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Posts posted by Mango

  1. 17 minutes ago, JoeSchmoe said:

    In the case of your grandmother, was she ever really with the pace? I find most boomers like my parents, inlaws, friends parents, etc. found their niche in the world and don't venture very far out of it. It seems like a generational thing. Some of my Gen X friends are the same way but less commonly so.

    When it comes to TikTok, Instagram, etc, I have very little interest compared to my teenagers. However, when it comes to doing real things using technology, they seem lost. They just discovered AI when I've been using it for about a year. They aren't able to do simple things like make decisions as to what reputable websites and search results are. Programming? Forget about it. 

    Long story short, I don't feel like keeping up with the latest social media trends is necessarily going to lead to falling behind with technology. The main thing is to keep up with the real world stuff... Which as far as I can tell will be developments with AI (did I just use AI and real world in the same sentence?!??😶)  

    She was "OK' for a long time. She can use an iPad, set the timers on her DVR, put a VHS in and set it to record Wheel of Fortune or Seinfeld or whatever when she left the house. Way back when she could set the pre-set numbers on her house phone. etc. I would never consider her tech savvy at any point but she kept up at a reasonable pace for a long time.

    I think it is easy to forget how quickly the world has progressed in the last 15 years. It has been remarkably quick. 

    Re: the socials. I agree with your overall point on the current tech trends and prioritizing what is important. But one thing I keep pinned in the back of my head is similar to the situation with your kids. At some point the kids consuming all the IG, TT, Discord, etc. will be the same people shaping what technology looks like tomorrow. My parents taught me until I taught them. I teach my kids until they start teaching me and part of that is learned through their "daily drivers" that they use. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    Once we lost Ulmark, I was firmly on the camp of bringing in a NHL starting goalie to help the team compete while UPL stayed in Rochester and Levi was in NCAA.  Nothing that happened makes that strategy wrong.  Adam’s started talking about blockers about the time Ulmark left   

    IMHO - Tokarski, Dell, Comrie and a very aged Anderson was not adequate GM work by Adams, especially given his asset stockpile and his cap situation.   

     Everyone in the NHL circles raised eyebrows at the process Adams took.  He was subtly criticized on ESPN and TNT.  Even Kevin Weekes made comments this season and did an eye roll on the Sabres goaltending situation prior to January.   The ESPN panel questioned this in between periods. 

    Adams can get credit for developing UPL. He can equally get blame for missing playoff last year, and probably this year.  This team was better than were they finished in each of these seasons. 

    If I had to do this again, I would still start by bringing in a goalie that can help your you core players compete and buy time to bring up your goalie prospects in the lower leagues until they are ready 

    This season a vet and UPL was the logical way to go.  Levi was promised something I hear.  We have to get past that.  Once this team stops sucking they will have leverage when dealing with 20 year old prospects.  Comrie was promised another look too.   

    A vet and UPL could have done the job and kept us in the race all season.  UPL would have probably emerged either way.  

    Congrats to Adams for developing UPL.   Now, moving forward, he MUST make the moves to get us out of hockey hell.  

    Great post. To add on I think part of it is how best to develop a goalie and letting UPL struggle  for a few season in the NHL seems to fall in the category of "just because you can doesn't mean you should".

    It feels like a no brainer that the best thing for UPL was to have some stability in net to learn from or spend more time in Rochester. Not a whole lot different than Levi. The kid has the potential to be really good, but you have to let him bake. There are a lot of pro-athletes that never turn out because they got rushed into responsibility. You never hear of a player in any sport that was "ruined" by being  a back up for an extra year or spending an extra year in the minors. 

    Happy for UPL and Sabres. Super amped to come into next season with UPL and Levi. 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  3. On 3/13/2024 at 9:58 PM, Thorny said:

    If we go out and wallop the Islanders tomorrow, really wallop them like we saw with Detroit, I’ll probably start to shift from “mathematically possible, still in it” mode to belief they have a real shot.

    That “we need to go 14-3” (and now 13-3) thing looms large but I can’t shake the feeling the number comes in a bit below 93. If it’s 91: tiebreaker is prob something we own 

    12-4 over final 16? It still seems just ridiculous but…again, with what we saw vs Detroit..I’d say that team could maybe do it 

    - - - 

    What we really need is for the islanders to drop their game with Ottawa while we play Detroit again. Even if we beat the islanders tomorrow we’d be 3 back with them having 2 in hand so realistically 5 points: a tough hill to climb with other teams still in the mix. But if we take care of business vs Detroit while they lose to Ottawa..1 back with them having 2 in hand…3 points, more less…you never know 

    They played fast last night v NYI. If they can maintain that pace anything could happen.  That is a big if though. I think part of the problem with this team has been that they can't sustain their best hockey. It is just so taxing for them. 

    The one thing I am worried about is goaltending. The stakes are just too high to start Comrie at any point right now. They should be bringing Levi up here and there through this stretch and managing his games in the AHL to prepare for it. And if by the grace of all the good hockey ju-ju the Sabres do make the playoffs I think you have to keep Levi up as the backup.

  4. On 2/23/2024 at 11:12 AM, Pimlach said:

    To the bolded.  I have to agree that the millennials do get a bad rap.  When they were first entering the work force, I was the director of electrical engineering for the site.  One responsibility was staffing, including hiring and college recruiting. 

    We started hiring the very first wave of millennials and our HR revamped how we would attract them and hopefully retain them.  I loved the talent and energy they brought.  They were a bit older than my own kids who fall into the middle and end of that generation.  They were also smart enough to know what they wanted.  The company took steps to give them opportunities faster than past practices, and did some smart things to retain them.   When I was their age I mostly went along for the ride, kept my mouth shut, and took a lot of Sh** from the older generations because that was the way of the times ever since I was kid. 

    I later found out that I have a  more trouble relating to the gen Z group that followed them.   A lot of people bash millennials today but they really are talking about Z's.  


    I think there is this correlation to when people begin to age out of technology and what generation they think all people younger then them are. Totally anecdotal, but when my grandma complains about millennials she means gen Z. But she has been doing that since she created her 6th different facebook account because she forgot her password and didn't know how to reset it. 

    In all honesty stuff like what I posted is why I always download the new apps, social media's etc. I don't love tiktok, or discord, or twitch at all. I don't even like some of them. But I understand the world is advancing at a wild pace and I cannot afford to age out of it. It took my grandma something like 70 years for the world to pass her by. In 2024 it can happen in an instant. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Hank said:

    You're one of the tools from TBD who think thier witty. You're not. It's nice that you found your way over here, but this isn't TBD. 

    This post has very Pegula “wet blanket” vibes. I’ll have to do some digging to see if that’s you Terry.

    Thanks for the PSA though. This is the no fun zone when you are around. And if anybody does want to have fun Hank will call you names. Noted.

    Get over yourself. I haven’t done anything offensive or egregious. Especially nothing to deserve any name calling. You are not the arbiter of…well….anything.


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  6. 3 hours ago, Hank said:

    I've been on this board for over two decades, I also like the way Adams is building the team. For this team, in this market, at this time, I think the draft and develop strategy is the way to go. Not strictly of course. I want smart FA pickups and trades in the off-season. I advocated for Novak before nashville resigned him a couple weeks ago. Proposed giving up a kings ranson for Saros prior to the draft. Bitched for months when Adams didn't put in a waiver claim for Tolvanen. But over all, I like the direction the team is headed and am happy with Adams. 

    Listen 1H 1A 1N 1K. I get it, you want to be Kevyn Adams. But you can’t be him and the Mrs. are already here. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Crusader1969 said:

    Yep, shoulda spent the season in the CHL playing against other kids.  lol 

    He’s much too far along for juniors. He fits on this roster because we don’t have anybody else. But I do think that if rules allowed the AHL would be a better spot.

    I think he’s likely in blue and gold next year but I wouldn’t be shocked if he were in Rochester next year. 

  8. I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. As somebody who also had some long covid issues I feel this one!

    To anybody thinking of the heeler please beware they deserve a very active home. They aren't a "nightly walk and let out in the backyard" kind of dog. They are smart and stubborn. If you don't give them enough stimulation both physically and mentally they will become destructive/bad dogs. If you camp, hike, work outside, or want a running buddy a heeler would be absolutely perfect. I have had two. 

    For reference my first one was my training partner while I lived at the Olympic Training Center. We would run anywhere from 10-20 miles (in a single go) 3-4 times per week and she could have handled more. Like 20 mile run in the morning and she would bounce of the walls in the afternoon. 

    This isn't necessarily to protect the owner/house, it is to protect the dog too. They are custom built for extreme work in extreme working conditions. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, LETSTUCHINGO said:

    Let me get this straight, you and others can mock fans for opinions you don’t agree with, but others can’t do it back to you. Interesting. Gaslighting? That’s cute. Seeing how this is a forum and you obviously have no problem expressing your opinions, I will continue to express mine, sarcastically and as mockingly as I like. I believe the Sabres are on the right path and that KA is building the team in the right way! I’m not as convinced that Donny is the right coach, but we will see. Go Sabres, HUGE game tonight! 

    After seeing your first ever post ever was last year and about how knowledgeable Kevyn Adams with a heavy dose of Kevyn Adams ballwashing I have no choice but to believe that both you and @Sabres73 are some combination of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. 

    I just asked Siri and she agreed. 

    EDIT: I just asked Alexa. She said without a doubt. But with an Australian accent. 

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  10. This team has been letting other teams take shots at our goalies waaaay too often. I constantly see guys in front of the net totally unopposed poking and bumping, regularly stinking around after the play for a little extra and nobody....NOBODY does anything. 

    Defending the crease is something that has driven me nuts lately. This current group is a major problem. They just don't have a whole lot of grit or physicality or spine for that matter. But it isn't just a DG/KA regime problem, teams have been running Buffalo goalies for a good portion of the Pegula era. It is strange. We have been talking about teams running our goalies and nobody doing anything for a decade. 

    It is gross. 

    • Agree 1
  11. 13 hours ago, Big Guava said:

    They said 6-8 weeks. Think he is still a few weeks away from 8 weeks isn't he?

    Yup I just checked...8 weeks from Jan 29th is March 25th, so still around 2 weeks.

    I doubt they keep him out...for what reason?


    If we are out of the playoff hunt it doesn't make sense to get him back for a few meaningless games. Just not worth the risk v reward. A conservative approach to getting to full strength will be better for Quinn in the long run. 

    • Agree 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Thorny said:

    I think we can read a lot from how Botts lost his job. The subtext there was, “we are bad while spending a lot of money, look, we can be bad while spending less, in that case.”

    I think he’s willing to fork out, it’s just not the default anymore. Our GM is to do whatever he wants to do in an economic way, first, and if the pillars of the operation progress to the extent it looks like it can support the weight of more cash: it’s on the table.

    I don’t see close to the urgency in fielding a winner that id like to see, and some of that manifests in our leaning towards spending less, but it’s not a hard line thing 

     The Botts thing feels like is was likely pretty untenable. With the rumors that Pegula forced the Skinner contract and franchise layoffs it sounds like no matter what the results or spend were that this was a relationship that was never going to work out. 

  13. 6 hours ago, Believer said:

    Reading your posts for awhile now, you take criticism of the team very personally… Moreso than any other poster it seems to me…

    You aren’t a player, a relative or an employee by chance? Of course you couldn’t say if you are…

    Not hard to disagree without being disagreeable… Lot of strong personalities and opinions on this message board… The Sabres bring out the best and worst in us at times…

    Here’s the thing… We’re all fans…

    Not long ago one among us (can’t recall who) put it best… “Disrespect the post, not the poster.”

    Just my opinion.

    Some info on Sabres73

    - Kevyn Adams was born in 74...hmmmm off by one year? Why? To throw us off the scent? If he was Sabres74 he would have certainly have been outed.
    - Joined October 2021. The starting month of Kevyn Adams first full 82 game season. And just before the Eichel trade? 
    - Their first post was on the Eichel thread before he was traded. (10/21)
    - Second post called the Tage Thompson signing "genius" (1/23)
    - 3rd post said that they were glad fans were not the GM of the team. (1/23)
    - 4th post was "I will take what this GM has done"(1/23) 
    - Most posts are about how amazing the GM is and how bad the fans are.

    I basically confirmed Sabres73 (74?) is Kevyn Adams. 



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  14. 15 hours ago, bunomatic said:

    Sounds like they are preparing to miss again next year. Watch the teams that build each and every year towards the playoffs and beyond and compare that to KAs plan. Unwavering mediocraty. Just get by. Maybe we’ll squeek in. If we get lucky. If we avoid injuries. If the young guys all take that step. If our goaltending wins us games. If we can turn our power play around. If Krebs could just be a goalscorer. All whatifisms. Loser mentality. Gawd dammit I want a winner at the helm. Its going to be a long offseason. In KA we trust ?

    He has some people convinced. The more casual fans on social media have been parroting "You don't understand the plan. We are the youngest team in the league". Or "This is the first year that Adams TRIED to make the playoffs. So he has really only failed once. You have to give the guy more than 1 year."

    There is a stat out there that something like 47% of all internet activity is from bots/ai. I often wonder if the team pays for them to carpet bomb the comments. 

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    9 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    Quinn got hurt in-season so I'm not going to excoriate the GM over not putting together a trade to compensate for the loss of Quinn. (His season-ending injury was a big loss.) However, if this offseason the GM doesn't make enough significant moves to upgrade the roster with the amount of assets he has in his pocket, then I'm going to be very upset and join your posse in chasing him out of town. I'm not expecting a blockbuster deal. What I expect is at least a couple to few acquisitions that will make this team better. It's time to exhibit a greater degree of urgency. 

    @Pimlach is talking about Quinn's achilles injury, which happened in June. 3-4 months before the season started. No replacement was attempted to be brought in. No different than "the kid line" (which looks to be a Cozens issue at this point) No different than not allowing Ryan Johnson to QB the power play in Rochester because of Owen Power. 

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  16. 1 hour ago, Hank said:

    Yes, he said it. So what? He's still blocking the kids. He brought in four players without subtracting any. He didn't promote any kids who haven't earned it. Those who don't like him latch onto those words and throw them out there. Again. And again. And again. Despite the fact that it's not true. It's a lie. It's dishonest. It's a narrative. But feel free to keep breaking sticks on that mutilated corpse of a horse. 


    This year the org said that Ryan Johnson would not be QB-ing the power play in Rochester because of Owen Power. . 

    The refusal to develop Ryan Johnsons skill set for the reason of not stepping on Owen Powers toes is a huge part of the problem with this team. Teams need to compete. This team has very little consistent compete to it on a regular basis. It is in the top 3 complaints of probably 95% of the posters on this board. And a big part of that is because they refuse to compete internally. "Not getting in the kids way" and refusing to even have your best defensive prospect fill a role in Rochester because of Owen power is part of that problem. 

    If anything the org should salivate at having another player come in and they should be promoting these guys going at it hard internally. 

    I am not an NHL coach, but I have been a part of a few US National Teams, won a few National Championships, and been the HC for a  few National Champions teams. I have never ever been a part of one where we have not had a heavy amount of internal competition. You have to give guys an opportunity to win, but you also have to give them real threats to lose too. I would 100% tell a guy like Ryan Johnson to grit his teeth and go take that role from Owen Power. And everyday I would tell Power that if he doesn't figure it out Ryan Johnson will take his spot. This is how teams get better. 

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