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Posts posted by eman

  1. Just now, PromoTheRobot said:

    Never said Jack regretted anything. If anything it worked out perfect for him. Things are good with us too.

    Exactly! I do honestly believe Dr. Cappuccino's invention will become the new normal for this type of injury. I really do. No surgery is a guarantee on anything but I believe if you're an athlete with the condition Jack had, it may be a career ender and what do you, or your club have to lose by going for it? And for the record, I think faith in the Sabres medical staff had everything to do with it. It sealed the deal.

  2. 23 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    You say you agree with my but you still think Jack "lost faith" in the Sabres medical staff. Faith had nothing to do with it. The Sabres weren't going to allow neck surgery on a player who wanted out. I don't know how to react to the Dr. C "should have more faith in his work" comment. Good for Jack that it all worked out (so far) and I'm sure more players will follow. One, who I can't remember the name, already did. But it 2 NHL players with ADR surgeries doesn't guarantee success for everyone who comes after.

    Look, what I'm saying is Dr. Cappuccino's invention? (again, just my opinion) may become the new normal for athletes. It's a game changer. You have to start somewhere and someone has to gamble on it. It worked out great for Jack. The Sabres and Jack's crew reached an impasse on this issue. He took a couple of serious crosschecks and a crushing hit by Tkachuk in the finals and seemed no worse for wear. Jack may be the guinea pig so to speak but if he has a lengthy career, he will be the poster boy for this type of surgery. All credit to Dr. Cappuccino. He may become even more reknowned than he is already. Someone performed that surgery and it wasn't Cappuccino. Was he swayed by the Sabres organization? Anyhow, so far, so good. I don't think Jack regrets a thing and really, why should he?

  3. 51 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    This is story the story the media spread around thanks to Jack's agents, so I understand why you think it's the absolute truth.  However it doesn't describe the situation in full.

    Jack asked for a trade the season before his neck injury. Once that request was made, the Sabres had no incentive to risk a surgery that, up till then, was never performed on an NHL player. Great for Jack it all worked out but the result was not guaranteed and the Sabres would have been on the hook for the remaining $50-60 million left on his contract if the surgery did not work.

    Furthermore, no team would make a sufficient offer for a Jack Eichel coming off experimental neck surgery unless they could see him play, and Jack was never going to skate for the Sabres again.

    You conveniently left out the fact that Dr. Andrew Cappuccino is the Sabres neck and spine specialist. If you Google him, you'll find that he was the developer of the artificial disc replacement surgery that Jack wanted. And Dr. C. advised against it because no athlete in a collision sport like hockey ever had the procedure and there was no way to know if Jack's neck would hold up afterwards.

    So, as much as it pains some of you to admit, Kevyn Adams did the absolute right thing leaving the decision on Jack's surgery to his new team. They trade for him, they assume the risk. For Vegas, it worked out brilliantly, and the Sabres got fair value in return. All sides happy...well mostly.

    Oh I agree with what you're saying. But look at the end result. Vegas (a town known for it's "gambling") took a gamble on Jack and the advice that Jack's Doc's provided to them. I will bet you, funny enough, that we will see more of this surgery as the years go on. No way Jack was coming back to the Sabres, especially after this disagreement, regardless of whether he had requested a trade the season prior. The Sabres were under no obligation to trade Jack regardless of the wishes of himself or his agent. This medical mistrust sealed the deal, as did Lindros blaming Flyers medical for clearing him to return, even though he told them he didn't feel right and he felt it lead to his4th concussion soon therafter. Which lead to Bobby Clarke taking the C off him for going to the media about it. That ended that relationship. Dr. Cappuccino should have had more faith in his work. I am sure we will see more of it in the future. Anyhow, good for Jack, it all worked out for him and the Sabres seem to be rising with the pieces they got in return. I can't help but be happy for him. He matured in that organization. I wish it would have happened here.


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  4. 2 hours ago, shrader said:

    We're what, a year and a half in?  I don't know if I'm ready to call that one.  Eichel's got a lot of life left to live with that repaired neck and hopefully there aren't any/many long-term effects from that surgery and playing hockey after it.

    It certainly got tested in the final. He took a couple of beauty crosschecks and got nailed by Tkachuk. So far, so good. Plus a Stanley Cup ring to boot and leading scorer in the playoffs. I think it's working out for him.

    • Agree 2
  5. Just now, sabremike said:

    The vast majority of teams agreed with our doctors, which is why there were so few suitors for a trade to get a player of that caliber.

    Most likely the vast majority of these clubs need to update their medical staff regarding new procedures. Too "old school" or maybe too beholden to club management to keep their plum positions. Eichel and his Doc's were right on the money.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    There is no doubt with an emphasis: The Buffalo organization is criminally dysfunctional. Eichel was a genius to get out. Nobody should ever boo him again. I think he opened the door for many other top players to get out of terrible organizations. 

    It hit the breaking point with the medical staff of the Sabres. Jack's Doctor's were correct about the surgery Jack wanted for his neck and the Sabres medical staff was wrong. Jack lost faith in the the teams medical staff and that severs any remaining goodwill with the organization. I liken it to the Lindros Philly situation with Eric's concussion issues. He didn't feel he was ready to return to the lineup while the Flyers medical staff said he was. Once a player loses faith with something so important to their career, the relationship is over. And as far as I'm concerned, good for Jack. Sometimes you do have to look out for your own best interests. Looks like it worked out well for him!

    • Agree 1
  7. 10 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    New guy gets our first fight on his first shift. Didn't see that coming.

    Dahlin plays bigger with Samuelsson out there. 

    They really needed this. REALLY needed this. Hopefully it keeps going. St. Louis will be tougher. 

    The entire next week will be much much tougher. They'll need at the very least, strong efforts to avoid embarrassment. I hate to say it but it starts tonight with St. Lou. Any night they take off will result in a bad beatdown coming up. 

  8. 16 hours ago, K-9 said:

    Good to hear. I look forward to the chants of “We’re sorry Donny” when we turn the corner with Granato. 

    Here's hoping! Personally, I like the guy.

    12 hours ago, Berg said:

    NJ without and stars with 28 points and we with 9ml. Skinner and with 14...

    Watched NJ beat the Leafs in OT last night. Totally bought into Lindy's system and extremely hardworking young guys. They deserve their success.

  9. 11 hours ago, K-9 said:

    And yet the fans in New Jersey were calling for his head mere months ago. 

    And they chanted "We're sorry Lindy" just recently. Apology was accepted by Mr. Ruff. All is well in NJ!

    9 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    A very good coach. And one who has had many, many kicks at the can (deservedly so). No surprise he can have success again. But he is what he is. A very good coach who's had up and down records since leaving Buffalo. And most importantly precious little playoff success.

    at least he gets there..........

  10. 7 hours ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    And I thought the prior game was an embarrassment.  

    Thank g-d Adams and Granato got their extensions.  They are certainly doing a great job right now.  

    PS the Devils have won their 10th straight.  Guess what folks a rebuild can actually work.  

    It can. Maybe Lindy Ruff might have something to do with that? People here wrote him off on these pages, but Lindy is a good coach and his teachings seem to be paying dividends in the swamp! Amazing what good coaching can do.


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  11. Gentlemen, enjoy what is left of this season. I am out on this club for the rest of this season. They have no realistic hope of making the playoffs let alone challenging for a spot. The jury is still seriously out for me on coach Don Granato. Hope the Leafs don't humiliate the Sabres on Saturday but I do see that as a possibility. Tired of watching the regression yet again. I don't give a crap what they do in March and April when the season had been long decided for them. Time to watch other clubs playing good hockey. This club continues to embarrass with an entire different set of characters. Can't see the home arena filling up anytime in the forseeable future. I cannot see what could drastically change in the next week or so that would get this team to play inspired, solid hockey. Barry Trotz is out there. His hire would make me consider watching this crew again. Peace! Happy Thanksgiving to you all and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Go Bills!!!!


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  12. 9 hours ago, JoeSchmoe said:

    It's the goaltending not the defense.


    All teams have defensive lapses. The stats show, we're actually pretty good at NOT giving these up. 

    Our goaltending on the other hand is less reliable than most of the league.

    The defence is absolute a$$. It stinks. It is, and has been (along with prior goaltending, the achilles heel of this club the past several seasons) Watching these Sabre games and seeing the numerous odd man rushes, 2 on ones, 3 on two's and clear cut breakaways is alarming. I think our goaltenders have actually done a decent job stopping most of those from ending up in the net. Way too porous D!

  13. 1 hour ago, zow2 said:

    Defense, even when healthy isn't all that good and the goalies are subpar.  Sorry to all you that are leaving Comrie and Anderson off the hook but they need to be better.  Buffalo does defense/goaltending worse than any other team in the league...for years now.

    Heavy emphasis on THE DEFENCE. I'm not totally with throwing the goaltending under the bus watching highlights of the goals against. They (Anderson and Comrie) have stopped numerous odd man rushes and 2 on 1's etc. in almost each and every game and that is just deplorable D. Sure thay may give up the odd suspect goal but this defence is absolutely garbage right now (and has been for the past few seasons) Leaving numerous opposing snipers unmarked in the slot is not on the goaltending. Given that amount of time and coverage, snipers are gonna snipe. Again totally on the defence. Absolute rubbish!

  14. 9 hours ago, sabresouth said:

    We need a good goalie also. Comrie is at 3.65 gaa And Anderson is well on his way to being over 3 gaa. Tuff to win consistently when you have to score 4+ goals every game. Would be nice if our goalie would steal a game now and then as well.

    I would beg to differ just slightly. The amount of odd man rushes, 2 on 1's and just flat out breakaways given up by this current edition of Sabres defence is criminal. You can have the greatest goaltender in the World but expecting him to continuously stop and cover up these miscues is dreaming. By the way, Comrie and Anderson have done a decent job of doing that so far. The defence on this club is absolutely horrendous. Ridiculously so. Stop blaming the goaltender and needing them to steal games for this club to win. The rest of this squad bears scrutiny and needs to be held responsible. 

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    So I come off as the pessimist to many when I’m preaching caution to being cup ready in 2 years, so people don’t get bamboozled, and the optimist in the GDTs when I remain moderate and the other extreme takes hold. 

    I see how it is.

    - - - 

    Was just messing with you dude. I’m pretty beaten down as well. But keep hope - season is still early and as I said in the GDT* - the community of us fans is the true boon 

    EDIT - im being told this *IS *the GDT... 

    Don’t get me wrong. I believe there is a nice bunch of talent on this team and in Rochester. I like Donny G in general but now I have my doubts about the coach yet again. I cannot figure out why this team continues to crap the bed in November. I believe in October, Sabres opponents aren’t sure what style of play they’re facing. Come November, opponents have plenty of Sabre game film to look at and make adjustments on countering the current style of play. What the hell else can it be?

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  16. 21 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    eman comes in as usual to dish out the reactions post game and I see he’s reacted to one of mine so I eagerly check and boom.I get saddled with a laughing emoji for this. 

    Simply crushing tbh

    Sorry Thorny, but my honest opinion is that this team is spinning it’s wheels. Do they look better than the disasters of the past decade? Perhaps. But what does it matter? Other teams in the division have also improved and we’re seeing another instant replay of seasons past. Done by US Thanksgiving again. I really thought it would take until about late February at the earliest for this season. Nope. I wish I shared your optimism. They have beaten it out of me now.

  17. 1 hour ago, SwampD said:

    I didn’t see that when everyone here was saying those things, and I didn’t see it when the intermission guys were saying that. And I still don’t see the domination that everyone is talking about. I mean, unless their game-plan is to just get as many perimeter shots as possible and hope for a flukey goal?

    Same with the Chi game.


    I agree. Teams playing with a lead will give you the "perimeter game" for the rest of the night as it generally isn't dangerous and doesn't generate anything.

  18. 4 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    I wouldn't worry about it. This team is going to be streaky this year because they lack depth and they lack experience. Dahlin is a leader and a good leader knows that success is supposed to be easy in the NHL. 

    First step is to stop the slide and the way to do that is to be better in their own zone which is the biggest failure right now. They can play offensively with any team in the league but the d zone is a nightmare, Adams needs to trade for a defender, sooner rather than later and honestly Joker and Samuelsson coming back doesn't change that. 

    Not sure who would be available via trade and what would the other team want in return, to give us the type of D-man desired on this board. Not so easy to do for GM Kevyn. Also, it is early in the season so other teams might not yet know what part of their club could use an upgrade.

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