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Randall Flagg

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Posts posted by Randall Flagg

  1. I have some friends who are die-hard Bruins fans and they've pretty much given up defending him. The spearing incidents this year were really a catalyst.


    Same here, the ones I know can't stand them, and would probably have an ###### if they got ONE of our 1sts for him, let alone this year's and next year's.
  2. The entire 05-07 years. Most specifically, Game Six, Carolina, when Briere potted the OT goal. I was forced to go to bed but had the radio under the covers with headphones in, and he scored, and I threw the covers up in the air, forgot I was supposed to be asleep, and ran around the house. Those moments, I was positive we were going to bring home the cup. I could feel it. Sigh


    Really? Wow, small world haha.


    I've never had a problem with Tank, always has good info and stirs the conversation. He's just an a-ss like the rest of us ;)

    Did he turn you onto this forum or you both knew it before meeting?

    Yes it is. Check your messages, sent a PM by the way, and good luck on the test!

    SUNY Brockport, you?

    Ahh, I have friends there. I go to Bonaventure with none other than Tankalicious, who I met on the way to a sabres game once, he seems like a much better guy than some of you on sabrespace give him credit for :P

    I'm pretty sure you can use shell/washer for anything, just depends on which is easier. If you have a doughnut-like figure and you want to use shells, all you have to do is is take


    v = (int a----b) 2pi [x - distance from the origin] [ f(x)-g(x)] dx.


    That's for rotation about a vertical line though, much easier to use washer's for anything horizontally rotated.


    You really spent half the semester on series? That's way different from what we had: spent the bulk of the semester on learning different ways to integrate, and finding parametric areas, polar coordinates, volumes/areas....pretty much anything involving an integral. We spent about 3 weeks on series and sequences. Why don't you like maclaurin?

    Yeah, we blew through int. by parts, substitution, estimations like simpson's, rational functions, all that stuff, very quick, our professor loved series. Maclaurin, we did the one class after exam 4 and before the last day of class, so I wasn't comfortable comparably, though I can still do them. And with the rotations, I actually would usually just switch the axis to make it easier :P and we spent a lot of time using power series representations for functions, and had a whole big project on it.

    Rev. about the axis is always nice. Did you use Shells or Washers method? I usually go with Shells if it's about y-axis, but that depends on if I'm allowed to in the instructions of course.


    Also, did you get some series convergence/divergence questions? They're usually not too bad, just all depends on if you can find the right test to use. I don't think I'll get a Taylor or a Maclaurin Series question, but I'd welcome the Maclaurin one over a Power-Series expansion.

    Doesn't it depend on the situation for shell/washer? Because if it's a solid shape, the cross sections would always be circular and thus you'd use area of that, but a shape with washer method would require a doughnut-like figure, because you're using 2 different radii/areas?


    And yeah we spent half of the semester on those. I found them fairly easy, but welcomed the others over a maclaurin, though we did not get a maclaurin question.


    I have a chem final tomorrow then I'm done for the Summer. My mechanics test today was so exhausting. After 3 hours of calculus I just wanted to come home and sleep. Which I was able to do when my boss called me off tonight :)

    Well I'm glad you can rest the brain for a bit, and best of luck tomorrow!
  8. I'm sure he'll reply, but if I were to guess, even-numbered undergrad physics courses are the spring semester (see also: the calendar; it's May). At the 100 level, that's usually waves, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, circuits, light, and sometimes random other introductory bits like fluids, nuclear, quantum, aerodynamics, or other fun stuff.


    I'd also guess a bit more and say he learned the blacks and inclined planes (kinematics) in Physics 103, which would be the preceding (and prerequisite) course.

    Bingo! Except the thermodynamics, that's next spring, it was circuits, electricity/magnetism, waves. Nailed the rest :P And thank you, it was a little tricky but nothing that wasn't manageable. I really appreciate the help though haha ;)
  9. After a game my family and I waited around for around 15 minutes or so and took pictures of each other with the ice in the background. We didn't run into any trouble.



    Do you both hate the Rags or something? Because outside of a Philly Boston series, I don't think I could manage it.

    I see Philly as a threat to Pitt, which is why I picked them in my bracket to beat Pitt and go to the ECF with Montreal, which is why I need Philly to win. Also, the Rags are the most boring team I've ever watched play in the playoffs, and I've had to do it for a lot of years in a row now, and I'd really like for that to end as quickly as possible.


    Edit: And, the Flyers, post-Carcillo/Pronger/Carter/Richards, are a lot less hate-able for me (though still very much so in most other situations)

  10. No, Toronto did not lose a playoff position due to said goal :flirt:

    Well didn't we control our destiny, or were close to it, because we won that game? It certainly kept the playoff hopes alive, though the no-show in toronto the next game basically sealed the deal, with philly finishing it off.
  11. There's a memo that allows the on-ice officials to let questionable Sabres goals stand, as long as a certain set of conditions are met.


    1. The game must be absolutely meaningless, i.e. the Sabres may not be in a position where they can either move into a playoff position, or stop certain other teams from moving into said playoff position.


    2. These teams are Boston, Montreal, Toronto, any team with Sydney Crosby on the roster, and if the goal is scored against the Flyers, the Flyers.


    3. The goal must under NO CIRCUMSTANCES happen in a playoff game.


    If any of said conditions are NOT met, the goal must be called off immiediately, preferrably without any explanation or review, and an automatic game misconduct must be handed out to John Scott.

    Someone screwed up the call big time, then ;)
  12. Also: Buffalo can only offer him seven years.

    Yeah, I was not being serious at all, my bad for not using an emoticon :P

    If Envirth turn out to be Fleury (maybe, maybe not) in three years, you'll re-think this, no?


    BTW, my prediction is Miller to Pit, for just that reason.

    Guess my assumption was, if we were contenders, I don't know if there'd be much of a goaltending issue that would be fixed by bringing him in, just like was the case in St. Louis, this year.
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