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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. I wonder if we could convince Bobby Ryan to sign with us? If we finish at the bottom and have 1 or 2 overall, just acquire his rights and sign him.



    Just imagine......



    Hodgson-Reinhart-Stewart? Armia?




    I really hope grigorenko shows up next season because i keep wondering who will win faceoffs

  2. Can't really support Argentina, they took the fun out of every game during the world cup while having one of the premier offensive line ups.

    Just hope Germany destroys them like they did with Brazil.

  3. Don't think it was a question of getting better, it was just about surrounding our young guys with just enough vets to grow and learn.

    Also Ott has to many links from his dallas days in St louis, I actually never expected him to come back.


    He certainly could have, but we aren't exactly trying to be world beaters here. I think the most obvious sign that we are still attempting to "tank" is in our FA signings. We didn't have to stop bringing in players after we hit the floor, but we did. They aren't coming out and saying it, but their spending doesn't exactly shy away from the idea.

  4. You have got to tell us what you do for a living.


    Just work at brussels airport, cargo handling.


    Trucks, Planes (full freighters and passengers) , Dangerous goods. Exciting job, certainly seeing they only let people go and never hire anyone extra.

    See how far they can go with a skeleton crew :P


    Mainly cause of competition from global handlers like WFS and Swissport who try to price us out of Brussels and Amsterdam. ###### making like a 10 million € loss a year on those two stations alone for it.

  5. I'll have a look at that political thread, would have sooner, but didn't want to step on to many toes.

    Alot of bad things can be said about my country to, and i know what they are, doesn't mean i like a foreigner to tell me those :P

  6. Yes, Justin Bailey. He is the one who tweeted that picture... kid still needs to learn how to use social media, apparently. ;)


    I think he is doing it right :P


    I'm not sure how socks relate in this case the staff infections, but dark socks are a "thing" these days. Get with the times, man!


    In Europe nobody wears white socks, mainly i guess because the women don't like to see them hah :P

  7. Many have already expressed their thoughts on why Brazil should not have hosted the World Cup, but after looking at the numbers, how can one argue against that? The average income is equivalent to 638 american dollars per month. Brazil has the 13th largest economic disparity in the world, so I can't even imagine what fraction of the population makes less than 638 a month. Brazil spent 11.5 billion on this World Cup. 3.5 of that came from the tax payers. This is most ever spent by a host country. From what I read, FIFA requires 8 stadiums for a World Cup. Brazil built or renovated 12. This left many displaced. W/ just a little common sense, one can quickly think of a number of things the money spent could've gone to. Quick examples include school, health care and some type of food allowance. Brazil should not have hosted the World Cup. If a country is not financially stable, they should not even be considered. Not out of cruelty, but out of concern. Many countries that are financially stable already have stadiums, hotels, etc... needed to host a World Cup. Sure, money will still have to be spent, but not to point where it has such a negative impact on the general population. FIFA should consider all of this when choosing a host country. But hey, FIFA is corrupt, so what type of changes will be made? FIFA should be disbanded.


    No offense, but looking at USA, i don't think anyone from there should point at another country and say, your money should be better spend on school and healthcare for the poor.

    And financial stability aren't words I'd use either.

  8. Is it the city? or the team diva (cough....cough....Phaneuf)?


    Pass me my Red Bull hat will ya?


    Could be the coach to, after i saw that show where they follow the two teams leading up to the winterclassic.


    Only thing i could think off: that team is a collection of d.i.c.k.s. lead by a giant asshat (carlyle)

  9. Man its going to be fun watching Garth Snows antics this year as he squirms under the pressure of potentially losing a generational talent. Hopefully the boneheaded moves continue.


    here is to a nice injury riddled islanders season :beer:

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