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Posts posted by kishoph

  1. It is ###### amazing that Ville hasn't scored one goal this year. You'd think he'd at least get a lucky bounce off a skate, an empty netter, a butt goal, or SOMETHING!


    How can you put a guy on your top line who hasn't scored a goal through 42 games played?!


    What makes it even worst is, he's probably averaging about 15 minutes a game this season.


    Please tell me his nickname is Bebe.




    Of course it is Neuvy, hockey nicknames seem to come from simply adding a y to the first syllable of the players surname, that's a lot of originality.

  2. The tank has one more year. Given the traffic Ehroff and Myers generated at the deadline I wouldn't be surprised if they were traded at the draft. It all depends on the return. Stafford and Stewart will probably be gone at the draft or at the trade deadline next season. Ennis or Hodgson has to go at some time as they are too similar.


    One more winter at Valley Forge. Stay the course!

    :huh: what?


    That is WGR talk, I heard Joe B. and Mike Schopp saying that the other day and my reaction was the same. "what", they were insistent that 1 or both don't fit (their) plans for success. No need for players that can score.

  3. He said today that they are going after free agents this summer and that players will want to come here. They have to spend money, obviously, just wonder how that plays out and what the plan is for next year, do we want to win or lose?


    This is what I'm hoping for, I want to see some good hockey next year, I'm "middle aged" and don't have the time to wait 2-3 years to see good hockey. As well I can't believe that the players or the majority of the fans buy into "tanking" for another year or two. To some, it may seem like a good idea now, but how long can you follow ###### hockey ? Ticket sales will suffer and the chance of getting good FA's or resigning your top players will be nearly non-existant. JMO


    I don't know what to think of Murray yet, the body of work is way too small, he moved his UFA's as any GM would do, but we don't know what the return will be yet. The immediate return doesn't seem so good, but it depends on how the prospects turn out to really judge if he did a good job or not and that could 2-3 years away.

  4. Why does Nolan keep foolishly putting Leino on the top line ? How does a player go from 6 minutes of ice time to the top line ? I know the team isn't filled with talent, but I'd much rather see Flynn or Ellis up there. Putting Leino on that line does nothing but stifle Ennis and Stafford IMO.

    I'm not yet sold on Nolan being the Sabres coach for any long term, he's getting more effort out of a lot of players but, his matchups and line combos leave me scratching my head more often then not. According to WGR reports (always solid :rolleyes: ), Murray is heading down to Florida tomorrow to talk to Nolan about the contract extension.

  5. Isn't quitting a volunteer position because your advice wasn't heeded actually worse? A position with no pay and zero power...and you're mad the organization didn't take marching orders from you?


    What "marching orders" did PLF want the Isles to follow, he left an unpaid position as an adviser, because he felt the organization wasn't headed in the right direction. Myself I've never had to leave a job early because I didn't like it, but I'm sure if I was to start a new job and after a short time I felt it wasn't right for me, I'm gonna leave.

  6. I thought the same thing. Milbury is such a schmuck! The "Beg" quote was totally taken out of context. At least Keith Jones defended Nolan from Milburys thrashing. He basically said Nolan doesn't deserve to be a head coach! Total classless moron!


    I refuse to watch any pregame, intermission or post game segments on NBC televised Sabres games, I don't need to see some classless fool bash my team.


    John Scott really didn't look out of place on defense, he made some good plays and it was good to see him be able to be physical back on D, where he really doesn't have as many opportunities as a forward. On the penalty against him it didn't look like he caught the player with his leg, to me it looked like he threw a jab to the shoulder and knocked him off balance, then again I have old eyes, so maybe I missed the leg going out.

  7. I think the sentiment is Ted's and Ted's alone. He's acting like a chick again because his buddy was told to GTFO.


    Nolan may just want to see what he has to work with after the trade deadline passes. Why would he want to coach a team that has moved just about all of it's top players and looks on it's way to a 3-4 year rebuild ? Why sign a 3 year contract to coach a team that more than likely is going to suck for 3 years ?

  8. Pat LaFontaine has post concussion syndrome. It explains ALL of this in a single swing.


    Maybe he had a moment of clarity and ran away from this cluster f**k as fast as he could.


    I really believe that if it was PLF's decision to resign, he would of held a press conference or announced it through the media someway himself. Even after he left the Islanders, he gave an explanation and that was just as a job as an unpaid adviser, here he was President of hockey operations, I can't believe he would leave amicably without an explanation to the fans.

  9. This just in: people who play sports like to win their games.


    :thumbsup: Exactly, there's not one Sabre that wants to lose any games, they go out there and work hard trying to win games and the only way I know how to be a fan, is rooting for them to win. For myself the word "tank" is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I'm not saying if it's wrong or right, but I could never imagine myself wanting a Buffalo team to lose any game.

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