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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Thanks, that's right..... I am quite hungover today, lol trying to keep up
  2. That's awfully hasty.... What if the return is blockbuster, we have Dmen in the pipeline
  3. Ottawa retaining half of hemsky's salary in the deal
  4. It's true, we really could sit on a lot of these guys, try and resign Moulson, but I think we have an expectation with the way the year has played out for our team, if this is a total rebuild then, I would like to move Ehrhoff, and flip halak for sure, tallinder too..... I'd try and unload Leino for a 5th, although that's not happening
  5. Its a crazy deadline.... Prices are coming down as 3 nears instead of the opposite.... Murray is gonna need to pull the trigger on something soon, we set the market, now is not the time to turtle into darcy trade deadline Alamo mode
  6. Burke is a major tool..... Nice tie buddy, he's got bill mahr hair going on, on greasier
  7. Maybe Nolan can get Cory to play like he did while in Tampa, if Nolan is still here... I don't hate it
  8. Maybe, but a loss for us helps our Tank and makes us feel good for our lost guys, so it should even out
  9. They both seem agitated to be up there The stream is terrible, I've already heard enough.... Patty wanted to go back to NY, there was no discourse, etc, etc...
  10. Lalalalalalalalaaaaooooo f*ck it, it's all spilt milk at this point... Point some fingers, and let's make some more trades, that's what's really important.... We still have hockey guys up top for the current time, however we don't have hockey guys on the ice, where it really matters
  11. According to CBS sports, LaFontaine was very against trading miller, I don't know why they reported that, as Miller wanted to leave, there Is some truth hidden in all. Of this, but if we ever find out all the facts, I'll be amazed
  12. Yay team.... Well we all said we were gonna be surprised by a move this week, here we go :/
  13. I collect jerseys, I have one from all teams in the league including, seals, whalers, Nordiques, jets, and some nice throwbacks as well..... I rarely wear another teams, but I was feeling frisky to throw on another sweater..... It made for some nice friendly banter in my section, plus it was just support from me for the tank!
  14. Guys, I wore my sharks jersey to the game tonight, rendering my Hodgson jersey alone in the closet, therefore causing the sabres to win.... I take full responsibility for the win and the de-railing of the tank!!! Oh and Leino just gets worse and worse
  15. All this talk of injury is ridiculous.... Fine by that logic, don't let miller drive anywhere until he's traded for fear of an accident, and always have someone test his food before he eats to see if it's poisoned..... How often are goalies seriously injured, the answer is not very often (barring a lucic sighting).... Let the guy play until he is traded (if he is traded)
  16. I'll be in attendance tonight, hope that there is some support for millsie, I think he is gone by the deadline..... Let's see how well we match up against the big boys tonight, should be a challenge.... That St Louis/Anaheim game looks o so enticing tho
  17. Sad I missed this one.... Just caught the end of 3rd and OT in my car, nice to hear Rick able to belt out like he used to!! So happy to beat Beantown, but guys, 2 games is enough, let the Sharks have it Friday yet, I'll be there and I'll wear my old school sharks jersey too
  18. Leino, drew 2 penalties tonight, and didn't look terrible..... Scott looked slow on D The tank is still strong, the sabres haven't had time to get back into true form, they'll get there
  19. Scott prolly stole enroth's coffee and was cramping up..... Hence his stick handling fumbles..... Duh guys!!!
  20. I respect and appreciate the analytics of all of this, but man you guys get intense with your charts and stats..... My stats inclue the words "great" "good "" ok" "not good" and "ville leino"..... And i use the advanced analytics of the eye test to determine this, I guess charts just aren't my thing, I can see physically that Stafford is better this year in effort, but in stats, he's meh... And i saw in years prior he can do better elsewhere (assumed)
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