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Everything posted by bills_fan_in_raleigh

  1. When ya need to score Hecht and Ellis are the guys to get it done
  2. Another boring game coached by a very boring coach. Nobody plays naturally always worried about being in proper position
  3. Pp is the worst I have ever seen no puck control or zone control and get lucky while I am typing this
  4. it was a wandin but my guess is if a ###### was presnt it would set off the wand with an ensuing frisk
  5. I would pay to see ya do that and than youtube the reaction of the frisker :-)
  6. right now with the boring brand of hockey we have maybe moving to the trap would be more exciting. I believe Ruff has lost the team since his message is so old. Wish he coached the way he played. It would be so nice to be known as the hardest working team in the NHL again versus a bunch of guys afraid to make mistakes because thats all the coach preaches
  7. Glad I have Sirius to stream rj and watch game on NHL love my new av receiver for that feature alone
  8. he looks like a young player who is more worried about his coach yelling at him versus playing with talent.
  9. very true statement most games this team plays are boring as hell. Never seem to create energy and the second period they usually come out flatter than a pancake. The main questions is the entusiam level held back by this coach who seems to coach not making mistakes versus letting the players play
  10. Why was miller still in net when play was being controlled in canes end
  11. I am getting very tired of the lindy ruff show. Players digress not progress with him
  12. So glad to see hecht as third line center way to go lindbag Vanek got raped there should have been a penalty
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