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Everything posted by skaught

  1. Hmmm, I can get tickets for $10, still not sure if that's worth the 2 hours each way trip...
  2. What I don't understand is how its ok to subject kids to violence (grown men punching eachother in the face on the ice), but heaven forbid somebody says a bad word! Oh noes! ###### hypocrites! I'm pretty sure the bleep sound should be considered a bad word, since you can pretty much bleep anything out now and your mind automatically associates it with saying something bad.
  3. Yeah its right next to Rudd######ers, I mean Fuddruckers by me
  4. And Sekera is out after going full tank mode into the boards.
  5. I feel like the Sabres wouldn't even be a good AHL team.
  6. I miss Steve Ott hitting everything that moved.
  7. Oh I imagine there will be more before this ones over, its snowballing already.
  8. Of course, you can't get a concussion in your crotch.
  9. We're still better off shorthanded...
  10. I Just watched it again and I disagree, even if the defenseman tried to hit him he would've missed, he skated the wrong direction.
  11. Just looks like a modernized El Camino to me.
  12. My cousin's wedding this summer was catered by Charlie the Butcher. It was so awesome ate about 3 Beef on Weck sandwiches...
  13. Ha, this is pretty cool, there's a live feed from a camera on the ref's helmet in the Canucks/Flames game on Game Center Live.
  14. I drove automatics until I bought my first car because I thought a manual would be fun to learn. It sucks in rush hour traffic, but I've driven some automatic rental cars recently and they're just annoying when you need to punch the gas. First it bogs down, then shifts down to first and redlines. It's nice to just be in the right gear when you know you need to hit the gas and you don't need to ride the brakes all the time you can just let off the gas or throw it in a lower gear.
  15. Mine shows a "Watch Now" button on their website, but when I click it I just get a screen that shows "Preseason games are not available for streaming at this time". That might just be because its not 7pm yet.
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