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Everything posted by calti

  1. I remember the Bisons Hockey team. Those AHL teams had terrific rosters due to so few NHL teams.They were extremely popular in Buffalo.
  2. i think calling lindy a 'great' coach is a bit of a stretch. he was a very good coach.--i think its obvious that he is just burned out. i think letting briere walk was a severe blow to the sabres-esp lindy. so unnecessary and so devastating to a coach and a team that really only had one other player with big talent.
  3. first the pope and now lindy.....
  4. the sad part..or happy part--is that getting rid of Boyes and signing Scott--we give up about 3 goals a season.
  5. 4 yrs ago we wouldnt have laughed--even though it woulda been unlikely back then as well. but as we all know who are late 40s and up....-the energy and flexibility(not the strength) go to hell fast after early 40s.
  6. The pluralization of regard. "...in regards to.." Its singular--In regard to. But give my regards to broadway.
  7. right on--those who think we are set there are not thinking straight. plus mario AND kyle coming off season ending injuries.
  8. Being no hockey expert...could any of you experts explain to me how so many so called 'offensive' forwards on the sabres who get so much ice time over so many games can score so few goals??--I mean even if you lobbed the puck in the general direction of the net a few will bounce by the goalie over time.So to try and score goals and have only 4 or 6 or 8 at this time of the year being full time players making millions....-I think james patrick could go out there at his age and score 7 or 8 goals over 70 games if he played enough. Lindy could probbly score 3-4.
  9. 2 great wcoast wins...still trying to figure out how we won that game yesterday since we spent the entire 2nd and 3rd periods in our own end.
  10. regard....not regards....unless you are giving your regards to broadway
  11. People focus too much on Buffalo's size. I think the main problem is lack of real talent/scoring ability. Briere was our best player--and still would be at least our 2nd or 3rd best at his advancing age.
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