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Randall Flagg

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Posts posted by Randall Flagg

  1. He can't be elite -in the Olympic Medal game against Finland, he had a GAA of 5.0, and only stopped 24 of 29 shots for a terrible SVG% of .823. That's AHL caliber right there, and very poor play.


    Oh wait, we're not discussing Ryan Miller....so let me pull off my side blinders and look at the preceding 4 Olympic games for a deeper perspective.


    In the previous 4 Olympic games, he had a GAA of 1.5, and had 108 saves out of 114 shots faced, for a SVG% of .947% Those are fantastic stats.


    And in the game against Canada that cost us a shot at gold, his GAA was 1.0, 36 saves out of 37 shots for a SVG% of .973. That's a tremendous game


    And I think a reasonable argument could be made that the US team were not interested in the Bronze after being eliminated, hence the lackluster effort by the entire team in the Bronze medal game. So that game shouldn't even be counted in any discussion about the worthiness of any single player on the US team.


    So for Quick, I'll argue Elite. ;)

    ...Based on five games?
  2. Anyone have any idea why they are taking so long to fix 75% of the goal horns that have ruined every goal experience I've had in that game, and if they've finally done it for NHL 15? Seriously, I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to match up the correct goal horns, if you can find multiple videos of every goal horn of every team for every different season on youtube.


    Flame away as I am sure those here on the Left will do - I am beyond disgusted by the shameless, careless actions of this President.

    I agree with everything here except the impeachable offense and not noting that this was a negotiation for a POW, not a civilian hostage, and it was with the group we originally went to war against, which at the time was the government of Afganistan, not some random terrorist group (I noted up thread the modern asymmetric warfare makes this a clouded mess).


    But the risk in the swap, the stupid PR play, the brazenness of his admission that some might rejoin the fight. All bad.

    Yep, this liberal sure flamed as they all do, another example of why broad-brush stereotypes are great things :doh:
  4. The Rangers are surprisingly good at forward:



    Richards-St Louis-Hagelin




    Their top 4 on D are also quite good:


    McDonagh-Girardi (NB Mirtle wrote today that McDonagh substantially outplayed PK Subban in the 3rd round)



    And Lundy in net.


    I'm not saying they're going to win, but they could, and I think it will be a very competitive series.




    Definitely. I've been thinking the same thing.

    Klein isn't a bad 5/6 d-man to have, either.
  5. The rich ###### in the suit is laughing. Says it all.

    The best part, half of the people sharing it have been brainwashed into hating, and thinking every problem of this country is caused by, a certain portion of the population that they are actually a part of.
  6. This well-thought-out meme that has ravaged my facebook timeline is my complaint. Pick a better color, and remember what inflation is, for Chrissake.


    and damn, 11, so sorry to hear that.


  7. In the shower this morning, I somehow hurtled the bar of soap over my right shoulder. Instinctively I reached back, underhanded, and caught it. Bringing it back around in one motion, I dropped it again. I don't feel like the soap catch of my life would hold up on video review. I did not complete a "shower move." It is tainted.

    My only natural sport talent is having a good eye to catch things, so my favorite thing to do at parties is crazy behind the back no-look catches, between legs, what have you, when we play football :P anything else, however, I am the least graceful person on the planet.
  8. So he takes Budaj's job. Price is the guy in Montreal. Tokarski won't maintain this anyway.

    It is really neat how often young goalies can steal a show. One of my favorite parts of the playoffs, wondering if someone can come out of nowhere and make a name for themselves.
  9. I wouldn't underestimate the allure of adding that veteran goalie. There was a gap between Tampa and the very elite of the Conference, Boston and Pittsburgh. The elite fell in this years playoffs. The Lightning have to be thinking they are closer than originally thought.


    Bishop had a great year, it was one year. The Lightning would have to bet that the light turned on for Bishop at age 27 and that it wasn't just a career year unlikely to be duplicated. It's a tough call.

    I agree that the Miller to TB idea isn't as ridiculous as some might think. Though I don't think the trade of Bishop could net Ehrhoff (because I don't really think, with Enroth and Neuvirth, they have room) some team with something Tampa wants would bite. If Miller's price is too high, they could try Hiller as well.
  10. If I had to pick between McDavid on the Sabres or a night of fun and frivolity with Kate Upton...no contest, Kate Upton all day and twice on Sunday. That's like asking if you'd rather have a million dollars or see the Bills win a Super bowl.


    Always go with the one that entertains you more.

    Get out.





    For the record...McDavid please. please please please. by the time the sabres are winning their fourth cup, I'd have forgotten almost every detail of that night anyway.

  11. Yes. But a team with that talent should be reaching the ECF every year. (And staying for more than a cup of coffee when it gets there, too.)

    Oh I agree, trust me, just, Liger missed that year in his description of their playoff history.
  12. I would agree with this but, the Penguins hadn't made it past round 1 since they won the cup in 09 until this year. That tells me there was a systemic problem that was ignored by someone. I am not blaming Shero but dropping Staal and keeping Malkin was a mistake IMPO. I will get hammered for that Opinion and I will say I love Evgeni but that would have been the forward I traded. The Pens just lack the depth scoring and the grit to win. They draft terrible and they honestly need a new GM. Best of luck to Shero but it was time.

    They went to the ECF last season actually
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