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  1. I hope he becomes a star, as much of a star as a DT can become. He seems like a great kid.
  2. He's doing pretty well over there.
  3. So excited he forgot to pull up his trousers.
  4. ooof. That must have felt pretty awful.
  5. Are we happy with this pick?
  6. Before the bolded: agreed. The bolded: Not seeing the Marchand, although I'd like that to be true. He seems too happy to be in the NHL right now to display a Marchand-type personality. Don't remember enough about Gilmour to say. I like the Samson reference, though. IIRC, Samson was called something akin to crafty, slower, and without finish in his early years.
  7. Tampa needs to pull a Chicago and do a partial rebuild while they still have good pieces.
  8. He's showing his utility at least so we may see more of him as the playoffs progress.
  9. Okposo line gets a goal. The Panthers are like the Sabres South or the Bizarro Sabres.
  10. The Geritol is kicking in for Tampa. Yet, Bob remains Bob.
  11. That's the exact recipe I use!
  12. Not sure what anyone could expect from a 28-page thread titled "Lindy Ruff officially hired as Sabres HC". I would be interested to see what others think would be happening in here right now other than what is actually happening. Recipe swaps? Some odd tangent into a discussion on stick blade curves? A debate over which year Miata is the best?
  13. I have a theory that the "search" started when Lindy was fired from NJ. Lindy's firing prompted a phone call from Pegula to Adams and Adams immediately reached out to Lindy. After the first conversation, Adams may have sought input from people about not only Lindy, but other coaches who could be available at the end of the season. Again, this is happening before Meatballs is fired, which is important to note. Anyway, Pegula reaffirms that it's Lindy or bust. So, Lindy, Adams and Pegula negotiate Lindy's next tenure which I think includes assurances to Lindy that none of the other coaches had. Indeed, I think it goes beyond just roster moves and player selection, I think Lindy doesn't have to answer to Adams and that Adams is now the puppet of both Lindy and Pegula. Meatballs is fired and that week before the season-ending presser, Adams tries to contact Gallant, Berube and maybe one more knowing full well the question of a "thorough search" will come up. At the season-ending presser, Adams, because he's dumb, basically describes Lindy. For the six days after the press conference Adams may have had superficial contact with some potential coaches. Anyway, this is to build up to the actual reason Adams falls on his face with the "double digits" comment: by the time Meatballs is fired, Lindy and the Sabres had already settled their negotiations and were ready to move forward. Adams can not say this. In fact, he can never say this. He's an idiot, his two bosses, Pegula and Lindy, are there, and his job is on the line. He thusly blurts out the only thing his weak mind can come up with instead of simply saying "we had some time before the season ended to consider the direction we want to go. This laid the groundwork for conversations immediately after Donnie was relieved of his duties. Considering the parameters we wanted to work within, our list was short, but regardless of the history with the Sabres Lindy was clearly the person we were after."
  14. Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
  15. Where's @nfreeman with a "this isn't necessary" response. Dude, do you seriously think you can cast the first stone? I recommend some rigorous meditation and self reflection.
  16. Yeah, not a fan 'cause he ain't on our team, but, he does play with an enviable level of grime and compete.
  17. I've been saying this for a while. The guy is gray matter challenged and is out of his depth. I get where @LGR4GM is coming from. The Sabres have lost that "oh, shucks, they're good guys trying to do the right thing" charm long ago. They wrecked the team, at least they can start trying to earn back the goodwill of the fans by not BS'ing us and taking ownership of their decisions no matter how they think it looks. Tired of Adams shallow approach to executive "leadership".
  18. Agreed. Lindy said so much himself as well as musing over how he's a better coach. I'm sure he considers himself a better coach because he believes he's figured out how to NOT traumatize his players.
  19. At this point they are best to be considered as add-ons to a trade or trades that make the NHL roster better.
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