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Everything posted by LGR4GM

  1. Cody Eakin should be stapled to the bench. His line is atrocious.
  2. Minnesota game was crazy. Everyone was into it the entire game and it was loud.
  3. You know it's bs when every single player including Anderson is yelling at the refs.
  4. If I were Risto, I would have tried for a playoff team. Philly is gonna be bad.
  5. F off, he deserved to be stripped of the C. He was done for the team and everyone knew it.
  6. Drink every time they mention the trade... let us know if you survive.
  7. It's yet another service you have to pay for. Pay for msg Pay for espn+ Pay for who knows what else
  8. The bold. All forwards. The literal next sentence, Rochester needs defense. I mean, you're just arguing because you think I slighted botteril. That's it, it's pointless. Rochester is light on quality especially on defense and in goal which you have repeatedly admitted, why on earth is this controversial?
  9. I didn't say that. You were so eager to defend botteril you have missed my point in its entirety and are now saying things like this.
  10. No chance in hell NYI don't match a Dobson contract unless it's insane.
  11. Cernak is interesting and would be someone to try for
  12. "The Amerks aren't empty!" Proceeds to say their goaltending and defense are not good. Which was a chunk of my point.
  13. Darcy Regier doomed the team with atrocious drafting
  14. No, I'm saying they are light because they spent years drafting bad and it hasn't fully recovered. Maybe
  15. We need to stop acting like every pick we make is good. Pekar is probably not an NHL player. Laaksonen lacks the defense and might top out as replacement level. Rousek and Weissbach might be depth wingers. Murray is a depth winger. We've clearly forgotten that it's not just find nhl player, it's fine impact nhl player and that's the problem.
  16. It's drafting. Especially when you realize you're listening draft picks and all come from recent drafts. Also Pekar and Laaksonen I doubt ever hit 200 nhl games. Also also this is revisionist. Samuelsson, Fitz, Krebs are not in the Amerks... that's part of the Amerks issues. So now you have 2 mediocre players in Pekar and Laaksonen and 3 missing players. Rousek is injured. All comes back to drafting.
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