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Posts posted by kishoph

  1. sure as hell seems as if he shut John Scott down no?


    I am in the "this is not the same Ted Nolan as before camp".


    I just do not see the dramatic difference in the "give a damn" from the Sabres..


    Paul Hamilton and the WGR talking heads all said that they have been told by John Scott, that Nolan does not want him fighting. They also discussed the point I brought up in past post about the possibility of Nolan not wanting to be perceived as a coach that resorts to "goon tactics" like he may have been perceived because of his earlier stint with the Sabres. When Nolan was interviewed on WGR this morning and asked about the Flyers games, he couldn't of sounded more like a politician in giving his answer to why nothing was done about the way the Flyers abused his players.


    Can we please take a look at the historically bad roster before judging ANYTHING about the coach of this team. This team is awful, I mean AWFUL and I can't believe these games are not not 10-0 every single night. Forget the forwards playing right now and the injuries to the few NHLers on this team, they are playing the 4th (if not 5th) string goalie. This team is impossible to judge right now.....


    The talent of the roster has nothing to do with players wanting to stick up with each other and in no way can I be convinced that every night, each and every one of those 19 guys out there that are afraid to stick up for a teammate.

  2. If Watkins is there at #5, I would work out something with the Raiders, the Raiders need help everywhere, so I think they'll be a team looking to trade down in order to get extra pick or two. Robinson and Lewan will be gone before #9 and I wouldn't trade up for either, the draft seems pretty deep for line help. I don't think the Bills would be interested in Ebron at #9 and I don't blame them. I'm not anti Evans, I think he'll be there at #9, but I do believe that we could move back a few spots and still get him. The Bills brass does not want the EJ pick to look like a bad one, so I believe that they are going to concentrate on getting him as many weapons as they can. We may not see a defensive player going to the Bills in the first couple of rounds, of course I would love if Mack dropped to them and they grabbed him.

  3. Tortorella is not the answer. To anything. Other than the question, "What Canucks coach will be fired this May?"

    I'm not implying that we should have Torts as a coach. Just using him as an example of a coach who'd have a lot more VIBRANT reaction to the BS that Philly pulled against us, and the league clearly turns a blind eye to, given the joke of a 4 game suspension for a guy with priors.


    Tortorrella is a bit of an extreme, but I want a coach that shows some passion behind the bench. I don't know how any player feels, but if I was on the bench and I see some of these instances where my teamates are getting abused whithout anything being called or my team receives some terrible call against it and I see no reaction from my coach other than maybe some harder gum chewing, I'd feel let down.


    Andrew Peters brought up an incident against the Flyers where a Sabres player was in the offensive zone in the corner when the play ended he was being bullied by two Flyers players, one of them having him in the headlock and the Sabres defensemen wouldn't even join the scrum because of not wanting to have the faceoff moved outside the zone. This is something that the coach is instructing the players to do or not to do. This team right now has the identity of a team you can do whatever you want to do against and not worry about any kind of retaliation against it. I lost count of how many times Conacher was was abused by the opposition in the last two weeks and not one time do I remember any Sabre player doing anything to come to his aide.


    If this is a case of the players not wanting to stick up for each other, than the coach should be all over their ###### for not doing so, but I really believe it's the opposite and it's Nolan telling them he does not want any retaliation going on.

  4. The question is...what happened to Nolan? I'm not sayin you have to be a bunch of jerks, losing and playing dirty hockey but the kind of things that have happened to the team with no retaliation is just sickening! Sad really!


    I really think he is trying to overcompensate and not get the label of a someone that coaches "goon hockey". If he did use those tactics back in the late 90's fine, the roster was made up of players that hung on the border of dirty play. Right now they have nothing to play for other than their "image" and they are coming off as a soft team that you can push around and take liberties to, without any consequences.

  5. I agree. The Filthy Flyers were taking liberties at every turn. I've not seen defencemen get away with heavy slashes like that team did tonight in a long long time. Add to that the elbow from Rinaldo and the goalie getting run. Drop the mitts boys. I'm hoping along with some gritty character guys we also get some backbone in the rebuild.


    I honestly believe that the Sabres are being handcuffed by their coach and do not have the option to drop the gloves to retaliate for liberties taken against their teammates. With the amount of times our goalies have been run recently and nothing has been done about it, if it is the players that are backing down, it should have been addressed by the coaches, but I don't think that's the case. Players like John Scott don't all of a sudden turn into pussies, unless they are being told to do so.

  6. I'm sorry if I'm posting this in a Nolan appreciation thread, but last night was not the first night our goalie has been run or our smaller "skill players" have been abused and not one thing was done about, it's become commonplace for the Nolan coached Sabres. I don't know if Nolan thinks he has a reputation as a coach of brawlers that he needs to rid himself of or what, but I seen more fire from Ron Rolston when he was coaching the Sabres. I was excited when Nolan was first named interim coach for the Sabres and players such as Stafford, Myers, Ennis and recently Hodgson have been playing up to their potential under Nolan. The team has also looked like they have been playing with more effort and pride, but it's gonna take more than that and it's not just a case of having players with lesser talent, this team looks like they haven't a clue out there. I don't know how much a hockey head coach has to do with X's and O's of the game, but these players look like they don't even have the ABC's down. I am quickly falling off the Nolan bandwagon and IMO there is no way he fulfills his 3 years of the new contract and if he somehow does, I see a lot of hard times ahead for the Sabres. JMO

  7. I understand that with all the injuries Leino has to be in the lineup, but why the ###### does he have to be anywhere near the top 6, every time they have a chance of getting something started coming out of their zone, Leino flubs the puck and the Flyers gain control.


    Is there a coach on the bench that can tell them to stop shooting the puck in around the boards ? Mason is back to stop every shoot-in.


    I'm missing Razor, right about now, he'd be saying "good period by the Sabres".

  8. Shoot the FCKN puck Ehrjerky


    I don't want to make it seem like I'm piling on Ehrhoff, but the man just about never one times a shot. The play at the point is terrible for the Sabres, they can not hold the puck in back there and I don't remember anyone pinching in during tonight's game.


    Did McCabe play tonight? Only caught the last 5 min of game and didn't see him out there


    He got over 15 minutes ice time, but really was unnoticeable for the most part (that might be a good thing). I thought he looked slow at times and it seems he could use a little more strength, but he's still a kid.

  9. Hodgson has looked pretty good on the wing, maybe having a little more space has given him the confidence to start carrying the puck, one of my biggest peeves about him in the past couple of months was his lack of puck possession and in the last 2 games, he's been holding on to it and trying to make plays. Maybe his place is a winger in the top 6 and not a center, I don't care where he plays, as long as he produces, or at least tries to.



    As always, thanks 26, great job.

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