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Everything posted by DeleteThisAccount

  1. That's very difficult to get a good read on during COVID, as we reporters have no access to pull anyone aside privately for a chat at their lockers. In fact, that's why it's difficult to get a read on what the vibe is in the locker room, because, everything's on Zoom.
  2. Unsure. There is beginning to be an acknowledgement there is a huge mess that needs to be cleaned up. The question is how far team can go before season is up, and whether it extends into the offseason. The Rutherford stuff is an interesting connection, but haven't been able to connect many dots yet.
  3. to follow things up, understand Ralph's messaging last week left a lot to be desired within the organization, if that is any indication on where he stands.
  4. Fooled you. There might actually be an answer and it might make a difference.
  5. Let's see what story I put together in the coming weeks, which might answer some of your questions.
  6. GMTM did NOT have full control. Period. jw
  7. I apologized because this is the second time in three months I've asked this person the same question. The first time, was after a secondary source I trust informed me of the possibility. That rumor was knocked down quickly. So when this latest one popped up, I knew there were serious questions in regards to it, based on the source it was coming from, so I apologized in asking yet again knowing the report was very likely not accurate, and I was wasting everyone's time. The last time Frank Wolf thought he broke a story about something, I checked up on it and was immediately told it was not true. I then approached Frank in the pressbox to inform him what I was told. Frank shrugged and said, "Oops." And that was it. When it comes to putting sourced information out there, this is not a reasonable or professional response. But of course, you know better. jw
  8. I've been saying for months, it's not out of the realm of possibility on Eichel. More difficult to tell about RK, as it depends on his level of power within the operation, which could lessen if things keep going this way. jw
  9. This seems to be a long thread, but referring specifically to the discussion regarding Botterill's firing: I can't answer the question as to who made the decision in regards to who had the most input in regards to O'Reilly being traded when he was. I also can't answer who essentially negotiated Skinner's contract number. jw
  10. It's far more complicated than that. Ralph has real power because of the vacuum created, but I don't want to suggest that was the plan. As far as I can go. jw
  11. That one I'm not aware of. Some words were said in Kim and Terry's presence, but not directed at them as far as I know. As far as I can go. jw
  12. Not sure if any hmmm things are happening any time soon. I'm juggling NHL playoffs and Bills these days. Only so many hours in the day for a little while. I will say, nothing that's happened in the past two months have led me to believe the Sabres are on the right track. I could be wrong, but they seem intent on winning PR battles as opposed to structural ones. jw
  13. He's interested. What interest the Sabres have, when I checked in last week, is uncertain. jw
  14. The answer regarding Botterill being retained is something I was aware was coming weeks in advance. jw
  15. believe i clarified that in a follow up post. employee contracts. jw
  16. it's been difficult to pin this one down, and a reason why i've had difficulty laying all the blame on Botterill for the trade. though i don't know for certain whether pressure came from above, i do know JB was under a lot of pressure to complete the trade before O'Reilly's bonus kicked in first thing next morning. at this point, it's going to be difficult to prove one way or another, because people will now have agendas to say one thing or another. that said, i'd say it's a 50-50 one way or the other. jw
  17. neat theory. it's wrong. but it's a neat one, nonetheless. jw note: you could've asked me politely, as i'm right here. but since you didn't, i see no need to reveal why you're wrong, just that you are.
  18. I’m being serious. Questions abound in regards to what I was told. jw
  19. The presidents story came from the same Botterill is staying interview from May 26. Couldnt squeeze both things in same story and wanted to do some more research on the president story. Given real life got in the way with me covering the Buffalo protests, things got delayed. Had I been real smart, I would’ve worked in her comments on Kevyn Adams, which I tweeted on Black Tuesday. jw
  20. Why not just ask me, rather than speculating. You say not nefarious but not coincidence, suggesting there was some sort of agenda here. Again, you could’ve asked nicely and I’d gladly answer this question. But the continued skepticism in this thread alone leaves me wondering what it is this board actually wants: Answers or the comfort of posting mere speculation in order to justify one’s smarts knowing they wouldn’t be called out on it. Ive for one poster going on and on and on trying to convince either me or himself that they’re not asking me for sources (he is). And then this. If you cant figure out why I’m skeptical in regards to this board being welcoming, based on this thread alone, well I guess we’ll never know. sheesh jw
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