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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Buffalo media ignoring coaching questions with the team's coach to get Eichel takes. Few questions asked getting interesting responses.
  2. ADR, as it's known, is more common overseas. Just not here. There's also not a long list of elite athletes having an ADR procedure, so there isn't much study on how it affects performance.
  3. Artificial disc replacement is still an experimental procedure in the Untied States.
  4. Instigators just reported David Quinn, Jack Eichel's coach at BU, was just let go on by the Rangers. Curious timing.
  5. The Blue Jays have a "dynamic pricing" policy so get ready to fork it over for those Yankees tickets.
  6. A friend who works for the county said he heard seats will start at $65. That was when 3K was expected capacity. Take it for what it's worth. Maybe it won't be as much with larger crowds possible.
  7. You made a pretty big leap to "Sabres docs want fusion surgery." I don't think the Sabres want any surgery if it can be helped. From what I'm reading most doctors say avoid surgery if you can. PT usually gets a better result. Jack found a doctor who recommended the ADR procedure. Why wouldn't the Sabres be cool to something that's still an experimental procedure? I think there's something else going on here.
  8. I get that the Pegulas are f***ups but what are you referring to? Letting Jack get injured? Not letting Jack get his experimental surgery?
  9. Yankees by a mile. A few Mets fans sprinkled in. Mainly because they show those games in WNY and not the Jays.
  10. You inferred wrong. The Sabres doctors are not advocating for fusion surgery. The article doesn't say that.
  11. They want to reconfigure seating to vaccinated and non-vaccinated sections. Try to fit even more fans in the park
  12. It would be interesting to see if he's still lobbying for surgery after a trade, or if therapy suddenly becomes acceptable.
  13. Nowhere in Friedman's article does it say the Sabres doctors want fusion surgery. Where the heck did you get that from??
  14. Because he's much like Tortorella. Comes in like a tornado, works until players tune him out. If all you want is a bump, sure Boudreau will get that for you. But his track record shows he's a short-termer. You'll be looking for his replacement in 2023.
  15. The question might be who wants this job?
  16. I read this and I had to look this up. You have it backwards on who wants surgery. from the Athletic...
  17. Is that really an issue? I'm thinking Cozens, Mitts, Alsplund, etc. Who was a total bust?
  18. Naw. You either lead or you don't. This is excuse-making. "How can I lead my team if everything isn't perfect?"
  19. Keep a towel handy. Would a digital billboard be cheaper?
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