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Posts posted by eman

  1. Last night was very enjoyable and watching the Sabres beat the Leafs never gets old for me. The Sabres actually played "hungry" if that term applies, and great to see Craig Anderson get rewarded. That being said, I watched the Leafs post game and Sheldon Keefe was pissed at the effort by the Leafs (and rightfully so) I totally expect to see  a much stronger effort by Toronto in "The Outdoor Classic" and hopefully Donnie will have the boys prepared for that. The Leafs can humble you when they're on, so, while I really enjoyed the game last night, I hope last night's effort will continue in Hamilton.

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  2. 10 hours ago, woods-racer said:

    Next year (if we stay on a linear win pace) will be an 80-ish point season. That will be SOME more wins. Unless you are looking at giving up a large sum (picks /prospects)for the likes of a Price to tend net next year this team with any other goalie won't add much to the win column.

    You want your cake and eat it too. Get a really good goalie but pay little for it in a time when goalies are at a premium because of covid. Your asking KA to win the goalie lottery or else he will be a failure. He's taken that bet with Levi/UPL/Portillo. He may get lucky with salary cap dumps. I just won't be upset if he gets a do-over of this year.

    To the bold.

    A Buffalo weather person. Rarely gets it right and always blames the lake.


    I don't think Levi or Portillo will be dressing for the Sabres next season unless due to injuries of the starter and back up. To get a quality number 1 keeper you either have to give up something of serious value, or assume that anyone who may be available is even willing to sign in Buffalo, full knowing next season most likely isn't a playoff one either. Not going to be easy. As for an 80-ish point season? They'll have to prove that to me under Granato. I assume nothing with this club anymore.

  3. 8 minutes ago, woods-racer said:

    I really believe Anderson will be back next season. He has some game left, not 40 games a season game but enough to mentor UPL and get 20 games in. Is Tokarski good enough for the other 20 games? There's where KA has a chance to bring in an upgrade.

    Our number 1 goalie will be from within. It's just a matter of when. I don't expect any UFA or trade for a goalie that would qualify as a #1 starter.

    I agree, I would go with UPL as the starter and Anderson as his backup. Anderson has plenty of experience and can mentor UPL and can come off the bench when needed instead of carrying the load. Just my opinion. It limits Anderson from injuring himself hopefully, as well. Anderson still has some game left in him, totally agree.

  4. 1 hour ago, woods-racer said:

    It's an 82 game season. How many of the core have been close to playing even remotely near that? Dahlin. It's part of learning the NHL. Let the rest figure it out before we say they are slacking. The lockdowns have totally messed with all the young players. This is their first real year. 

    That is why I am more than willing to give Granato an entire season next year. Yup, lockdowns were a mess, isolating a mess, Olympic break , than no Olympic break a mess, plus, several veteran players will be gone next season and Rochester grads will take their place, so we'll have a better understanding of the future dynamic of this club under Granato. If UPL isn't ready to carry the load in goal next season, than I don't think he'll ever be ready. That being said, the defence needs to get one hell of a lot better than we have seen in the past 3 seasons.

  5. 1 hour ago, woods-racer said:

    DG has spoke at length about this. Hardest thing to teach at the NHL level is the speed that needs to exist to play offense. This year is the wash away Kruger year. It's why Casey can make boneheaded plays and not get benched. It's why they give up so many odd man rushes and leave their goalies with horrible stats. The good and the bad. Can't learn if you can't make mistakes.

    It's not about win's and losses. It's about the growth of the core. If you see growth, KA and staff are winning.

    In the past week or two, I have stopped seeing growth and a regression to old habits (taking nights off) You can't allow this to creep back in, especially with the young players if this coach is to remain. You also have to start instilling a winning atmosphere as constantly exposing these young p[layers to  accept losing, but we're developing, so it's alright mentality will become disheartening to the point that they will want out at the earliest opportunity. Next year is the year I want to see Granato be the guy, or not the guy. I want to see this club push for the final playoff spot. They don't need to get it but at least push for it.


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  6. 54 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    There are not enough quality defenders. We do have some good young players but there simply isn't enough talent on the backend. Most of the issues that plague this team revolve around the lack of talent. Coaching matters but it can't overcome a deficit of talent. They are working with what they got. 

    Not taking the body and stick checking and backing up into your own goaltender is strictly on coaching. I don't disagree with you that the talent on D is thin as well, it is, but you have teach a defensive structure and it is exactly the same as under 2 previous Sabre coaches and that is what concerns me.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    I have listened to Granato on a number of occasions. What is striking/appealing is his honesty. Although he cloaks his comments in a diplomatic manner he is well aware that the roster he has to work with is simply inadequate. That's why his commentary usually focuses on development and the future. If TG started spouting off about the playoffs his words would ring hollow and he would come off as delusional fool. The solution is to give him a better roster to work with so the increased expectations would fall within the realm of reality. 


    That being said, does anyone on this coaching staff coach defence? The Sabres defence is abysmal and it looks exactly the same as it has under 2 previous Sabre coaches. I used to blame Steve Smith but its obvious, he isn't the problem as he is gone and there is no change in defensive coverage or strategy. The defence continues to back in on its goaltenders giving up point blank opportunities each game. It hardly ever takes the body and continues to use "stick checking" as it's primary tactic. Sure you can bitch about the state of Sabres goaltending but until this aspect is seriously corrected, it will not matter who is between the pipes.

  8. 39 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    Granato can only do and say so much, at some point as Tuch points out, the players themselves have to find it internally. 

    But the Players on the Habs did do it for St. Louis and that was not the case for most of this season under Ducharme. Maybe St. Louis has something to do with the relentless forecheck and the blocking of shots eh Alec Tuch?

  9. 15 minutes ago, The Ghost of Yuri said:

    Granato has been focused on development last year and this year.  Next year the focus needs to shift on playing to win.

    The next phase is winning culture development.

    I am certainly willing to give Granato next year as it is also, in my opinion,  the year we will actually see what kind of coach he is. Some new and talented blood from Rochester in the lineup, some JAG contracts released and maybe who knows who else shows up but next season I expect to see definite improvement.

  10. 11 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Playoffs next year might be too optimistic.


    11 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Playoffs next year might be too optimistic.

    I agree. I just want them to be a legit challenger for that 8th spot, not a bottom 5 club again. I actually want to see a "hard to play against Sabres club" on the majority of nights, not just one out of every 4-5 games. If Don is "that guy" moving forward, they are going to have to show up on most nights for me to believe it and show progress. Right now there is regression.

  11. 1 hour ago, inkman said:

    Hoping there are some hockey trades to be had.  Maybe even get someone at the deadline we can pencil into the lineup next season.  Team needs another vet or two depending on who they lose in the next 3 months 

    I don't think there's anyone out there that will actually make a difference to this club and if so, would they sign here? Why? To get someone at the deadline means you give up someone of value (to get value in return), does that actually advance the state of this club in the long run?

  12. 1 hour ago, LGR4GM said:

    All coaching changes provide a temporary boost so nothing here surprises me. Montreal will come back to earth quickly due to their talent issues. The Rangers are not good, but they are getting elite level goaltending and it is masking a lot of their problems. 

    I don't think Granato is responsible for having an exceedingly young roster with growing pains. I think that is just the reality of the situation. 

    He is responsible for the system that they play (regardless of the talent provided) When I see a club like Montreal (devoid of talent as you say) just provide a clinic at outworking your opposition (despite the shots on goal- Buffalo's shots were perimeter) that is on the coach. Especially in 3 of the last 4 games. We are starting to see that trend again.

  13. 3 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    The first failed because Tim Murray thought he could take shortcuts. This one just started and I think is going as expected. The good news is our talent pool is deep (though I don't know what happens to our Russian players in light of current events.)

    Fans are definitely behaving as expected. 😂

    The fans are behaving as expected. Buffalo fans are some of the best in the league both NHL/NFL and most definitely deserve so much better! The Bills are showing up and Josh Allen may be one of the best to come through this city. The defence may need work despite what their ranking was last season as it got exposed horrifically in 13 seconds. I have no problems with the talent assembled in Rochester and some decent players with the parent club now. My greatest concern, and continues to be, the fact that maybe Don Granato is another Housley (certainly not a Kruger) and we are wasting our up and coming talent on yet another losuy head coach. I am not all that impressed with what I am seeing on the ice effort wise and compete wise. That was supposed to be Donnie's trademark (as it was Ted Nolan's) but it is not manifesting itself on most nights. only in the odd glimpse and that is coaching. Talent may be thin, but the effort shouldn't be.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I want to add because I do empathize with what many are frustrated at that even after another year of growth, idk if we will make the correct moves to make the playoff in say 2024. There has been so much wrong here for so long. But I do hope and see signs we are on the good path. 

    I agree with there being quite good talent in Rochester, and I am being optimistic that they will bear fruit once they get up to the NHL. The cupboard certainly isn't bare. The Granato thing actually is starting to scare me as we are seeing exactly what we saw under the previous 2 Sabre coaches. When I see Boudreau making a difference in Vancouver, Gallant making a difference in New York, now St. Louis making a difference in Montreal, it worries me. Don hasn't addressed the defensive woes whatsoever in my opinion, I don't see any change in defensive system from the previous coaches. Very weak defence. The effort, aside from one game against Colorado is sorely lacking yet again. I can't help bu think the major weakness of this entire organization is actually selecting a good head coach. I do not put Donny G. in that category yet despite the advance of Dahlin and Thompson.


    14 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    There was exactly one rebuild attempt before this one.  It failed because Tim Murray tried to take some shortcuts through free agency and trades. Botterill's tenure did not include a teardown. He tried to fix things on the fly.

    So the answer to your question is one rebuild after the Eichel tank and one now.

    and how have both done??? Are you happy with them? Do you truly believe in 2 years time (2 more seasons aside from this one) that the Sabres will truly be fighting for a playoff spot?

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  15. 9 minutes ago, Zamboni said:

    It’s not all fans… But there is a certain segment of fans that want to lump all these losing years… Into current times. Current coach. Current roster. Current GM. It’s spill over frustration. Some can’t separate the years of GMTM, GMJB, and GMKA. And the same in regards to the coaches.


    One thing that is the constant… The same ownership group.

    We are lumping all these losing years under the same category because we are seeing "wash, rinse, repeat" regardless of who the players are, the GM is, the head coach is. Let me say this again, it has been 10 years going on 11 and as LGR4GM states, he expects at least another year of it, so let's say 12 years going on 13. But supposedly, the taste will be sweet after that. I'll believe it when I see it. It's just word salad for now. I like coach Don but I would like to see  a team that truly is "hard to play against" on most nights (again Don's mantra). Not happening again under a 3rd Sabres coach. No one fears playing this club and in fact, as in past seasons, enjoys playing its backup goaltenders, its "buried in the minors" goaltenders against this team. By the way, as for free agent signings of any player that could truly help this club in the future, who would want to come here?

  16. 17 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    And you were expecting what? The playoffs? Calling out a lack of success when a team is rebuilding is the weakest move. Yes. They aren't winning. They explained they weren't going to be winning right away. And yet...

    To even think that this new rebuild will be "the successful rebuild" (of how many rebuilds in the last 10 years? how many?) is sure folly. The jury is out on this coach as he cannot seem to make this team "all that hard to play against"- Donnie's mantra. We have been going through the cycle for 10 years now and while there are talented pieces in Rochester, inevitably, you need a good coaching staff to play under with a good system in place. I am seriously doubtful under Granato now. Compete shows up every 4th or 5th game only. The defence continues to suck ass under 3 separate  Sabre coaches now and God bless Owen Power, hope we don't wreck him like Ristolainen and end up giving him way too many minutes per game. So tell me when "the winning starts". Do fans show up at the turnstiles past November next season knowing "winning isn't a priority", yet again? Also, when you go into a season with that mindset, you breed a "losing culture" which is all too much the case in Buffalo. At the very least, regardless of the talent assembled, you should be playing hard and competing for the puck and we aren't seeing it all that often under coach Granato.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  17. 1 hour ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    This is Year One of the Adams/Granato regime. Nothing that happened 10 years prior has anything to do with the current Sabres. 

    except the continued tradition of losing and finishing in the bottom 5 and accumulating draft picks that we hope will pan out eventually and not making the playoffs. That seems to carry over from the past 10 years.

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  18. Just now, Crusader1969 said:

    I’ve watched the play a few times.  Joker has the puck in his own end, misses an easy zone exit to Eakins- thats mistake #1

    #2 puck goes into corner and Dahlin “bails”on huge hit.  

    #3. Eakins has clear possession of puck behind net and passes into slot to a CDN

    im Having a real hard time blaming Dahlin when there were 2 Blantant giveaways. 

    I certainly don't blame Dahlin on any of the giveaways. It's defensive awareness. 21 apparent giveaways by the Sabres in the first by the way (according to Sportsnet)

  19. 13 minutes ago, Crusader1969 said:

    What’s that got to do with anything? He made the play got the puck to a teammate who promptly gave it away.   What would taken the hit have accomplished? 

    Maybe he would have been in position to eliminate the chance (point blank yet again) which is what they were referring to and it makes sense. He bailed and the play happened. 

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