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Posts posted by Huckleberry

  1. Meszaros for a 5th wishfull thinking he'll be stuck with us.
    stewart for a 2nd
    or stewart and our 2nd for a 1st
    Neuvirth for a 4th
    mitchell for a prospect or a 4th.


    This is what I expect to get out of these guys, don't think they'll be all gone though.

  2. Possibly but if we land one of the big two I think we are better than bottom five. Plus much more exciting to watch because let's face it this team has been unwatchable the last two years.


    Not going to happen if we keep getting points like this versus two teams playing in a tougher western conference.  


    That being said, if Mceichel is gone, i'd pick hanifin over marner, strome, and certainly crouse.


    also i could see this happen


    1.Arizona - Mcdavid

    2.Edmonton - hanifin

    3.Buffalo - eichel


    Would be sad though if we don't get one of the top two after all the suffering

  3. "I did NOT go out of my way to 'invent' penalties on Lindros -- or any player -- but I wasn't going to give that guy a break on anything borderline that I might have let slide with a player who had gained acceptability with me."


    I love that Refs consistently and blatantly admit that they don't call games evenly among teams or players, but when we say it we're crybabies or conspiracy theorists.


    I like reading Paul stewarts blogs ,they are refreshing.   Also what he states here is just normal human behaviour.   We all know that happens.

  4. Per Friedman The Sharks are ready to move on without Niemi and their goaltending behind him isn't the greatest. their GM is looking for a goalie with term, but would Neuvirth be enough to entice them?


    Has niemi been that bad ? Or is his contract to big ? 

    Because he is the #1 UFA goalie in the offseason and we need one.



    I have no idea how to do the Russian translation everyone has grown fond of using lately, but coming from you I will take it as a compliment of sorts. :)



    Sure -- IF you subscribe to the notion that McEichel are the only way forward. I certainly believe they can help, but I disagree they are absolutely necessary and the Sabres are doomed to perennial mediocrity without them. This is why I would prefer we agree to disagree rather than hearing the popular tank position that losing is the only path to hockey salvation and the rest of us are dolts for somehow failing to see this.


    True but with cojack you get there alot faster.    Also looking at our goals , these goals were giftwrapped by the blue jackets.

  6. New projected Line-up for 2015-16


    Kane                 Girgensons                          Ennis

    Moulson            O'Reilly                                Free agent

    Foligno             Reinhart                               Gionta

    Deslauiers        Larsson / McCormack           Kaletta


    Risto            Bog

    Zadorov       Pysyk

    Weber          Gorges


    Marner drafted with the 3rd pick and returns to London

    Grigerenko & Low 1st for O'Reilly








    You don't see the sabres drafting cojack ? :P

  7. Here's a little PR film for Eichel for Hobey Baker - not too shabby.




    EDIT - wasn't sure where to put this comment, but heaven help some new poor schmuck who wanders into this forum over the last week or two. It's like some kinda Brighton Beach social club in here! (which is loads of fun!)


    Great group of guys here, even with the tankmode going into year two, lots of good people keeping positive. :D


    Regarding the Lemieux discussion we had earlier. On the other site I venture to this was posted today. Brad is Brad May who this guy spoke to today. Brandon thought he should have been a 1st round pick and evidently paid like one:


    Anyone whos ever dealt or talked with Brad knows he is a very candid , honest person. I had the chance to chat with him today. He says he wasn't shocked whatsoever that Lemieux was traded. He is very good friends with Claude, and Claude mentioned how utterly disgusted he 'Brandon' was with the contract offer he was given by Murray. At that point he knew his days with the Sabres were numbered.


    Read more: http://sabresfans70.probo...ieux?page=3#ixzz3SX8Qwxgy



    Guess that belongs here, some guy on hockeybuzz


    Also, the Canucks Ryan Miller went down tonight, and I am hearing they made a call to Buffalo looking at Michal Neuvirth as a possible pickup...Neuvirth has shown he can perform in the playoffs previously... The early indications on the Miller injury are very hush-hush, but those close fear the worst.


    its from ecklund but guess it would make sense if miller is down for a long time.

  10. I agree that it's probably a little ridiculous how I'm reacting but the he's only 19 powwow was a little ridiculous, too. He deserves some criticism and questioning for these actions. It hasn't been just one incident.


    The "I want him to get in trouble more" stuff is straight garbage. That's the stupidest point I've read around here in a long time. This isn't "personality." It's immaturity. However you want to look at it it's not a positive.



    I'm not sorry for having the unpopular opinions around here. Thankfully some can deal with it better than others.


    Don't worry i agree with you, if he does not follow team rules he should be held accountable for his actions.

  11. As exciting as this trade period and the off-season will be, I think next year will be doubly so. It won't be so much about building a team, it will be about filling the last few holes to complete a contending team. If you think this is action, you ain't seen nuthin yet.



    I have a feeling murray won't wait that long, he said when he started he'd do a short rebuild.   Land Mcheichel + few trades in offseason.

    I'm expecting a whole new team next year.

  12. it's a good thing that Kane was patient during that press conference.  With the media buffoons at their "best" had he not that press conference could have become very antagonistic very quickly.  I understand questions about his shoulder, about his coming to Buffalo and some questions about what happened in Winnipeg.  Just don't understand why 80% of the questions were negative questions about what happened in Winnipeg.  Just once I'd like to see the player answer a question with "it's none of your business and don't ask again."  I'm sure he'd get crucified in the media for months but it sure would be nice.


    That is what he said, but in a nice way.  

    What happens in a locker room, stays in the locker room.   Any player that brings that stuff out into the media looks like a crybaby anyways.

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