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Everything posted by Kristian

  1. To think that the tank that got us Reinhart and Eichel was just a stepping stone towards the real franchise players, who just happened to be blueliners. Dahlin is a freakin’ stud, and Power is right behind him.
  2. How the ***** was that not a hook on Carolina!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
  3. Loved seeing Tuch leveling Staal, looking for loose change in front of Levi.
  4. Dahlin saves a goal at one end, Tage buries it at the other end. You need your best players to be your best players 💪
  5. Called him “Brindy” ever since his Flyer days. Seems to go well with his whining.
  6. Neither Dahlin or Power are the main defensive problems on this team.
  7. Like I said previously, it’s the same mechanics you see on youth and pee-wee levels. Not meaning to say these are pee-wee level players, my point is it’s a mental thing you often see there. It’s certainly fixable.
  8. I know this sounds stupid, mainly because it is, but I swear it’s the same mechanics you see in pee-wee hockey. It’s a mental thing.
  9. Aaaaaand, trying to stickhandle in your own rather than clear, and we’re behind again…..
  10. Bad decision by Tuch at the opposing blue line, and Levi has to make another big stop.
  11. Chatfield getting two minutes for being grabbed and pulled down? I’ll take it.
  12. I don’t think DG talks to players during games. If he does, he’s either saying the wrong things, or nobody’s listening.
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