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Posts posted by kishoph

  1. I just heard today that the Sabres have a chance of scoring the least goals in a NHL season since 1936. I'm pretty sure the number they said was 19 goals or less, so the Sabres have 11 games to score 20 goals. Stafford and Ennis are going to need a couple of hatricks.


    :doh: Doh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the post from JJFIVEOH, that is quoted right above this post.

  2. It would be nice to see Tyler Myers back in the line-up, his ability to start a rush out of his own end has been surely missed. IMO, not being able to gain control of the puck and start any kind of a rush up ice is the biggest problem with this teams offensive woes. I can't understand why some of the defensemen continue to just toss the puck into the neutral zone in hopes of a forward retrieving it, instead of skating a few feet more and gradually moving the puck up. There's very few players on this team that will keep the puck in their possession for more than a second or two, instead they just whack the puck in basically any direction as soon as it hits their sticks. I have a hard time believing that it's all do to a lack of skill, after all these are NHL (some AHL) players, I'd say it's more due to lack of confidence, coaching, or just not giving a ######.

  3. I guess I'll never understand the hatred towards Hodgson.


    For me I can't say it's hate, but I am extremely frustrated with his play, mainly his effort, or lack of.



    Fun Fact Cody Hodgson still has more points than Zack Kassian this season but hey why ruin a perfectly good delusion?


    The expectations for Kassian were for him being a 2nd or 3rd line winger, Hodgson on the other hand, came to the Sabres with talk of being the 1st line center, I would of hoped that Hodgson ended up having more than 13 points than Kassian at this point of the season.

  4. I see Mettenberger as better than Manuel, but I wouldn't want him here unless he slipped to the third somehow. He'd be a steal there.


    I don't see it, Mettenberger has a big arm and has shown improvement, but I think the days of the "pure pocket passer" are winding down in the NFL, you need a QB that is more mobile and able to roll out, or break out of the pocket if needed, the defensive players are getting way too fast to sit someone back in a pocket without him getting destroyed. More so I think Manuel's intangibles are something that will help him be a successful QB in this league (he has the physical tools). Manuel had 3/4's of a rookie season, the bar has been risen for rookie QB's but the fact is that they are still young kids, that are trying to learn to play probably the hardest position to succeed in, of all sports.

  5. Within a 10 second span I just saw Hodgson with 5 feet of the net 3 times. Can we dispel that myth already?


    lol, 3 times within 10 seconds, what was he doing skating in a circle ? Your "#1 center" should not have less puck possession time than John Scott, that's just not a good thing, no matter how many circles he makes in front of the net.

  6. I think the Hodgson quote is pretty clear to anyone who watched him play with Vanek.

    His biggest asset is his hockey sense. It's wasted if he's not playing with people who think the game at the same level.


    It's not his linemates that have him hanging out around the perimeter and lobbing shots from the far boards, from the blueline or beyond and failing to take possession of the puck or carry it for more than 2 seconds. It's not their fault that the most physical part of his game on most nights is a half hearted stick check. Nolan complimented Hodgson's game when he's within 5 to 10 feet of the net, too bad he doesn't go that close to the net. No matter who his linemates have been they have doubled the effort that he's put in. Sure better linemates would make him better, but how about he tries to make the linemates he does have a little better. I hate bashing Hodgson because he has talent, but what good does talent do, if you're not going to do your best to use it.

  7. Nolan on Hodgson and his role on our roster:

    “You realize certain players are gifted in certain areas,” Nolan said of Hodgson. “Cody is one of those guys, that if you get him within 10, or five feet of that net and they’re going to go in.

    “But we have to find some people who can ... You’re only as good as your surroundings.”


    The player also has to be willing to get within 5 to10 feet of the net.

  8. I just read from a link in a post on the bills fan site they took the rest of it...


    Sad to hear, I hope they can get this cancer under control. Kelly may have been an ass at times, but the guy has done so much good for so many people, it would be a big loss for him not to get through this.

  9. I just wanna wish Jim Kelly and his family all the best as he fights his re-occurring cancer. I just read that he had his jaw removed @ ECMC and the cancer has possibly spread out of his jaw, no details given.


    Having part of his jaw removed was done last year, I'm not sure what they have done for him after this latest bout.

  10. ###### Aaron Murray! Lol, sorry LGR. But I agree with the rest of this post; not because i think EJ will flame out, but because we have bare cupboards if he does.



    I'm not for drafting a QB this year unless it's in the late rounds. If they did get one in the mid rounds I like Zach Mettenberger, he may drop into the middle rounds because of an torn ACL and off field problems a couple of years ago, but the kid has come up fast since putting his mind to football. Mettenberger will be a prototypical pocket passer with the big arm, he won't berunning the read option. I really think that this QB class has been overrated and over hyped and wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of the names that people thought would be going early drop.

  11. If one intends to be a running QB, one needs to be smart about it, like Russell Wilson or Colin Kaepernick. And Manuel hasn't shown much of that. I recall the time he was injured and out for a considerable time - he was doing his best Emmitt Smith impersonation - he'd already gotten the 1st down, but was going for broke. Yeah, broke alright. But given his proclivity towards running (53 rushing attempts in 10 games played) , and not being particularly smart or choosy about so doing, yeah, there is a need to draft another QB.



    What gives you the idea that Manuel intends on being a rushing QB ? Of those 53 rushing attempts, 39 were designed runs, which is not unusually high for a QB that can run, but it is not a umber that a "running QB" such as Wilson or Kaepernick have, 79 and 80 designed runs respectively, Fitz ran the ball 35 times by design, in 1 less start. Also if you believe in advanced stats, such as with football outsiders, EJ was 13th in total value for QB rushing and ran for 267 effective yards. For what it's worth Thad Lewis was dead last in total value for QB's with at least 8 designed runs and on 17 attempts, he had -38 effective yards. So bash Manuel all you want about his running, but the numbers show a completely different story.


    As far as getting on Manuel about taking a hit, by trying to make a play, come on, first off it was an illegal hit, it was it not the smartest play, but it was done by an inexperienced kid trying to make something happen, unfortunately he didn't think that in the NFL, you have players that will take you out, given the chance. If you're going to bash him, find something better than a kid trying to make a play.

  12. Has anyone here ever seen Drew play a smarter game?


    Stafford has been playing real good lately, I think a lot of Stafford's problems were that he was part of a core of under achievers, that never pushed each other. That core of Stafford, Roy, Pommers and Vanek all had talent, but never used it to their full potential, or tried to. When Stafford's been with Ennis, he seems to push himself to match the energy of Ennis, instead of floating around and half assing it.

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