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Randall Flagg

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Posts posted by Randall Flagg



    Yea sorry, that wasn't entirely directed at you. I talk and deal with so many blind partisans (some of whom are actually informed, despite their bias....and others who just don't have a clue about how anything in government works) that the past few posts were just kind of a match that lit the fire in me ;) . I certainly don't know everything about everything politics-related, but I can spot a garbage argument, "finely-tuned" numbers, or partisan talking point instantly.


    Oh, and the lactic acid thing is a very legitimate complain.

    I normally am good about cooling down, but I've been pretty busy with school, and when I finish exercising it's late, with more stuff to do, so I've been skipping the cool down. Never do that, anyone.


    On a bright note, tomorrow is Friday :) :) :)



    It's actually a little more than half of what Obama has spent. Obama's big proposals which cost money were healthcare and the stimulus...which totaled about $2.5 trillion over 10 years (this is using the revised, more expensive CBO estimate on healthcare...original estimate was $900 billion, new estimate is about $1.7 trillion). The wars combined have cost about $1.3 trillion. And that's without even taking into account Bush's other costly legislation. It's one thing to bitch about Obama's spending, it's completely another to say Bush was even slightly more fiscally responsible.


    And yes, I'm aware there has been other spending such as the payroll tax cut, extension of the Bush tax cuts, and unemployment insurance extensions. However, if you think those proposals wouldn't have happened with any other president, you haven't followed American politics very long. Plus even if you added those in, the wars have still cost probably around 40-45% of Obama's additional spending, significantly more than a quarter.


    New complaint: people who bitch with one-sided talking points and half-assed numbers when they don't actually know what they're talking about regarding how the budget and political process works.

    just flinging some ######... Not intended to be a legitimate argument...

    As for my real complaint of the day, lactic acid build up from not cooling down properly. Ouch.


    I am a horrible procrastinator. Two final papers written in four hours was probably my worst high school memory of all time (one of the grades was pretty damned good and the other was randomly assigned by a horrible teacher*). I'm sure you'll start before and do better than I did on your papers. ;)


    *I got an eighty five on a supposedly easily graded final paper at the end of AP US History. I thought I didn't write a half bad paper, either. A friend of mine wrote a paper that was a good two pages shy of the page requirement and was mostly made up of a comparison of the NAACP (advancement of colored people) with NAMBLA (man boy love association). My friend got a ninety three.

    That's actually pretty impressive, I thought I was good at procrastinating! AP US history is one of the ones I have to write, though it's the one I am least worried about. I haven't chosen a topic for an English paper, and I have deteriorating spanish skills...

    Hopefully this time next week two of them will be done. I'm aiming for high nineties. Oops, I've seemed to stop complaining...


    I deal with something similar all the time. My girlfriend is very shy and doesn't stand up for herself when something's wrong. I always try to be understanding when she's stressing out about something, but her problems usually stem from not wanting to look stupid in front of other people. After I'm gentle and understanding, I usually can't help but sternly remind her that she needs to assert herself and not worry about unrealistic consequences to standing up for herself.


    Utterly untrue! Girls are the ones that are scared of us :P


    It's my senior year and I took a specialized health care class that lasts half the day. I got to shadow at hospitals every few weeks. I originally thought that the best part of it was that I got dismissed an hour and a half earlier, but now I know that it's not having to stress about multiple finals. :flirt: Sorry for the gloating. You'll do just fine :P

    Thanks for encouragement :)

    I always find papers/finals stressful...until I start writing them. They are never as bad as I fear, as I am a fairly good student. Once I get rolling it should be fine.

  5. I have three papers to write for three college-credit courses in the next two weeks, one in a different language.

    No time for the things I enjoy doing, like music or working out, until after the regents exams in a month.






    But then the relief of summer, which is worth all of the stress. :)


    i'm going to reserve judgment on the lyrics (which, for the record, i like) until i hear the rest of the album. after hearing carvan, bu2b and the new song, i can't imagine anything on this new offering is going to be less than way above par.


    while we're on the subject of rush, discuss snakes and arrows. 5 years later, and i still have a really difficult time listening to about half of those songs, whereas vapor trails, with me, was an instant hit. thoughts? opinions?

    I like snakes and arrows better than vapor trails....

    Though I listen to older stuff more often than either of those.

    Why do you have a difficult time?



    But is there a porn version of porn? What would that even be?

    Probably taking two separate scenes, and putting them together on one screen, and then letting technology/special effects work their magic. Or physically mating the DVD or whatever. But it's out there.


    I assume you mean that literally :lol:


    That would make an interesting new porn genre. Oh who am I kidding, it probably already exists somewhere! Where's Korab when you need him?

    Rule 34.

    If something exists, porn has been made of it.



    I'm not finding the snow awesome today at all. I had a 1/4" of ice underneath 3" of heavy wet snow at my house in Dryden. Nothing like down trees and no power on a Monday morning. I'm glad I showered last night <_<


    Also doesn't help that I have an hour drive and the roads on my hill were not plowed at all. I'll save the rest for Thursday :angel:

    Not a fan of the snow. Just no school. :)

    Hodgson is a young kid and would likely have many fans while in Vancouver. It doesn't mean anything. Look at how many people here that were happy with the Stafford contract this past off-season and how silly they look now.

    I don't think that is the best comparison, it is more like imagine if we traded Foligno now for someone. Fans here would be very upset, especially if the early signs had the other team getting the better of the trade. Stafford...well, we had seen him for years, and knew that it was possible for him to disappear off the face of the planet.


    Kind of like the people who don't like a player so they start calling them by a female first name? There's no one more classy and sophisticated than those cavemen.

    Yes, like those people. They usually have flyers logos next to their names. I just decided to never comment on that website again, they are unbelievable over there.
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