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Posts posted by eman

  1. 1 minute ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    Not only has nothing improved, it actually looks worse. Now we have to hope for a 3-4 win streak just to get us back on track. Meanwhile the other “young” teams in our division are having the start I hoped for and look good doing it. 

    Detroit and Ottawa are well on their way to easily eclipsing this club. In the span of what? One off season?

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 1 minute ago, K-9 said:

    Miserable is right. And it’s entirely a creation of the miserable product they put on the ice. 19,000+ showed up on opening night just dying for a reason to love this team and come back again. The fans were pumped and provided a great atmosphere right up until this team sucked all the joy out of the building with a crap performance. And they’ve done NOTHING to bring them back since. 

    and their only victory was an O.T job vs. a Tampa Bay team that had Jonas Johansson as their number one goaltender and no Stamkos. Not a good start to this season whatsoever and they have not looked good. The defence is the same old same old we have witnessed for the pasr several seasons. I'll take Gerard Gallant any day. Donnie has worn out my patience. 

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  3. 23 hours ago, SDS said:

    Yeah. I didn’t smell anything but a victory the last couple minutes. 

    I mean they couldn’t even enter the zone for two minutes. I don’t know how you’re smelling a game tying  goal there.

    when they were running around in their own end with under 20 seconds left- it's an instant replay of a show we have seen way too many

    times with this team, that's how I smelled it coming. And it did. The D is going to have to get way better for any serious improvement this season.

  4. Just now, SDS said:

    I thought the last couple of minutes was complete shut down hockey until the last 10 seconds.

    That's not a successful formula for this club. We have seen what transpired all too often. The fact that they actually won this game is the bonus in all of it. This was the type of heartbreaker they used to lose. You have to go with their strength which was their offense last season. Not sure where it is right now but they had better find it soon. You could smell that tying goal coming, and then it did.

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  5. 16 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    Positive -  we won 

    Positive - Levi

    Positive - we outplayed them, they are really good old guys but they can’t hang with us if we start finishing and put up the goals we are capable of. 

    It looked to me that the Sabres really only outplayed them for the first period. After that Tampa starting winning most of the puck battles and you could almost smell that tying goal coming. Once O.T started, it was all Buffalo. I'll take the win, but in all honesty, the Sabres have been disappointing so far in the first 3 games. I hope this win changes things. They will need last season's offensive output to get anywhere this season, and so far, it hasn't happened.

    • Agree 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, BearWithME said:

    They played well enough opening night, were the better team vs the Islanders, and look locked in tonight.

    This is a lot of fun to watch!

    They stank the joint out opening night. 

    8 minutes ago, Slack_in_MA said:

    Much better effort so far. Question now is, how long can they sustain it?

    and, how will they handle Jon Cooper adjustments for the second period?

  7. 6 hours ago, sabremike said:

    This is going to be an ugly ugly night. Team that looks completely out of shape and has no idea what to do when confronted by the trap vs a team whose entire identity is based on it. 4-1 loss with Okposo getting our lone goal.

    I really hope you're wrong but I must confess, I have a similar feeling. And if the Sabres go to 0-2 to start the season, I can't see the month of October being too kind, as this is one of the easier opponents to start this season.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    As for wondering whether we can get past round 1, I’ve said this before: I literally don’t even get that far in my daydreaming. Hubris. Every quote we hear from the team about how it’s not about making the playoffs, it’s about the Cup, reeks of utter hubris to me. I’m sorry, that’s just me. I literally only daydream about the day we make the playoffs. 

    That’s all I care about. A 12 year drought has *definitively* proven that be a worthy concern, a ridiculously happy result in and of itself. 

    Just make th f*cking playoffs. You won’t hear me bitching if we get swept: bookmark this

    Agreed. Baby steps first. Lots of youth in the lineup that needs to experience that type of intensity. So different from the regular season.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    Oh it’s absolutely a massive, Grand Canyon sized missed opportunity. The sort of player Jack proved himself to be, in the playoffs specifically, sort of  locks that in definitively.  But it’s a situation that became untenable over several years: I believe it probably got to a point, at the end, where there was no opportunity to be salvaged. Ie, KA took the best course of action for the Sabres based on the time and situation given to him (Gandalf paraphrase, auto +1)

    and for the first time in many seasons, I am optimistic in the direction this club is going. I really like the job KA is doing. He will need to find a vet goalie in my opinion to ease Levi in and not have him shoulder everything (I still am not 100 % sold on Luukonen but hey, let him fight for a spot and if he can earn it, so be it) The defence needs serious upgrading. It needs to get tougher and stronger to keep the slot clear. Way too many point blank chances last season. The playoffs showed they are a completely different animal than the regular season. Toughness is still required in this league.

  10. 1 hour ago, Thorny said:

    Adams’ reasons for not allowing the surgery make sense, but the idea they literally had no choice isn’t true. At all. Allowing the surgery was always an option. The trade request from a year previous, that Jack rescinded, was re-awoken over the injury dispute. Maybe Jack changes his mind if he gets his preferred surgery. Maybe he plays in a few games after said surgery to re-establish value, which Jack never ruled out. He specifically mentioned he knew he might need to do that to aid a deal. We also don’t know who would, or wouldn’t have traded for Jack if he got the (a) surgery before the move. 

    KA didn’t allow the surgery, as others have said correctly, because he wanted to protect the asset value. Everyone knows this. But he didn’t have to operate in this manner. He could have allowed Jack the surgery he wanted. He didn’t, Vegas did. This is what I was referencing the other day: the perception will remain out there, at large, that the Sabres were “wrong” because Jack ended up really benefiting from a surgery his former team wouldn’t allow. These people aren’t going to drill in to KA’s Sabres-based reasoning, for the most part. Not that “he wanted to protect the value of his asset” will fly with the average person, anyways.

    I don’t believe how Adams approached the situation would have a negative perception around the league, though. As mentioned, his mode of operation does make sense and I understand why he operated in the fashion he did. Was speaking merely to the perception among consumers: anyone can peruse any hockey thread anywhere online and see the sentiment exists in a large way that Jack was right about the injury dispute and the Sabres wrong. In realty, Jack was right, but the Sabres in how they operated, were, too.

    KA got more less the exact trade value he wanted in the deal, his strategy worked. That Adams could have operated in a different manner, but instead stuck to his guns to the tune of successfully implementing his trade strategy, make the deal all the more impressive from his perspective. No need to minimize the role choice had in the matter, which is always paramount

    Again, I agree that Jack had to be moved, and I like what KA is doing in regards to this club. Improvement is there, and he got 2 really good players in return. I just see it as a wasted opportunity for this club. Jack is very talented. Was he immature while in Buffalo?- YES. I admire the guts of the Vegas organization to gamble on trading for him  and allowing him to get the surgery. It paid off exactly as they hoped it would, for the club and Jack. Not only did he mature in that organization. He proved to be the talent that was written. Playoff leader in points and now a Cup Champion in his first go round' in the playoffs. If the roles were reversed, and the Sabres pulled off this kind of move, everyone on these posts would be crowing about what an awesome manoeuver by management to go after it. People can say hindsight is 20-20 but Vegas is without a doubt, an organization to be admired. 2 Cup finals in 6 seasons and now a Stanley Cup Championship. Sometimes you have to go for it. Now I am hoping that the Sabres make the playoffs next season- in fact, I expect them to. Anything less is a regression for me. 

    As good as the Sabres were at times last season, the grit level is going to have to be elevated as you can see, if you watched this season's playoff series. Those were tough, punishing playoffs and |I'm not sure this team, as currently constructed will go past a first round. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 19 hours ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    Thank you. Also, surgery, whether it was ADR or fusion, could not happen if Adams was trading Jack. No team would trade for Eichel coming off neck surgery without seeing him play. And Jack was never setting foot on the ice for the Sabres at that point. 

    Well, someone did trade for Jack, and the surgery was a success, and that club is now a Stanley Cup Champion. Doesn't get any better than that. The Golden Knights now have in 6 years what a Sabres organization would love to have, and have yet to achieve. Hopefully we are headed in the right direction. Let's hope the 23-24 season isn't a set back from the 91 points from last season. I get people dislike Jack here but he called his shot, it worked out, and I admire him for doing it.

  12. 8 hours ago, Taro T said:

    Umm, is the correct answer a non-negligible chance for failure of the artificial disc which could effect tragic consequences?

    It's great that he's taken a handful of viscious hits and seems none the worse for the wear of them.  But, considering how few athletes that take the sort of punishment a professional hockey player takes that have had this particular procedure, it seems a smidge premature to be crowing about how Eichel absolutely was right in getting the procedure.

    Personally, expect it will work out, but literally have almost no data to support that belief.  (And an expectation with no data to base it upon is exactly that - a belief.)

    Las Vegas is the city of gamblers......................................and now, a Stanley Cup Champion City!

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