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Everything posted by frissonic

  1. that would be the entire state of nevada. ;) well, okay ... to clarify, any brazen hussie street walker or brothel worker in the state of nevada. lest any state employees become ira ...oh, wait. erm ... unless any sports figures become .... oh, sh**. i mean ... any clerical workers .... or maybe hot school teachers ....... hmmm.
  2. to parrot others, congratulations! as others have also said, team mentality first. best advice i ever received regarding marriage: "frequent surrender." goes both ways, sure, but if the both of you do that, i guarantee you'll have a great life together. congrats again man! marriage is awesome.
  3. yah, the path went through a little town called kanab, which is about a 5-6 hour drive from us. it's right on the UT/AZ border. some friends of ours live down that way, and they invited us down, then called some friends of theirs in fredonia (in AZ, just over the border as well but on the other side), who live at ground zero for nowhere. it was perfect. hot as hell, but perfect. glad you guys enjoyed them.
  4. sorry ... didn't see this until just now. here ya go. a good point. and they're m&ms, so they melt in your mouth--not in your hand.
  5. okay, let me caveat that by saying "in my opinion ..." so far, i've listened to it 4 times the whole way through (great time filler while waiting for the clouds to break so i can get pics of the venus transit). it got better with each listen. the cds you mentioned are great. they're classics. this new cd is simply epic. the scale of *everything* on this is just huge. the garden is amazing. clockwork angels is absolutetly mind-bending. even carnies, which when i read the title caused me a little panic, is a) not at all what i expected, b) quickly becoming one of my favorites on the new cd. my wife was listening to it with me. when 'clockwork angels' playing, even she noted, "holy crap--they don't mess around with their time signature and key changes, do they?" then that riff that COMPLETELY reminds me of "The Grand Finale" from 2112 (completely appropriate, if you look at the cover of CA), and even she said, "hey ... that sounds like something else they've done. is that from another CD?" let's just say that it was a *very* good afternoon. :)
  6. looks like a lot of the clockwork angels vids are getting pulled. there was one that was the whole CD. it's gone. lots of individual tracks are gone. no matter. TPB has it, and ... yah. this cd is going to dwarf anything they've ever done. period.
  7. i was JUST about to go home and see if i could find a leak!!! HA! this venus transit just got a whole sh**-ton better. thanks man!
  8. #firstworldproblems so, i'm chatting with my wife last night as she's driving home from a meeting. come upstairs, put the phone on speaker, drop it on the bed, and start cleaning, all the while rambling on about getting the girls in bed, blah blah blah ... next thing i know, she's saying, "honey? honey? are you there?" "well of course i'm here. can you not hear me?" "......honey?" "what?!" "..........honey? are you there?" pick up the phone, turn off speaker, and start talking again. few more tests and phone calls to other people later, and i find out that my phone doesn't work if i'm in speaker phone mode. i can hear the caller, but the caller can't hear me. take it to the store today, and they opened it up. no lint ball, no fuzz, no blockage ... nothin'. try installing an OS update. nothin'. finally, the guy says, "well, we can get you a new phone. have you backed up your phone lately?" last backup was the 11th. no texts, emails, data ... nothing from the 12th through today. </whining>
  9. We all do, Weave. We all do. :) Solar filter is on the truck for delivery. Van is packed and getting ready to point to southern Utah for a weekend of astronomically unfettered geekiness. Pics to come ...
  10. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7408060n definitely some HUGE spots. my daughter and i were test driving our solar glasses for the eclipse coming up, and we both so a spot, so i ran in to grab my camera. sure enough, massive black dot on the top part. incredible that sun spot can be so big that you can see it from here ... with the right solar filter, of course.
  11. <geek> this, which is kind of useless without this, if one plans on taking pics of this. </geek>
  12. that is a very good question, and it's one for which i have no answer. i have never had a problem with any rush album. and i really don't have issues with S&A ... there are just some tracks that i skip, and that made me incredibly nervous for this new cd for all the reasons that the reviewer in claude_verret's post mentioned--getting old, losing their touch, "falling in line ..." et al. just a hunch, and i'm tempted to verify this as soon as i get home, but my guess is that, somewhere in torrent-ville, there's a copy of this cd floating around. if there is, i'm going to cave, i'm going to download it, i'm going to upload it to itunes match it on my phone, and then i'm going to take the entire day off of work and drive around--up canyons, down the highway, possibly to the top of a couple of mountain peaks, barring still lingering snow towards the top (a distinct possibility).
  13. i'm going to reserve judgment on the lyrics (which, for the record, i like) until i hear the rest of the album. after hearing carvan, bu2b and the new song, i can't imagine anything on this new offering is going to be less than way above par. while we're on the subject of rush, discuss snakes and arrows. 5 years later, and i still have a really difficult time listening to about half of those songs, whereas vapor trails, with me, was an instant hit. thoughts? opinions?
  14. if i'm not mistaken, geddy is quoted as saying that this was originally going to be the instrumental for the CD, but then neil came up with the lyrics, and it took off from there. they did something similar with "peaceable kingdom" from vapor trails. personally, i love the lyrics. hey man, i would never trade tomorrow for today. yeah ...
  15. leaving in an hour to run home and wait for my telephoto lens to show up. ordered this lens, and it's on the truck for delivery. two great things about this: 1. tonight is this year's "super moon." 32k miles closer, 30% brighter than normal, and 15% bigger than normal. 2. the annular solar eclipse runs straight through southern utah in 2 weeks. this gives me time to tinker with my solar filter and settings to see what i can come up with as decent and proper settings.
  16. nice! my first two hip shows were back-to-back nights in vegas and phoenix. two completely disparate, polar opposite shows. in vegas, gord downie looked and acted like he was on an acid trip. in phoenix, he was as mellow as a summer breeze off a still ocean. it was amazing. let us know which version of gord you get!
  17. semi-off topic, but for those of you who have an iphone (and maybe android ... not sure if this app has a google-compatible version), pick up songkick from the app store. it scans the music on your phone, and tells you who's coming to your neck of the woods. absolutely indispensible app for concert enthusiasts. as for my list: rush--day after thanksgiving at the MGM grand in vegas (that is a *big* "HELL YES!") ane brun, may 19 primus, june 19 grace potter and the nocturnals, july 30. norah jones, august 21. metric, october 5 any concert playing here. my brother says that the tragically hip will probably play in denver this year. if they do, we're taking a road trip.
  18. okay, has anyone seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdJp5-g69go awesomesauce.
  19. No no! Peanut butter M&Ms are fundamentally different in many aspects. Reese's Pieces are about the size of plain M&Ms. Peanut butter M&Ms have way more peanut butter in them, and are approximately the size of peaunt M&Ms, though just a tad smaller. The quality of peanut butter used in PB M&Ms is superior, in my opinion. it's not as gritty or chalky as what you find in Reese's Pieces. And lastly, the shell. The peanut butter M&M holds up better in a crunch test than does the Reese's Piece. Oh, wait ... you don't care about any of that, do you? :)
  20. i dunno ... those orange flavored hostess cupcakes are pretty divine. as are cheese puffs. and 5-layer burritos. and peanut butter m&ms. and ... well, the list is long. :)
  21. i'm having the same issue with my jeans (except i'm still nowhere near a 34 ...). thankfully, our office complex has bathrooms set up literally every 50 feet on my end of the builidng. makes it nice for having to stop and hike up when i'm walking to the cafeteria. stepped on a pallet jack (only scales we have around here) about a week ago. down 27 pounds. that's frickin' miraculous.
  22. been down and out for about a week with cellulitis. for those of you who've had this, you'll know what i've been through. for the rest of you, pray you never get it. it's ... unpleasant. to add insult to injury, boss gave me crap about coming back to work monday and tuesday. i ended up taking off last tuesday through friday, and came back to work monday and tuesday. took off yesterday for the same issue. he stopped by my cube this morning and said, "see? told ya that you should have taken short-term."
  23. The full song is up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZN3fySNvz78 absolutely chill-inducing. .
  24. i have a *lot* of fun memories of the terminal before all the restoration. we used to sneak in and climb up to the top, pop the hatch, and hang out on the parapets (literally, hanging out, as on sitting on the edge).. got some great night shots of downtown (though this was 17-18 years ago with a not-so-great point and shoot.). LOVED. anyway, on my list of things that are awesome is ibuprofen and water. i've had wicked, excruciating back pain (again) since tuesday morning, keeping me up until 1 am tuesday night/wedensday morning. my family is in a mode where we're trying natural remedies before we'll automatically reach for the OTC meds, and to their credit, some of them worked, just not well enough. and not for nearly long enough. at least with ibuprofen, i know that i'm going to get direct results for 8-12 hours. with these natural remedies, i have to use them every hour or so. anyway, finally caved and took some ib around 1 am, and ended up falling asleep.
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