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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. Lets drive the likes on dis one through the roof like a shortsqueeze. Maybe Adams will notice.
  2. You couldn’t plan dis level of bad if you were intentionally tanking. Wait wut ?😳
  3. Still. Its been a ***** show of a season and this team sucks. And he has sucked. So if someone shows interest of course your ears perk up.
  4. Well why wouldn’t a guy listen ? What a stupid question.
  5. Today a vancouver sports radio show suggested Pederson straight up for Eichel. That is the level of stupid among some of the teams that would like our franchise centerman.
  6. The crosby love makes me want to puke. Biggest whiner the league has ever known. Constantly chirping at the officials trying to change the outcome. The luck of the Pegulas on that Cozens drive to the net for the Sabres only goal. And Skinner with his gift from 🤮offside. This is getting so damn old. Can’t win a game to save our lives. If anyone said last season that we would be tank level bad this year most would have laughed it off. Well except the guys that claim they said it. Are we really this friggin pathetically bad. Who is the architect of this disfunction ?
  7. Yeah your post got me thinking about times as a kid when I could proudly wear Sabres gear without being cut down for it because they were a good franchise and had had a measure of success. Its going to take many years of compete to ever get the stench of this decade off of this team.
  8. There’s been no pride in wearing my Sabres Jersey or any of my hats for a decade. I got tired of defending this sad sack organization to complete strangers. Its a joke and its on us fans. TP and KP are the only ones capable of turning this around. But that would take some deep cleansing of their souls I’m afraid. Or sell the friggin team ya hosers. **** I hate this org.
  9. Successful at business is not a metric for successful at hockey ownership. He has been an absolutely bad team owner through and through and yes as owner all the bad goes to you as does the good. Hasn’t been any good largely because of his decisions.
  10. Wow. What happened to common sense ? Shite you can’t say on Radio for $1600 Al.
  11. The last sentence or two of that article speaks volumes. And I’m thrilled the league is taking notice.
  12. You can have ours but he’ll take your money and give it to all the other teams.
  13. The reason they all adore RK seems to stem from his soft as butter approach to practice. Funny how these other guys i.e. granato, smith etc didn’t voice their opinions about his out of the box stupidity while he was coach. Or maybe they did ? Who knows. RK appears to be a moron when it comes to basic hockey fundamentals.
  14. Just got in from work. Is there a noticeable heartbeat ? Has Granato switched things up ?
  15. In a dumpsterfire of a season Sam has been pretty consistent. I liked Jakes game until he got hurt. Cozens has been everything you could ask for in a raw rookie.
  16. Hall has shown me absolutely nothing in terms of on ice leadership. Just my opinion. At this point resigning him is a quick no for me as well.
  17. Lol you got me with polish a turd. That pretty much explains motivational speakers. Snake oil hoodoo.
  18. I believe this is the root of the problem. They are surrounded by yes men. Nobody has the balls to tell them straight up that they are essentially where the buck stops. Its no one else. They are the problem that has haunted this franchise for 10 years. Thats it. Full stop. Get over deluding yourself that its an underlings problem. It all on you.
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