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Posts posted by DarthEbriate

  1. There is no formula, there is no sure fire methodology. For everyone of the aforementioned, there are 20 guys that everyone thought would hit and now they are bagging groceries.

    Agreed. That's why you keep drafting them -- just one a year -- but you never know when you're going to get the guy. They're all good college QBs in their own way -- and somewhere along the way one go them clicks with your team/coordinator/coach/situation/strategy and you ride it. Granted, the first round guys probably have the better arms or dynamic plays... but even the mid-round guys are good.

  2. Aaron Rodgers is by far my favorite player to watch. Just incredible. Best QB in the league.

    As a Packers fan, I don't mean to troll the Sabrespace Bills thread, but it's far and away the most insightful hockey board I've seen.


    Anyway I have to agree on fun to watch. Remember when TVs weren't widescreen? Well, Favre would always throw the ball offscreen and then the camera would pan to either a completion or interception. Every time the camera pans with a Rodgers pass I'm calm (and only part of that is getting older). Favre was the most exciting to watch because you didn't know what would happen. (Granted, this is all with rules changes to assist QBs and offenses in almost every way)... Rodgers is a surgeon. When the camera pans I know it's good. I was shocked, absolutely shocked when he underthrew the pass to Adams for the interception. I thought he had Adams in stride for the easy touchdown. That was the first moment of doubt I had all day (not the last). But with... what, 44 seconds left? I still felt good.


    Please, Pegula -- get a real football mind between you and the team. And let that person go get a quarterback to build around. It probably isn't Tyrod Taylor or you'd know by now. Start with finding your guy who can win MVP. Then go from there. I do want Sabres/Bills fans to be happy. Well, except if the Bills meet the Packers -- or if a Bills loss helps the Packers -- then the Bills can all suffer domino-ACL tears at the line of scrimmage pre-snap for all I care.


    Next week will be terrifying. Atlanta's offense is always on the attack.

  3. I missed last night's game,... 'sprobably why I'm not ready to bleed out like everyone else here.

    I'm excited. Friday night, three day weekend, we get to see how the young'ns rebound.

    I like hockey. It's fun.

    ... I also like manhattans. Think I'll have one during the game.

    Manhattans are beautiful. Whiskey is a good thing with a Sabres game. But I'm going to give a shoutout to the perfect brandy Manhattan. With a blue cheese-stuffed olive, not a cherry. Try one, you'll even enjoy the Remember the Alamo/Death Star third tonight.

  4. Great shift and goal. Excellent keep by Falk. And... on the initial dump in, how is that not interference by Sustr on Eichel? He's already grabbing Eichel 20 feet from the puck. The calls are so uneven. As a player, it has to be frustrating not to know what interference is, or a legal stick check versus a slash or hooking.


    Their PK is more dangerous than our powerplay tonight. Maddening.

  5. Surprising fact:  8 skaters in our lineup today have a positive +/- stat. 


    Slightly less surprising:  Foligno leads that group at +5.


    Last year, the only 2 regular skaters (definition being 41 games or more) with a positive were Foligno and McCabe.

    Plus/minus might not be a popular stat, but it is a good team-wide indicator. We're -17 at the moment in overall goal differential (which... forgive me, I don't know... but I think that includes the shootout-winning goals, which puts us at quite the deficit). We're closing the gap to the middle. Then, we'll push to the top.


    Aside: One of the things I want to see this year is Ristolainen break even on the plus/minus barrier. It means that a significant amount of time we're breaking even in 5-on-5 hockey against the other team's top lines and at important game-end times. That's dramatically better than the past few years. And he's almost up to 0 since joining up with McCabe.

  6. Perfect choice!

    Until we win a playoff round, we're not getting more than one representative from our team (barring an insane midway point total). In a couple years, we'll hopefully have Eichel, Reinhart, Ristolainen, O'Reilly, and a mysterious TBD player, competing for multiple spots. Until that day, let the guy who's been consistently good in the league, and consistently (only one scoring slump) been good for us this season, our scoring leader at the time of voting, etc., do the representing. Happiness for Mr. Okposo!

  7. "Hey, bro. Next time, just @ me."


    "Hey, bro. Next time, just AT me."

    In the world of Twitter, if you have a decent number of followers, and Tweet about someone without including their handle (@KingstonGurl98), you are subtweeting them.

    Subtweet from someone we'll call Victoria L.:

    Just because you're captain of the cheerleading team doesn't mean you can be texting someone's man. #Hesmine

    In that Tweet, @KingstonGurl98, Alyssa M., is the cheer captain and is accused of texting Victoria's boyfriend. But Victoria did not @ Alyssa; she subtweeted her. It is likely (but not essential) that both girls follow each other on Twitter.

    It's new technology and terminology, but it's a familiar thing in that it's a modern form of passive-aggressive behaviour.

    And that in turn could prompt a subtweet from Alyssa.

    Some girls just like to stir up trouble. Just @ me if you have something to say.

    Days gone by, it would have been: Why don't you say that to my face?!

    This is beautiful.


    It also makes me cringe and look forward to the days when I'm even older and even more curmudgeonly.

  8. Throw everything available at a QB and linemen until you find a good one. Otherwise this will never end



    After Wolf took over as GM in Green Bay, he immediately traded for Favre. But of course, Favre was no sure thing his first few years in the league, but we had the veteran in Don Majkowski.


    Here's the point. After trading for Favre in early 1992, here are the QBs Wolf drafted with Favre (and Majkowski for the first year) on the roster:

    1992 - Ty Detmer; 1993 - Mark Brunell; 1994 - none; 1995 - Jay Barker (Alabama); 1996 - Kyle Wachholtz (USC); 1997 - Ron McAda (Army); 1998 - Matt Hasselbeck; 1999 - Aaron Brooks; 2001 and 2001 - none. It tailed off for another couple years with GM Sherman in charge, until GM Thompson took over and immediately began drafting QBs again in 2005 with Aaron Rodgers... now it's kind of every other year.


    Sure, some of these guys never played. But never stop 'til you've got one you love, and never stop getting backups for the one you love.


    Counterpoint, ‘Ebriate!


    The Bills, in contrast, drafted Matt Rodgers in 1992 and Todd Collins in 1995. Clearly, they’d found their QB of forever because their next QB drafted per pro football reference (non-supplemental) is … holy moly… 2004 - JP Losman. 2007 - Trent Edwards; 2010 - Levi Brown; 2013 - EJ Manuel; 2016 - Cardale Jones.

  9. Stafford and Lenher have at.


    That would energize me.

    That would be fun. Given the way today has gone, I can see that resulting in a Lehner concussion.

    Too bad we couldn't knock that one in. Strong tie-up by Petan on Foligno -- after the slash, of course. Great save, too.

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