the trade. It'll take at least another year and does someone have to win a trade? Can't both clubs be better off for it. Chevy inherited bare cupboards. A fair amount of higher end draft picks don't pan out. It is a gamble whenever picks are involved in a trade. He thought that he needed more in the cupboards still. Chevy's draft prospects are starting to become 3 and 4 year after the draft players.....Scheif, Trouba, Lowry, are playing with the big team. The only two prospects from Atlanta that I can think of that are with the Jets are Postma and Chiarot. I think Staf is doing more for the Jets than Myers to be ho nest. We have Buff, Trouba and Myers as RHD and I'm gonna cry when they trade Buff. I'd sign him and trade Myers and whatever for Hamonic. Staf has been consistent all year. Both Kaner and Bogo looked good to my eyes. Bogo roughed up Armia in front of the net there one play and knocked him to the ice fairly easily. Armia could use some weight, he should hire Gary Roberts this summer. Scheifele is out for a week but do you think Armia will get moved up the lines??? No........let's put Thorburn on the 2nd line and leave Armia on the 4th!!! pathetic...
  2. Not sure about that twitter link but all I get is a still pic.... My computer sometimes has problems opening things though. Is it a video?
  3. I'm trying to find a replay of Buff's hit.... anyone have a link to one? Weber's hit should get a suspension. Hit from behind, plain and simple. I'll not comment on Buff's hit until I see a video of it.
  4. Buff's hit was in the open and didn't draw a penalty...can you say that about Weber's cheap shot on Ehlers? Hitting someone from behind is the dirties hit there is. A coward's move. A very dangerous one too. Look at the replay, Buff isn't even putting 50% into it. If he wanted to, he could have annihilated him.
  5. He doesn't come into camp outta shape, at least not since Maurice has taken over. Eleven, How do I like what? The game? ????
  6. Nobody knows what anyone has said in negotiations.... Chevy keeps this close to the vest and so do those two players. I'm not sure but I'd sign Buff and Trade Ladd if we aren't making the p layoffs and I don't think we are.
  7. Skimmed thru the thread quickly after the game. First, congrats on the win. If anyone thinks there is racism towards Kaner or Buff or blacks in Winnipeg, it would be very, very little. Buff sells the most jerseys by far and if he is moved, it is because Chevy and he could not agree on a deal. Buff is loved by the fans. If there is racism here, it is directed more towards the native indians. Also, before calling for a suspension on Buff, take a look at the dirty hit from behind (a much more dangerous hit) by Weber? on Ehlers.
  8. congrats on the win guys . all 5 of the players involved in the trade played okay I thought. Your goalie played really well as did Reinhart.
  9. Looking forward to also seeing some of the Sabres young talent....Eichel, Reinhart, Ristolainen, McCabe, etc... I could see Kaner getting a Gordie Howe hat trick...wouldn't surprise me at all. You guys get a look at Armia in the NHL. Should be a good game. Gotta go paint the kitchen ceiling and grab a beer first.
  10. -24F with the wind. Tonight is -17F ... with the wind -33F.
  11. Buffalo also paid half of Staf's remaining salary and Myers got a LOT of cash in the earlier stages of his contract. 12m the first year. His cap hit is 5.5m and he is making 5m this year and then 4m, 3 1/2m, 3m. Buffalo also got Jason Kasdorf.
  12. The Jets are as far from lst place as they are to making the playoffs so it is anyone's guess....mine is they don't make the playoffs. Long story short, the Jets went with Ehlers, Copp, Petan (sent down), and Burmi and the youth didn't pan out. Lowry, Trouba, Myers, Ladd, Chiarot and a host of others started the season playing like they didn't belong in the NHL....Goaltending was shite too....some are picking up their games ... Myers has 8 points in his last 10 games for instance and Trouba has come around since being switched to LHD and paired with Buff. Stafford, next to Wheeler, has been our most consistent player all year. Does the trade have anything to do with it? Hard to say but I would think Myers' poor play early had something to do with it. Hellebuyck is playing as advertised and could squeak them into the playoffs but I don't see it happening....our last 21 games are played in 40 days so I don't see us getting in....Also if Ladd/Buff aren't signed by the TD, they will be dealt and that would make us weaker.
  13. Kaner for a 1st, Drouin and Slater Koekkoek?
  14. If he doesn't, they will probably trade him when his contract is up. Although I suppose they could potentially trade him at the deadline in his final contract year, if they were to decide to trade him. ...not sure I understand this... AM I ecstatic about Armia's play? Nope, I'm ecstatic they are coming to put in my kitchen cabinets Monday though! I am happy that he isn't taking shifts off like most analysts said he does and more than happy he is defensively responsible which is more than I can say for Ehlers. Armia will stay in the big league.... book it. If he plays RW for us he won't make the 2nd line unless someone is traded or hurt. LW on the other hand......
  15. that is where is he now....I see him playing no lower than the 3rd line and probably the 2nd.
  16. Rumor has it that there might be one or two people wearing track suits to the game this Sunday... anybody watching it?
  17. I would disagree and say that Armia's D game is very, very good. Armia is also older and should be better developed right now than Lemieux...I just see Lemieux as a 4th liner 3 tops....honestly, I don't like his character and wouldn't mind if he were traded, but that's me. This trade can still not be judged yet and it may work out that both teams won. If anyone thinks this is the best that Kane can be or will be they are mistaken. Easily the highest potential and game changer if he is on his game. The injury and personal BS has affected his game for sure. You know what you get every time Kaner hit s the ice. Bogo on the other hand will give you about 60 or so games a year. Some where you think he is Scott Stevens and others where you want him gone yesterday.
  18. JAG? Sorry, not sure what this is... Chevy wanted and valued Armia higher than Lemieux and his ceiling is higher than Lemieux's.
  19. Staf is [playing LW with Little and Wheeler the last 5 or so games....Ehlers is on the 2nd and Burmistrov on the 4th so Armia is relegated to the 4th.....showing good D smarts.
  20. All the comments dissing Armia and Lemieux wasn't there when they were traded, why now? http://www.ontariohockeyleague.com/article/ohl-top-performers-for-december_167333/167333 Lemieux wins player of the month... Armia is playing 4th line and getting a bit of 3rd line time. Lemieux and Armia were not throw-ins. If you ask me, Myers, Bogo, and Kane are all playing under the expectations. Yes, Staf was an UFA but what were the chances he signed with the Jets if he wasn't traded here first?
  21. Well Mr. Somebodyshiteinmysoup, I was saying that because the knock on him was that he was inconsistent. He seems to give it his all every shift.
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