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Sabres Fan in NS

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Posts posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. My sister gets back on the field for the first time since tearing her MCL this Saturday in a match up of Daemen vs Elmira. She has been doing sprints and cutting, and planting, and finally did kicking drill last weekend. She started fully practicing this week. She'll be playing at a center-mid position. I'm excited for her.


    Hopefully her return went well.




    The Canadian Mens National team takes on Cuba in a must win match in WC 2014 qualifying on Friday (Oct. 12th) at BMO Field in Toronto. The fans are ready and will be rocking the house. The team smells blood in the water, but better not look past the Cubans to the next match against Honduras.

  2. Definitely awesome! It warms an emigrant heart to see the old country well remembered in my new homeland. It's also quite amusing to see how much 'Little Norway' does not resemble actual Norway.


    We went to Norway (Oslo) when visiting my sister-in-law in Denmark. Loved it.


    The photo was from some place in Alaska with a pretty large Norweigian population. You are right ... it really looks nothing like the real thing.

  3. I honestly hadn't realized that. Interesting.


    I would love to see Washington make it to the WS out of the NL though. I like how they've rebuilt that team.


    You mean my freakin' Expos ... :censored: !


    EDIT: Thanks 11, for making a new thread.

  4. Sepp Blatter makes me religious. He's the type of man I hope will face eternal torment.


    I think eternal damnation will be reserved for the worst of the worst, but I understand what you mean.


    Spurs just beat Manchester United at Old Trafford. First win there since 1989... and Clint Dempsey had the game-winning goal!


    You should copy your post to the Awesome thread! Outstanding!

  5. FIFA is a joke.




    The head of the most corrupt organization in the world, well maybe second most corrupt after the UN, is telling his own anti-corruption committee to shut up. This from the man who rigged his own re-election.


    Reminds me of how President Nixon famously stated that he is not a crook. Only to later resign for actually being a crook.

  6. I believe that humans are the only creature on the planet that destroys its own environment.


    Every now and then I see something that restores my faith in humanity.


    If you do not like bats you will look at them in a whole new light after watching the linked video of some very caring people who rescued and cared for an orphaned baby bat. FYI ... I love bats.





  7. Bump ...


    The sun is shining and it is up to 10c here. High to be 15c, with crisp clear skies ... a beautiful fall day.


    My mid-morning meeting has been postponed until next Friday ... :thumbsup: . So, I have some time to catch-up on some office paperwork before heading to the Mosque for Friday Prayers.


    All in all pretty F'N Fantastic, so far anyway.


    EDIT: And ... Happy Big 5-0 kishoph! If we can trust that it really is your birthday today, as some members have been known to mess with that ... hi 11.

  8. People at the gym who, when getting a drink or filling a water bottle from the water fountain, feel the need to stand sideways with their ass in front of the adjacent water fountain. Is standing straight on really that difficult?


    I'd just be happy if they did that at the urinals.

  9. Taro's 0.14 BAC induced Hitch Hiking thread took me to this place. So, I must thank the mighty Taro for that.



    A good live version recorded in St. Tropez in 1970. Even though the credits at the start list Nick as Mick Mason.


    The studio album version is almost 24 minutes long. Back in the day when Floyd and others would have a whole LP side dedicated to just one song.


    Live versions with full orchestra are much better, but they are over 20 minutes long.

  10. An update to my earlier complaint about the price of gas here in NS.


    The governmental review agency, in light of a drop of gas prices on the world market, has droped the price of gas to $1.37 / litre (about $5.50 / US gallon) a day earlier than the usual weekly price setting on Thursdays at mid-night.


    Whop-dee-do, Edith. Big deal!


    My bet is, since the government also announced that they will set the price at mid-night tonight as usual, it goes back up. And maybe even higher than before this adjustment.

  11. Bio, just WOW!


    The ignorance of some people knows no bounds. It always amazes me. Well, maybe not.


    With luck you pissed this jerkoff enough that you won't end up with him / them as a neighbour ... ;) .




    My complaint is a follow-up to my complaint last Thursday.


    The price of gas went up to about $1.45 / litre (pushing $6.00 / US gallon) this week.


    The NS government introduced gas price regulation, to prevent price gauging, a while ago and the maximum / minimum price is set each week. Not surprisingly the price is always at the maximum. What a joke.

  12. you always post some the most amazing food ideas haha! I'm going to have to try this recipe out this weekend when I have some extra prep time (I'm getting out of work too late on weeknights lately, and it's an hour commute).




    The total prep time is about 20 minutes. So, in about an hour one will be shoveling into ones gullet.

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