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Randall Flagg

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Posts posted by Randall Flagg

  1. The brain is a difficult piece of technology. There's all these movies about accessing parts of the brain previously untraveled to... But what if we only have access to our current limits because it's all we can handle?

    If that were the case then I would imagine that our brain would probably not evolve to become any more advanced, because it would not benefit survival, right? And we'd probably have to stop looking for aliens, at least those we'd expect to have consciousness akin to ours, because they would not have been able to advance to a space-faring level :P
  2. Last night this pretty girl took me on a date to a Bison's game, and it just happened to be a rehab game for Edwin Encarnacion, which is a name I know well, and he hit a grand slam as part of a five-run inning. Baseball is an awesome game to take in live. Had an Awesome time. I love having excuses to make the long drive into Buffalo.


    You can never make somebody believe that they have true value to you and others. The only thing you can do is show it and never stop. I feel like I do remember crossing paths with you at some point leaving Shay. My girl and I were always walking out of Shay heading to the library (or, more occasionally) heading out to town. I'm sorry that I didn't stop and share a longer moment with the both of you. I really hope everything works out.

    The bold is what is the hardest, yes, I should have phrased differently, she does not believe what I say but knows on some level I need her around to keep myself stable as well, as I have a history with this too. It's not a problem at all either, she had to leave pretty quickly, I just mentioned because maybe you had remembered and it tied into me sharing my experiences


    The hospital, friends, family and others could do nothing. My brother was extremely determined. He did what he wanted. He could freehand a map of the world with the blemishes and bumps without much effort (taught himself that one in prison). But maybe that was the issue. His determination said that he could never be stopped in what he wanted.

    I don't know the brain science behind it, but people who are geniuses seem to suffer at much greater rates than the average population, because my friend can do crazy things as well like multiply six digit numbers in her head, she has a photographic memory, and could probably become a master of any field she chose, but when her thoughts turn to herself that rationality that is present in every other facet of life seems to go away
  4. A lot of really great and surprisingly tame discussion in here. This is a discussion I really wanted to engage in more and provide my personal insight into, but I've been incredibly busy lately.

    My brother was one of my very best friends and biggest influence. The strongest person I've ever known. And he hung himself.


    Just passing by quickly here at work, but I'll add this: the questions are endless and the answers are few.

    Oh my I am sorry to hear this. You probably don't remember, but not long after I met you on the bus ride to that sabres game this past spring, I was outside of shay/loughlen after dark with a girl who came to visit me, and we passed you on the steps. That girl is my biggest influence, and my strongest person I've ever met. I know I'm too young to be able to say this but my best friend there, is who I'm planning on spending the rest of my life with. Had I not managed to find a phone on two separate occasions, she wouldn't be with her family and friends today, and my biggest fear is there being a day where it becomes too much for her to believe the things I tell her.


    The physical toll that LTS mentions is scary as well, the erratic heartbeat and appetite loss, and self-harming, it is so heart-wrenching to see such wonderful people have to endure such agony.

  5. Not everyone feels this way, but some people do. And I don't know the reason, nor have I speculated about it.

    I guess I just have never met any of them, and I don't want to be rude I just think it sounds extremely condescending and doesn't accurately represent the anger against "the 1%" that I have heard people debate for years, and I deleted the post because it also doesn't belong in this thread and I'm sorry for that!

    Speaking of people who abuse their power for their own personal gain at the expense of others. You may not want to be so brazen when pointing out the blatant failures of El Modérator's arguments.



    :P I hope he doesn't get mad, I enjoy reading here and posting scarcely and don't want to get banned, and love nfreeman's input on every topic aside from this remark heehee
  6. Disclaimer: This has about a 0.0000000001% chance of happening.


    A few writers have speculated that teams might start to see what Columbus would want in a deal for Ryan Johansen... I'd give one of Risto/Zadorov, STL's first, our second and Hodgson for him. Not sure that gets it done, but he'd be the most attractive trade piece in the league if he were available.

    I trust your valuing of players a lot more than my own. Had no idea Johansen could be worth close to that much. What do you think his ceiling is, and what level is he likely to hit?
  7. Now Schopp is promoting the 'tank'. This mentality really is disheartening. I hope this board doesn't speak for the majority of Sabres fans, because if I'm a possible UFA looking for a team I sure as hell am not going to a city that gets pissed at me for giving it my all to win for the city. Really sad that anybody can embrace losing no matter what aspect of life you're talking about.

    It's gotta be trolling at this point. :doh:
  8. I've read all of the above comments and I have a couple of comments/questions. So, you are Ted Nolan. On the first day of training camp, what do you tell your players? "Boys, we all know what we need to do this year. Don't exert yourself..." Really? You just brought in the CAPTAIN of the Montreal Canadiens, and you're first instruction to him is to slack off? Hmm...

    These players are professionals (and that doesn't just mean they get paid to play hockey). They all have SOME level of pride. They don't want to play to lose, they want to win. It's very easy for fans to talk about "tanking" (which, to me is as bad as throwing a game on purpose for money). Anyone who is expecting the cosmic tumblers to fall into place and drop McDavid or Eichel into our laps ...well, go buy another Powerball ticket.

    You can make your own "luck" - the Sabres have amassed a large number of picks in next year's draft. So, when the draft lottery takes place and the Sabres don't win it, you trade some of your higher round picks (and maybe a prospect or two) for the #1 overall. It can be done (and if anyone can pull it off, it's GMTM). This tanking business is the bunk.

    Straw man, as mentioned above. Not one person has ever suggested the players not playing their hearts out every shift.
  9. Is Grigs planking on top of a bench press bar? Holy sh!t that is impressive. Wondering if his skating has improved as much as his strength. Elite Prospects has him listed as 201lbs, but 219lbs sounds way better. I am still really cheering for this kid, DR tried to ruin him.

    Not quite, he's laying on a bench :P
  10. My sister is in middle school, and she was just nominated for student of the month. I congratulated her, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not a big deal, or even a real thing". It's anecdotal, but this is the sentiment I generally receive from children I know getting awards that they can sniff out to be phony and just trying to make them feel good.


    I don't think it's leading to a dystopian communistic future or a wussification of our children.

  11. Mkay, I think the NHL video games are a lot of fun. but I cannot afford a PS4. My latest version is NHL 13 because I always got the odd-number ones. NHL 15 for PS3 is just an NHL 14 with Doc announcing, right? So should my choice between 14 and 15 only take into account that the extra cost would be for having Doc? And they'd otherwise be very similar?

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