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Posts posted by Mango

  1. 1 minute ago, mjd1001 said:

    I guess I'm almost alone in this, but I'm looking forward to seeing Byram play when he suits up.  Makes me want to watch the games a bit more than if no moves were made.

    Fair point, but for more color does this trade make you want to watch the Sabres more on Thursday/Saturday? Next October? 365 days from today? 

    Because if it get you to watch the game this weekend, but not next season, this is really bad value. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Doohickie said:

    But they didn't even approach his agent.  ASK him and let him tell you no, don't just assume he won't be happy. 

    breaking bad bullshit GIF

    Also if Dylan Cozens is making and was offered more than Casey Mittlestadt then that isn't a Casey Mittlesadt problem. That is a player (e)valuation problem. 

    2 years ago Casey was my most frustrating player and the last 18 months he has become my favorite and this teams best forward.

    If Dylan Cozens is struggling heavily with the pressure to perform relative to his contract extension, the pressure just increased on the kid.....BY A LOT. Because that is the measuring stick, his contract is why we moved on from Mitts. And if he doesn't surpass Mitts game in the next season or two he is going to find himself struggling in this town. 

    • Agree 2
  3. 30 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Lol ...


    WTF is the plan here? 

    Casey has been our best center by some margin and it seems as though we traded him for our 5th LHD who might become the 4th guy on the depth chart? 

    When Adams said he would negotiate Mitts contract after the season/deadline but "had to listen to offers" I knew he was as good as gone. But I was hoping for reasonable return. 

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  4. On 3/4/2024 at 6:49 PM, PASabreFan said:

    The population is not dropping fast. It even appears to be ticking up after a decade of very modest declines year by year. Same for Erie Co. It's not the 70s and 80s anymore.

    Not to derail the thread, but the region has been losing population for decade until recently. The 90's weren't good and nearly were the early aughts or even the 2010's for that matter. 

    Some things are getting better for some people. But all in all the city is still is in rough shape. Child poverty is an important number to watch. Buffalo is still at 40%+ and they have been for decades. This is nearly triple the national average and over double the state average. This is an important number to watch for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that class stratification is rare in the US.

    Yes it happens. Sure it is worse in other countries.

    But the numbers around class stratification relative to your parents are super similar to height. It is just as unlikely in the US to have two parents at 5'8 and be 6'0+ as it is to grow up on public assistance and make it to the middle class.

    There is a larger macro conversation to be had for sure. But ultimately until this number is substantially reduced I refuse to believe that there is any real Buffalo renaissance. You cannot have that many children living in poverty for decades upon decades. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 32 minutes ago, 7+6=13 said:

    It doesn't bother me anymore that athletes make a lot of money.  They are part of an entity that brings in a certain amount of money and they receive their part based on their value to the team paying them. 

    Kind of like Actors/Actresses.  I had friends and family that would say they're not going to the movies anymore because they're sick of how they act and they aren't supporting that anymore.  Then I mentioned look, you're not paying them millions, you're paying $13 for them to entertain you.  Put it into context.  

    BTW, what athletes go through is actually quite brutal.  You complain about Von, yet if you think for just a minute about what happened to him and what how difficult that was, to then hurry up and get back on the field, it's not for normal people.  



    Being CEO should pay a lot. Being CEO of a company that brings in $6,000 per year in revenue pays a pack of gum. 

    Athletes are the product. They are the iPhone, the SUV, the paint you use in your living room. They make a portion of the revenue they create. $40M a year for throwing a football for 10 years is a lot. $40M because you are directly responsible for a 35% increase in revenue at a company worth $4B is reasonable value. 


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  6. 5 minutes ago, inkman said:

    Buffalo fans might just be the most predictable morons on the planet. 

    We live in a world where we don't get to think "who is the best hire for position x at the Buffalo Sabres next year?"

    But a world where we have to navigate "who is the best person at position x that Terry Pegula and Kevyn Adams are willing to bring into the Buffalo Sabres next year?"

    More often than not the answers to both questions are very different. 

  7. 36 minutes ago, Scottysabres said:

    Well, looking at it strictly through the lens of success rates, Lindy was far more successful than the past 10 seasons........


    I'm in the ya, bring him back if he'll take the job crowd. Sorry LG and Swamp, but I ain't getting any younger, so "Are you not Entertained" is most definitely where my thoughts are.

    At the very least he was very productive running a team built on efficient economics like this one. And Lindy is a respected hockey man across the league. There is something to say about both being positives. Is he the best option? No....

    But is anybody else taking the job with Adams/Terry dictating what they can and cannot do? Also no.

    A big part of what this franchise needs is somebody to separate Terry from any actual personnel/staffing decisions. A real life hockey professional to sit on top of the Sabres hockey throne. If Terry has the trust of Lindy the way he does Beane I could also get behind him as POHO. Which would likely include clearing house and moving on from Adams and Donnie.

    Same questions as above. Are there others you would maybe like more? Sure. But would they get the job? Probably not. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, shrader said:

    After reading all the crap in here I really wanted to ask why. But then I saw this post and if I can only ask why one time a day, it has to be used on you. 

    The whole thread was fair but also hilarious. So I was just joining in. It isn't quite recipe sharing season yet so I had to make due with what I've got. 

  9. This is sort of the way the league is set up. For teams that are bad for extended periods of time to have a better prospect pool than teams that are good. 

    It certainly isn't a hard and fast rule:

    - The 5 best prospect pools are Buffalo, Columbus, Detroit, Anaheim, and San Jose. 
    - The 5 worst prospect pools are Islanders, Ottawa, Boston, Tampa, and Toronto. 

    Detroit should be pumped. Ottawa should be scared. Everybody else are sort of where they are supposed to be. 

  10. I commented on the Britney Spears subreddit asking the worst thing she had done post conservatorship. I responded with calling out her children multiple times on social media. Not her adult children, but her children children. She has been a bad mother. 

    It got deleted with a message from the mod "RESPECT BRITNEY". 

    I think this is a good line in the sand for thread and comment deleting. "Does deleting this thread make me more similar or less similar to Britney-stans". 

  11. 37 minutes ago, thewookie1 said:

    1 of the leaks in the roof sits above a couple seats in the 300 level which have to be moved most games due to the rain/snow melting and dripping down. 

    Supposedly the original plan was fix the roof, install new sound equipment in the rafters to better reflect and deflect sound and the addition of a new Jumbotron. COVID, Kim's "Stroke" and the new Bills Stadium delayed the plans. The updated plans are now known with them intending to replace the roof entirely in order to avoid potential continued failures in the 30+ year old roof. 


    I think part of the reason the acoustics are being looked at is because of the new jumbotron. Not so much a "convenience" thing. But more so even if they keep the same exact audio gear in place it likely has to be repositioned which will change the arena sound. Similarly if they upgrade the audio system as well. Either way everything would need to be more or less recalibrated. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Porous Five Hole said:

    I don’t know anything about arena roofing, but 30 years seems like a natural life for a roof.  The fact that the work is being done means the Sabres aren’t going anywhere for a long time.  


    I flip flop on whether the Sabres will leave. But even by your own admission, how is replacing a roof at the end of its life proof of anything? 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 3 hours ago, mjd1001 said:

    I'm not sure what it is about Florida...I just feel a lot less confident against them than any other team. Boston?  the Rangers?  Something gives me the feeling the Sabres would match up against them much better than Florida.  A win tonight would go a long way to me thinking this team might be turning a legit corner, not just feeding off of weaker opponents.

    With 26 games left, all but eliminated from the playoffs, and the league/pundit consensus being that this team has no grit or fight in it, we aren't getting anybody's best shot. Hell, we might not be getting some of their good shots. 

    • Agree 1
  14. 32 minutes ago, Buffalo Super Fan said:

    This is very good Buffalo Sabres news at least the Sabres are committed to staying in Buffalo. Buffalo fans know I am not a fan of Terry Pegula and I doubt I ever will be even if he finally wins a championship. Because I don’t care for his style of absentee ownership even with the Buffalo Bills it’s minimum at best so after getting that out of the way
    Buffalo Sabres fans can do whatever they want it’s a free country. I would never tell anyone what they should do with their hard earned money or how to think. But understand complaining about seating leg room and restrooms is nonsense. The Buffalo Memorial Auditorium was a dump but we still went to games as Buffalo Sabres fans. The Key Bank Center restrooms today are 5 stars compared to the old Buffalo Memorial Auditorium or Buffalo War Memorial Stadium. If you don’t like sports anymore unless the Sabres are winning or the prices are cheap that is fine. But understand there are consequences for that action it’s called the moving van. Again I am fine with Buffalo NHL or AHL hockey as long as Buffalo has some kind of hockey team. But I have a feeling that the ones complaining the most about restrooms and leg room would never go near a Buffalo AHL team replacement for the NHL Buffalo Sabres if it ever came to that. Yet howl the most about missing NHL hockey in Buffalo. I say this because Buffalo Sabres are down there NHL revenue wise today with Arizona Coyotes and Winnipeg Jets two NHL teams that are at risk for relocation. 

    The Key Bank Center seating bowl changes only happen with public money that is the general public responsibility it’s in the Buffalo Sabres lease. The Sabres lease is coming up and we as a Western New York community are going to have a choice renew the lease with the upgrades that the Sabres want or not. I think as a Buffalo Sabres fan it comes down to just like the Buffalo Bills you either want major league sports or you don’t in Buffalo? There is a price for major league sports and there are plenty of cities that will take the Sabres off our hands if you want to do the Oakland as I call it. Which is absolutely nothing but complain and not go to games. The ticket prices are the ticket prices for major league sporting events today go or don’t go it seems pretty simple. But in sports regardless of the level you can’t guarantee winning. I wish you could but you can’t.

    But I don’t want to hear complaining if the Buffalo Sabres leave town for the Buffalo AHL replacement you get what you pay for. Tickets are never coming down price wise and will always go up. When I read complaints about the restrooms and leg room in seats it tells me this may not be a major league sports town anymore sadly? You either love NHL hockey or you don’t? Seats and restrooms never entered into watching a hockey game for me. Again I am personally good either way Western New York community wants either to do the Oakland and become Rochester sports rivals keep it up.

    The biggest problem with the Buffalo Sabres are that the Sabres players are too comfortable and the roster needs a major block buster trades. Eventually that is going to happen and I think it’s Alex Tuch he isn’t a clutch player and any where but Buffalo would be a try hard player on a third line. Alex Tuch isn’t ever going to be a star or a top 6 forward and too many Sabres fans can’t see that yet. Because Alex Tuch is a semi local player from Syracuse. But the reality is that Patrick Kane the Buffalo hometown player most didn’t want even at his age is a more skilled clutch player than an Alex Tuch now. But unfortunately Sabres fans don’t want to hear or accept that fact. Alex Tuch is at his ceiling he isn’t going to get better only older. Now is the time to move him while the Sabres can hopefully get a good return. I would bring in Patrick Kane in free agency and trade for John Tavares out of Toronto. Which I think John Tavares may come available in the summer after the Toronto Maple Leafs collapse in the NHL playoffs again. John Tavares would be the Sabres new captain and Patrick Kane an alternate captain. Completely remaking the culture and locker room for the current Buffalo Sabres in my opinion. Go Sabres!  Let’s Go Buffalo 

    Pegula tried to get this paid for by the county and the county told him to kick rocks and that it was part of the lease agreement that he maintain the facility. 

    That is all this is. These aren't upgrades. The jumbotron is nearly double the estimated life expectancy from the manufacturer. It should have been replaced nearly 10 years ago. The roof has never ever been replaced since it went up nearly 30 years ago in 1996. Terry is way behind on maintenance. 

    These two replacements have zero to do with the longevity of the team in Buffalo and everything to do with his contractual obligation of the lease. 

    Given the fact that multiple sources have cited that the arena could use $150M+ in upgrades (not just replacement/repair) a $10M display and a $5M roof are hardly an investment to get excited about.  In fact, I would posit that spending 20% or so of the estimated cost to upgrade the arena is a reasonable cause for concern. 

    I am not sure the second bolded is true. It very well may be. But we know that the lease holder has for KBC has been held accountable for other upgrades in the past. 



    "Under the operating agreement, upgrades and renovations fall on Crossroads Arena LLC and Niagara Frontier Hockey LLC. both of which are private entities, the first leases out the arena and the latter holds the Sabres franchise."



    At this point, the county, which has an arena lease with the Sabres that expires in 2025, is not planning to put any funding toward renovations at the arena.

    “Under the current lease, it is the responsibility of the team owner to do that,” said Peter Anderson, a spokesman for Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.


    • Like (+1) 4
  15. 7 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    I saw the story about the renovations and my instant thought was - is that the timeline? 24/25 is the planned great leap forward? We can only hope, but the comments above from Pegula lead me to think they do in fact plan to add in free agency now, finally, and 24/25 will be time is now rather than be patient for the future. Or I'm just deluding myself. 

    We can only hope. 

    I think this is likely just the bare minimum to stay in compliance with the lease. The roof has never been done and the jumbotron was done in 2007. Daktronics, the vendor who made says that the life expectancy is about 10 years. We are approaching year 17-18. For reference Golisano replaced the prior jumbrotron 11 years after it fell in 1996. 

    Pegula is waaaaaay behind on arena maintenance. 

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    Didn’t work for them either.


    The closest they get is one of them is tax accountant for a few NHL Players 

    My point is that Terry and Kevyn like having a data point to fall back on. Of course you and I know the org was stooopid for letting Ullmark go. But for the average fan in the FB comments (not on team specific message boards and following closely) this provides them a bit of curtain to hide behind. "We didn't extend him because the analytics say....."

  17. It is worth noting that renovations = contractually obligated maintenance. The roof has never been replaced and the scoreboard is well passed due on the manufacturers recommendation. 

    They originally tried to get this paid for by the county and the county said "that isn't what the lease says". 

    Estimates for a true upgrades and renovations to the arena are $150M+. I wouldn't be shocked if they only spend approximately 10-15% of that on the roof/score board. 


    • Like (+1) 3
  18. 9 minutes ago, thewookie1 said:

    I don't believe in some grand conspiracy about AFP working for the Pegulas and trying to undercut players. Since if you convince your fans of these numbers and you sign them for more it only makes you look bad. Fan opinions matter but in contractual negotiations would mean little.

    I don't think it is to undercut players players salaries in an effort to sign them for less. And I don't think it is some grand conspiracy.

    Every franchise in the big 4 leagues in the US floats stories to gauge and prep fan reaction. Floating unrealistically low contract values to prep fans for players eventual departure isn't uncommon in any league in the US. 

    In fact they have already done it with Ullmark. AFP valued Ullmark at nearly half and the teams response was that they offered him what they thought was fair value but Boston gave him more money/longer term or whatever. 


    2 minutes ago, Brawndo said:


    They do not work for the Sabres Organization. 

    Sorry, "worked". 

  19. 1 hour ago, Brawndo said:

    Contract projections for Mitts, UPL and Jokiharju 

    These guys at AFP work with the org. They have floated a couple of things in regards to trades and contracts the last few months that I believe are testing the fan base reaction and present information as a 3rd party. 

    I think the Mitts and UPL values are bit low on purpose so the team can set itself up to say "so-and-so team over paid". 


  20. 7 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    Big dilemma for sure.  

    They cannot lose another NHL level goalie, they are too hard to get and too hard to develop.  I would bridge him into his UFA years (3 or 4 years) if there is room.  

    There will be more contracts coming up to pay as well.  The Skinner deal is becoming an albatross and Power could have been bridged.  We just burned an ELC year on an 18 year old.   Mitts is on deck.  

    There will be challenges like all teams face.   

    I have been told on this and other forums that NHL GM's don't plan for the cap 3, 4, 5 years in advance. But I am also told on this and other message boards that we will be getting insane value in years 5, 6, and 7 on Cozens, Power, and Thompson. I whish people would pick a lane. 

    Right now, gun to my head, I would rather have Mitts and UPL over either Cozens or Power. In fact, if you asked me to pick my favorite pairing of that group of 4 it would b Mitts/UPL. 

  21. I am not sure we can realistically make the current contracts, plus Mitts/UPL, and the coming contracts of Levi, Quinn, and Peterka work. 

    Next year we absolutely have to start getting way more value out of Power/Cozens/Thompson. Have to! Otherwise we are talking about letting players that are good today walk because somebody might be comparable tomorrow. 

    I don't think this team can afford to let UPL walk. They have to lock him up. 

  22. 58 minutes ago, Doohickie said:

    Good.  I love Donny as much as the guys in the room but the magic is gone.  It took Lindy 16 seasons to get to this point but by then I wanted him gone too.  It's a necessary move.

    Right, the fans and other orgs would not disagree with you. 

    I am speaking in regards to what the locker room thought they were doing vs. what they actually did. They are a bunch of dumb-dumbs.

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