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Posts posted by Ducky

  1. 13 hours ago, Kristian said:

    Completely stunned by the Jets lack of effort through the last two games.

    Sure, they’ll push and shove after whistles, but the Habs are outskating and outhustling them period after period.

    And they score dirty goals to boot.

    No kidding...

    I didn't like our chances once DeMelo went down and Scheif got suspended but to not show up at all (outside of 3 or so players and a goalie)?

    How the hell can you not get up for a game that is going to leave it 2-1 or 3-0?

    2-1 there's a chance...3-0 and you are done.

    KC disappears as soon as Scheif isn't in the lineup.

    Helle, Lowry, Ehlers and MP showed up to play last night...and what is with the back to backs in the playoff for Christ's sake.

    Won't even watch all of the 1st period tonight as I am leaving early for a day trip for walleye tomorrow.


  2. 2 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:

    They also have that other key to winning in the playoff ... a shutdown D that eats minutes like a machine.  Weber is still one of the best.  I know you are / were a big PK guy, but that is one of the best trades ever in the HHL.

    MUST WIN!!

    GO HABS!!

    @Ducky, I was only joking about the frozen tundra.  Stay cool and hydrated.  35+ is not pleasant atoll.

    38C (100.4F) (before humidex) yesterday and almost as hot today. Going down to low 80s tomorrow. Going to plant my tomatoes this evening if I am up to it.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Live dangerously. 

    What would you give him if you were the DOPS?

    I did have Montreal beating the Jets on here FYI but I had them losing game 1. 

    I'm a Jets fan.

    I'd give him an apology about the prior infraction against.

    I have a cold beer waiting for me outside and I haven't had one for about 5 weeks. Too nice outside to debate right now. Carry on later...

    I'm putting some cash on Isles and Canes tonight.

    Won some on the Sabres winning the lottery. Glad to see your team win it by the way... First overall is great for you guys.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Want in on the charity wager? Can't remember if you said you thought he would get suspended or not, but if you want in..

    DOPS isn't NEAR consistent enough for me to bet on. I like betting on sure things.

    I said I couldn't tell if it was a head shot and still don't know. 

    I do know that Evans didn't even put his head up once. You don't think he should have taken a look around? It is one of the first things you are taught. It's kinda like driving a motorcycle...you should be aware of your surroundings at all times. 

    I think if he kept skating, he would have had a really good chance at preventing that goal. It certainly will be interesting to see what happens after certain repeat offenders have been acting up and getting away REALLY easy. 

    Scheif is not a dirty player and anybody that tells you that needs an opthamologist. Doesn't have a history of it at all and most Jets' fans wish he would use his size in a more physical way. 

    Like I said previously, losing DeMelo is huge and puts us at a real disadvantage. Losing your best defensive-minded D man on that corps hurts. Typical Jets won't say boo about Stastny either. Him not playing came totally out of the blue. I said tied 2-2 after 4 and the Jets in 6 before the series began but...

    I saw somewhere in the last whatever years there have only been 5 instances where a team that swept the last series and played against a team that just went 7.

    The team that went 7 won every time...Col and WPG are doing it right now. It doesn't happen that often.

  5. 4 hours ago, North Buffalo said:

    Hit to the head no, charging and unnecessary yup... and very dangerous... McCabe got what for hit on Laine... two games? Gonna be interesting

    did he get suspended?

    serious question.

    3 hours ago, Thorny said:

    There's so much context, too. Scheifele was rankled all game, for those who watched, he had even taken a roughly penalty beforehand for wailing on a guy lying on the ice. You said it - the reason that play is outlawed is because it's too dangerous. They've made the decision that to skate the full length of the ice before laying into someone is a violation of the rules. Think UFC, where you can kick a guy in the head at any time, but you can't kick a guy in the head if he's on a knee - sometimes the context of the physicality is what's outlawed.

    He wouldn't have gotten kicked out of the game if Evans bounced back up? Ok? He didn't, though. Scheifele made his choice - if the guy gets hurt on the play the NHL is going to enforce their rule - that's the way it works any everyone knows it. I'd argue it should be enforced regardless, but two wrongs don't make a right - Scheifele doesn't get off because they've failed to properly enforce the rule in other situations. 

    For wailing on a guy...not very biased are you?

    Chiarot took him down backwards by the neck and when 55 retaliated, only he got a penalty.

    Keep your head up, it's the big leagues.

  6. Can"t see the hit from the other angle so am not sure if he made contact with head first or not? He didn't leave his feet before the hit.

    Scheif is not known to be a dirty player and this is his first incident.

    By what has been happening in the league with repeat offenders in the last month or so, if he is suspended, I'll be surprised if it more than a game or two.

    I really hope Evans is okay and has a full recovery but htis is the NHL, keep your head up.

    I wonder who challenges Scheif for the fight? This is going to be a rough series now for sure.

    If he is suspended, that leaves our 1C and 2C out and the guy (DeMelo) playing 1RHD out as well. Big problems if Poolman has to play higher than a 3rd pairing role.

    I know Forbort scored a big goal for us but there is no way he should be a starting D man on any NHL team. I'm guessing Heinola plays in DeMelo's spot...all 170 lbs. of him. 

    We got outplayed and out goalied. Oh well, leave the loss behind and prepare for game 2.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    You want to give a top 5 scorer in the NHL 8 mil. Ok. 

    Good luck tonight

    We have one of the best goal scorers in the league making 7.14m abd Scheif at 6.125m and Ehlers (arguably as good as Marner) at 6m. Helle at 6.17m.

    You don't build a contender by overpaying people...just look at TO and the Coilers.

  8. 2 hours ago, New Scotland (NS) said:



    He is absolutely as advertized.  If he is not now he very soon will be the best player in the league, maybe the entire world.

    Baring great tragedy I expect he will get a cup this year.

    And ...

    MUST WIN!!

    GO HABS!!

    I really do think that they have a chance against The Peg, as in a chance and not saying they will beat them, but a reasonable good chance ... sorry @Ducky and @Thorny and anyone else out there in the frozen tundra.


    I think they have a very good chance of winning, just not as good as the Jets.

    88, 99 and 95 before the humidex up here in the frozen tundra the next 3 days...


    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Thorny said:

    You think Marner is a 7.9 mil player, or less?

    Pacing for 96 points per over the last two years (93, 100)? So like in line with what Ryan Johansen and Matt Duchene make?

    I wouldn't give him more than 8m is what I'm saying yes.

    Because Duchene RyJo are over paid does not make it okay to overpay Marner.

  10. I'd love to have Marner on the Jets but his AAV is about 3m too much...maybe even more.

    I'd give up a lot for Jones if he re-signed long term for 8.75m or so but I doubt he signs with a Canadian team.

    Werenski is another player I'd give a lot for if he were to re-sign.

    CBJ need a center though. Laine needs someone to set him up...if he re-signs there.

    Tarasov would be interesting but I don't think the Sabres should be interested in one of the CBJ goalies unless they looking for a backup and their goalies are making too much for that aren't they? The Sabres need a bona fide starter.

  11. Reaves is a piece of shat that shouldn't even be in the league. Should get 10 games, probably gets 2 or 3 and he will appeal it.

    The thing is, Vegas gets better because they will replace him with someone that knows how toplay hockey.

  12. On 2/23/2021 at 10:33 AM, BagBoy said:

    It's legal here in Ontario, too.  

    I was able to order 7 grams online for the equivalent of $31 USD (includes tax), and have it delivered to my house for free.  This is cheaper than anything I've gotten from the black market for at least 30 years.  The variety to choose from and the quality of product are outstanding.

    I think the low cost is the province's approach to making the black market no longer viable.  I wouldn't be surprised if they jack up the prices once they figure they have dealt a substantial blow to the black market.  That would be consistent with their alcohol policy which is to make it at least twice as expensive as alcohol is in the US.

    You can get it a lot cheaper than that online and delivered to your door. Me and a couple of buddies chip in and buy a half pound for about 500-550 CAD. Primo stuff.

    If you want the particulars, let me know. If you e-transfer the money on Friday, you'll easily have it by the next Friday via Canada Post.

    They have 1/2 ounces of hash on sale right now for 50 CAD. Edibles are cheap but I make my own...they sell shake for about 200/lb.

  13. I think the powers that be will let the American team into the country under increased restrictions. Teams must fly direct on a charter and all will be isolated something like the bubble was. Having said that, That might not happen. Winnipeg is the worst area on the continent for the virus right now so that might not happen. We are sending Covid patients to other province's ICUs.

    Otherwise, I'd be okay with the Jets playing in their opponent's home ice if there are no fans allowed...we have a better road record than home record if I remember correctly.

    We'd be playiing the Avs or Vegas.

  14. 21 hours ago, Hoss said:

    Would you say this described Pionk? 😉 

    Not really.

    Pionk is best partnered with a D first player as well. That is why Maurice pairs him with boat anchor people call Forbort.

    Dylan DeMelo would be a good pairing if I am thinking about someone from the Jets.

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