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Posts posted by K-9

  1. The problem is, the Sabres organization themselves keeps those for the national guys, quid pro quo. Back in the day, Jim Kelley and crew would be on year 25 of building sources and info the old fashioned way....having drinks at the bar on road trips, the telephone, riding the team charter....you didn't have this instant gratification circus of today.


    What can Hamilton or Bucky get you about Vancouver or St Louis in a timely fashion? Nothing. In 1986, it wasn't like that...and the national guys would have to wait 24 hours or a week to print, so they weren't the same assets. Now Ted Black can send an email to McKenzie at 9:43 am saying that interest is high in Tyler Myers...a tweet goes out from McKenzie at 9:48....then the likely suspects in relevant cities start retweeting and forming their own hypothesis like Tatar/Mantha for Myers...yada yada..... Meanwhile, maybe not 1 GM has called about Myers, but McKenzie just did the Sabres bidding. In return, when the Sabres actually do have a trade on the table, ted gives McKenzie a courtesy email so that he can look good.


    Society is a Sh!thole unfortunately, and the fans are wading in it with a pair of Crocs on.....


    I agree with this, with the exception of society being a schithole. Back in the day, relationships were built and maintained the old fashioned way as you suggest. But just because the media delivery process has changed, the idea of building relationships hasn't. If you were viewed as hostile back in the day, you were shunned in the hotel bar, just as Bucky is shunned now.


    GO BILLS!!!

  2. He was indeed, although he only had it a couple of hours in advance.


    He also deserves credit for being mostly right about the Black Sunday CF.


    My biggest beef with Bucky and the rest of the local media, is that they never seem to know anything in advance (or more in advance than a couple of hours, in the case of DR and RR being canned and PLF and TN coming in). We never hear about trades, FA signings, draft picks, etc. ahead of time. Other cities' local media have much more of that.


    I think that's because the Sabres have deliberately blackballed Bucky and, by association, the rest of the BN. He's on their schit list and it's must irk him to no end.


    GO SABRES!!!

  3. I don't think it's nitpicking to disbelieve that a group of literally millions of people can be painted with a broad brush.


    In fact, I'll go one step further: I think that pretty much every fan base of every team is more or less the same. Don't believe me? Sit in the nosebleeds in the upper deck at the Ralph, and then do so at any other NFL stadium. It's the same group of drunken meatheads wherever you go. Or listen to the dudes who call in to local sports radio in any city -- it's the same mix of some good comments with a ton of clueless trade proposals.


    The big spread, IMHO, is in the quality/tone of local sports media. Some cities (like NYC and Boston) have mostly really sharp, on-the-ball journalists covering their teams. Others (like Buffalo) have mostly 2nd-tier mediocrities. Then there are some, like Toronto and Montreal, where you have a large component of British-royalty-gossip-rag types covering their teams.


    Good insight here.


    I don't know whether to be comforted or frightened by the fact that sports fans everywhere are essentially the same kind of people when it comes to their teams.


    GO SABRES!!!

  4. I know Robben isn't the most popular player given his theatrics, but in all the games I've watched, I haven't seen anyone pressure the defensive zone consistently like he does. Seems to constantly be in attack mode and always seems to make the defender expend a lot of energy. Now I know jack about "futbol", but to my untrained eye, he's been the best player in the tourney.


    And I agree entirely with the idea of sudden death vs. penalty kicks. Let the game decide the outcome, not a skills competition. BTW, saw a 'Sports Science' feature about goalies and penalty kicks. Seems that is actually harder than hitting major league pitching and is the new hardest thing to do in sports.


    And get rid of the offside rule.

  5. Who are the options? Drew's a nice fella and all, but weren't people making excuses for him for 2 years because grandpa had a poor result on an MRI or something?


    I'm starting to think they need to offer Callahan 5x9 for 45.......


    Give it to Girgensons. He's the player on this team that best embodies those traits and he's just gonna be named C eventually because of what he brings EVERY GAME. No reason they can't jump start the process, especially with this team. There's young and then there's too young. He's young but his work ethic is that of a seasoned vet. That's who you want your other young players to emulate.


    Stafford is big, can skate and shoot, and be nasty when he wants to be. Wants to be being the operative phrase. That is the antithesis of captain material. A captain simply can't be someone so prone to going long stretches of going through the motions. If his heart always matched his talent, he'd be a perennial All Star and a great captain. But I don't want our younger players exposed to his off and on performance, let alone be led by it.


    GO SABRES!!!

  6. ... Of course, none of us know precisely how the process works, but, if other private (heck, public) sector settings are any indication (and I say they are), there's a process whereby the top dog wants to sit down, hear what a senior manager has to say, explain the why's and wherefore's, explain what the effect and fall-out will be, how this fits into an overall plan, yadda yadda. The top dog listens carefully, asks whatever questions he wants, swishes it around in his mouth, and signs off if he's satisfied that what he heard made sense. ...


    If for no other reason than to reassure himself he made the right hiring decision in the first place.


    Conversely, I'm communicating with my owner to assure him of the exact same thing.


    The whole idea of an owner of a pro sports franchise not being involved with his business is short-sighted.


    GO SABRES!!!

  7. I know you are 62% FOS, but anyhow....if anyone knows a good site to at least see pictures of these guys, let me know. I'm spoiled by the NFL.


    From what I have seen....this crew is physically inferior from last year. I mean....a lot of these guys are awkwardly built and look like muscled up boys. Last year a kid like Nikushkin looked like Ivan Drago.


    Ekblad isn't bad at all from just appearance....but he's still a little asymmetrical. Strong neck and good build, but just not that deep chest that triggers me to believe elite athlete. For a big wingspan, his shoulder isn't wide.


    Reinhart is decent for his stature. Looks more ready than Bennett.


    Draisaitl.....don't touch him on looks alone.


    Dal Cole....ok, and probably the most symmetric of the top 5. Still....I saw 5 guys in the top 15 last year that were clearly beautiful physical beings...all better than this crew. That's why if anyone has a good source, let me know.


    Only 62%? That hurts, man.


    GO SABRES!!!

  8. What worries me about Ekblad is his body. Has he been dominating because he has a man's body in a boy's league. Note I know he is good had has skill but I am talking about his domination. Will he be another E Johnson?


    I'll have to wait for GoDD's physical breakdown of Ekblad before commenting. Ghost checks their teeth and everything.


    GO SABRES!!!

  9. This is not a provocation but rather a sincere inquiry. Wtf is this obsession with a journeyman like Ott? We have 10 picks in the first two rounds over the next two tears. That kind of talent won't learn anything from Ott or Callahan for that matter. Hossa? Jagr? Iginla? Perhaps. But Ott is a fourth line player on his best day. Is he likeable, sure. But I want to shoot higher than modeling a team around grinders like Ott.


    It's not a question of what Ott can teach them from a talent perspective.


    But he can teach and preach volumes on "hockey character" and what it means to be a pro on and off the ice. This facet of veteran leadership on a young team cannot be overstated.


    GO BILLS!!!

  10. I'll leave the stats out of it and let others make the case for what they mean. Hawerchuck is one of the best ever and I'll leave it at that.


    But no player in the history of the Sabres has ever given me that pit of the stomach excitement when winding up in his own end, like Perreault. And I mean EVERY time. I can't remember a player that was a threat to go end to end EVERY TIME. And that's no exaggeration; not one ounce of hyperbole. He was OJ on skates.


    GO SABRES!!!

  11. Nailed it! /self promotion.


    Also looks like I was close on the worry of losing the 2015 #1. However I thought it was a given that we include this years 2nd. they are going for a playoff berth this year.


    It would have been more costly to lose picks this year in what is arguably the deepest draft in 20 years. We KNOW which players at what positions are there THIS year. The 2015 draft is still just a hazy ball of nothing at this point.


    GO BILLS!!!

  12. I detect a strong disregard for Watkin's credentials coming out of college. I can't think of one other WR prospect in recent years that matches those credentials coming out. He's a generational talent at the position.


    The reaction to this trade reminds me a lot of the reaction to the Bennett trade. Of course 27 years after the fact and with the knowledge of how it all turned out will cause people to deny they were against it at the time, but half the city wanted to run Polian out of town for mortgaging the future of a team coming off a 4-12 season and half-way through a strike-shortened season when he made the deal.


    Fortune favors the bold. I am not the least bit worried about giving up a TOTALLY unknown value at this point in time for the best offensive talent in the draft. Just like I loved getting the best defensive talent in the draft in '87.


    GO BILLS!!!

  13. Really don't see what the fuss is all about, certainly not worth being crucified over it.


    Racism is inbedded in every person, the people that stand up there so high and mighty are just big hypocrites.

    Not saying what he said is excusable, but im sure everyone has said something racist in his life, would be fun if it got recorded huh ?


    People that say they aren't racist are the ones I trust the least, because i know they are lying, racism is just human nature.


    Simply not true. Racism is a learned behavior. Not everyone gets those lessons.


    Human nature is a lot of things.


    GO BILLS!!!

  14. I hate the 190 more (i know I said "the"). Hey, let's separate the city from it's own waterfront.


    Robert Moses should be hung in effigy, even though he's been deceased for a long time, because of the travesty known at the 190. Billions of dollars in prime waterfront property wasted.


    I think the 198 is here to stay. It would be way too much work to remove it.


    The 190 and the Kensington are my two big hates. Give me the Humboldt Parkway back please.


    Wasn't the original plan for the Humboldt Parkway stretch of the Kensington to be underground? They should have done that. Screw it, let's bury it now!

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