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Sabres Fan in NS

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Posts posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I am officially unemployed and even though I keep sending out resumes it could take up to 6 months to get a job unless this thing at UB pans out. O and I found out the day I got back from my vacation that the place I had my phone interview with will not be interviewing me... FML. I have a bachelors and a masters and can't get a job guess its time to go for either another masters or a Phd maybe if I had a few of those I could get a freaking job... :censored: :wallbash: :death:


    As one of my favourite bands (The Stangles) says (Life Shows) No Mercy.


    Maybe you should think about working for yourself and contracting your services to the highest / best bidders. That's what I did about 10 years ago. Best thing I ever did and have not looked back.

  2. But weren't you paying attention? We're dumping Pominville for Kane. Problem solved. Then we send Stafford off to Pittsburgh for Malkin and we're gold, Jerry, gold.


    Alright, I'm off to the pool.


    In Baastan? Hopefully it's an indoor pool.

  3. Would you like to see Kane in the Blue and Gold?




    But, it would take more than Pominville to get him ... were talking Vanek, or Myers and probably some picks going both ways.

  4. Sorry, meant to say the oilers might have to throw in a pick (Probably a 3rd or later) to sweeten the deal.


    If you are Edmonton, you are getting a player who has potential and may just need a change of scenery to get back his production from last year and they get to dump Hemsky. The advantage for the Sabres taking Hemsky back is that they get him for a few months to see if he can be a better replacement for Stafford and re-sign him this offseason, or they let him walk and save over $4mil in cap space for next season. If you send Drew down to the minors, you get nothing in return, still have to pay him out his contract, AND is there not still a partial cap hit they would face?


    No. That is why that D man with the last name starting with "M" is down there and why Kotalik would be, if he were not in Europe. The NHL salary has to be paid, but no cap hit. This is assuming he clears waivers, which I highly doubt. If he didn't clear waivers I believe the Sabres would be responsible for paying part of his salary and take a partial cap it. There would be a partial cap hit also if the Sabres just bought him out ... like Tim Kennedy.

  5. Why would Buffalo trade away Stafford for a RW'er that's going to be a UFA at the end of the season?

    Stafford for Hemsky and a 2nd rd draft pick, maybe.


    To get rid of Stafford's albatross of a contract.


    I don't think the Sabres will sign Hemsky as a UFA. So, why not get rid of Stafford for a pick, but I guess the Oilers would want to get rid of Hemsky and his salary. Oh, well ... seems I asked and answered my question in my post. Carry on.

  6. airport food most of the day...Flying from Elmira -> Philly -> San Diego...just had myself an egg/cheese wrap and a coffee from Dunkin though


    I wish I was having a lamb stew...that sounds good


    Not to drive you crazy, especially since you will be sattled with airport / airplane food all day ... double yuch!!


    My wife has a special way to prepare the lamb stew and I am sworn to secrecy ...


    It all starts with the lamb (no kidding). Friends (who are also a Brother and Sister in Islam) have a small farm in the Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia. The farm is run in adherence to "halal" ("good") principals. The lambs are pasture fed after being whined. Our friend leaned the "halal" slaughter methods. The bone is in the stew meat so afterwards our family of crows that has nested in our yard for years and don't migrate for the winter, get to share in the feed, which is also "halal". They love the bones.


    I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

  7. It's so cold here that I had to run the windshield wipers to remove the film of crystallized dew on my windshield this morning. Luckily it starts heating up at 7 am so it didn't last long.


    Cold? In LA ... if that's where you really are.


    At least you didn't have to ... scrape, brush and / or shovel it.

  8. Haha. very true. She's going to come over, and we're going to make homemade pizza and watch a movie I guess. She would rather do that than go out, and I like saving money so this girl is already a winner :angel:


    Enjoy your evening of yummies and pleasant conversation.

  9. Good question! You got advice? :flirt:


    I'm looking at used, maybe in the 2006-2010 range. Spending $12k max, but hoping to get something for less (could pay up front if I could swing ~$9000).


    Really, I just want something that will be reliable for maybe six years (or until I own a house with a garage to put a new car in). And I don't need anything fancy; probably just a sedan that's not tiny and that is decent on gas.


    I'm looking at Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan... I'm not really set on anything particular so I'm pretty open to suggestions. :) Maybe I need to go digging for d4rk's domestic/foreign threads, eh?


    Nissan Sentra GXE.

  10. As done as it can possibly be without an actual ring on her finger (so I guess it's not done at all). But yeah, it's happening, we both know it. It's just a matter of when.


    Congrats, but ...


    Maybe you should get down on your knee ... once she accepts, perhaps you could shop for the ring together. That's what we did and my wife really liked having input on the ring ... she is the one that is wearing it. And, no she didn't go crazy on it, either.

  11. How many here can go this low? I admit that I can, but it can be quite a challenge to hit G1 and hold it at that range for several seconds.






    Very beautiful and inspiring ...


    As a "reasonable" Muslim I often lament the fact that hot-heads and "close-minded" Muslims have hijacked the faith and have interpreted an action of the Prophet to mean that music, of all kinds, is haram (harmful) and we do not have choirs in the Mosques ... but I digress.


    Thank you for posting this.

  12. Since June 25? I'm not sure. Can't evaluate Leino yet (although I think we're all pissed that it turns out that he doesn't want to or cannot play C); can't say yet whether Ehrhoff will be worth the money. But to get this back on track, Stafford was given a new contract that same off-season (I think before June 25 though), and that's the problem at hand. Get rid of him and get something for him. Even if "selling low," there's another concept called cutting one's losses.


    At this point DR would have to be ordered to make any trade, especially one of the "core". I just can't believe that Mr. Pegula and Mr. Black will be buying what DR has been selling them for much longer.

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