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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. yes he is and they use him as the model for all Sabres fans. I am sure the Caniacs will be all home babysitting the kiddies
  2. wish I could make it but made previous commitments for thur night, however I would love some baby eating. Hope we take both from this "hockey capital"
  3. +100000, Ruff seems to destroy young players versus develop them. Adam was flying high with Vanel and Pommers and than demoted as fast as you can say Jochen Hecht
  4. rapping and pillaging the first weekend of the season oh my!!!!!!!!
  5. I just saw settled play starts in two weeks. Will they pick up schedule were it is or redo it all?
  6. Bettman and Fehr are the worse set of negotiators similaar to Obama and Boehner
  7. All I know is I am better of now than four years ago basically because I am highly invested in the stock market and highly diversified. This recovery will be slow and should be to keep massive inflation in check, Romney and the GOP will set us back with massive military spending and budget cutting.
  8. The major issue I see is that we all hate each to Her the right hates the left and left hates the right. However I believe most Americans are centrists in natur and really hate all this leftbvs right crap.
  9. Until the rules of electing congress, campaign reform and term limits we will be stuck with this same crap every four years
  10. Wow this sound like a rush limbaugh rant
  11. Same here In NC less time for early voting since the GOP took over state house in 2010. Seems like every swing state that the GOP,controls in state leg is moving in directions to restrict voting anyway possible. Oh well I once called myself a republican that party no longer resembles anything I believe in.
  12. a small point on ID issues. The Bush admin ran a 5 year investigation into voter fraud found 86 cases of fraud out of 300M votes and NOT a signle of these was impersonation fraud. Seems like the voter fraud folks are making a great big issue about nuthing. The last twelve years have shown how divided we are since we cant find anything we can agree on and work on to address the issue.
  13. rumor has it that there are more rumors and some will be true and others will be slightly true
  14. egend has it that one early saturday morning ( in those days many people didnt eat meat on fridays ) the guys were looking for a snack so the lady at the anchor bar had some wings left over from some chickens she was using for another dish and threw together a dish of wings for the gang. They were an isntant hit and the rest is legendary. best plate was the original Nick Tahoes last one I had in WNY was in 1983 when I lived in Rochester. A rest down here does a decent plate, beef on weck and fish fry
  15. true NC folks call pulled pork BBQ but also some decent ribs to be found around here. There are also two or more BBQ varieties in NC eastern and western, eastern is vinegar based and western is ketchup based.
  16. L'isola D'oro on camp road in hamburg great family Italian food
  17. Claude I think BWs BBQ is as good as any in NC. Ribs are best I ever had
  18. we thought the trap was boring but lining up 4 dmen on blue line and 1 forward providing minimal forecheck will revolutionize hockey
  19. me too eems like too much upside on ennis to be part of deal
  20. pommer and ennis for ryan would u do that deal???
  21. lots of anti lindy stuff but that drunk dude was funny drunk at 1215PM love it
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