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Posts posted by K-9

  1. http://m.espn.go.com...co/uiEm9CdnUL"}


    Decent read on Eichel. A little annoying the way he's trying to be poetic at times, but it's still insightful.


    25 pull ups! Eleven just felt it move!


    GO SABRES!!!


    The college weight training programs are miles ahead of major junior, particularly BU. They've had that reputation for a while now.


    I also think the NCAA competition is superior to major junior as well. Gives Eichel a leg up vs. McDavid in that regard.


    GO SABRES!!!

  2. I'm saying when you get toxic mold in the time share, you don't get too nervous until it's time for your 2 weeks.


    And I started the thread.....it's a Love Canal on top of a Tire Fire.


    Name the coach who wants to take this team over in November?


    Name the coach who wants to take this team over next July if they finish with 50 points?


    I couldn't venture a guess as to who that coach might be. Doesn't matter who the coach is until the assembled talent is on the ice. It's a good question though. I wonder if the attraction is anything like football where a good coach needs to see that franchise QB on the roster first. I would think that our pipeline may be attractive to some coaches out there, especially if we get one of McDeichel.


    And if Teddy feels he needs to throw in the towel before his three years are up (and who could blame him), I guess he really never was the man for the job in the first place. There's never any shortage of "interim" coaches out there I would think. There are only 30 of these jobs on the planet.


    GO SABRES!!!

  3. I now have no faith in this tank. Watching other teams, we are so feckin' far away from being even remotely competitive. It's going to take a generational talent and all of our prospects to reach their ceiling just to get us to be a bubble team.


    I truly hope TM is the guy, because my initial thoughts are, and I hope Reinhart proves me wrong, that I wish we would have taken Draisetl instead, just for his size alone.


    This sucks.


    Keep the faith. There is size in the pipeline and a future coach that will realize hockey is about puck possession. And the Reinhart you are watching now won't bear much of a resemblance to the Reinhart we'll see in a couple years.


    GO SABRES!!!


    Jeremy White's McDavid updates on Twitter are really annoying and basically in the tone you describe. Our chances of landing him, at best, are 20% and that ignores the part where Carolina is on track to never win a game again.


    I'd be just as happy with Eichel who is off to a 3g 3a start after his first three games in a much more difficult league to play in.


    GO SABRES!!!

  4. Pegula has the Bills now, so the Sabres are like a 2 week timeshare in Ft. Myers to him. Tim Murray has to be thinking about dropping fentynol into his coffee.


    So now you're not happy that Pegula isn't meddling enough?


    Tim Murray has the best pipeline of young talent already according to several outlets with more riches to come in the next draft. As much as it may pain some around here, Teddy is a mere placeholder. He's good for getting young guys to learn how to make effort an every game element and for teaching them how to make the necessary sacrifices to becoming consummate professionals, but I can't see Murray letting him anywhere near a fully functioning group of talented players poised to take the next step when it comes. That's gonna require an Xs and Os kind of coach and that's just not Nolan.


    GO SABRES!!!

  5. Is it because Hodgson just isn't working there and they just don't have another option at center? Foligno is a winger IMO


    I think they are playing hard it's the total lack of talent that's the problem


    No doubt he isn't being helped by the talent and you're right, it starts there.


    That said, I don't want him anywhere near our talented team when we finally get one. I just don't think he's a good coach anymore.


    GO BILLS!!!

  6. Nice to see Reinhart continue to be wasted between two fourth line wingers that can't do anything for his game at this level. He should be between Stewart and Foligno instead. Nolan continues to show why he's in over his head.


    GO BILLS!!!


    Nolan shaking things up after 8 games. How much weirder are these shake-ups going to get 16, 24, 32, etc. games into the season?


    Unrelated: I really love the Sharks uniforms and basically always have. Teal works for hockey for some reason. It's also awesome that an expansion team picked a look in 1991 and basically stuck with it for 20+ years. The Sharks always look like the Sharks even when they introduce new uniforms.


    Nolan's an idiot. As psyched as I was by his return, I'm that much more disappointed now. They aren't motivated, he doesn't do Xs and Os, and for all his talk, I don't think he has a clue about developing young players. How many regulation wins does he have in last 30 games? Something like one? Is that correct?


    He's a lousy coach and no amount of nostalgia is gonna change that.


    GO SABRES!!!

  7. Fair enough, and I don't listen to much local radio other than interview segments. I guess I'm mostly basing this on my twitter feed, which has plenty of local WNY media members who keep gushing about McDavid and his thoughts about becoming a Sabre. I recognize that the character limits preclude having much detail, but I still feel like the tone is much more "Isn't this great? The Sabres are going to get this guy and the suffering will be over!" than what it should be, which is "This guy is great, but don't get your hopes up."


    Yep. It's as if we've forgotten we finished last overall last year and STILL didn't get the top overall pick. And the odds are gonna be worse if we finish last again this year.


    GO SABRES!!!

  8. This is full on international intrigue. The new arena being built in Crimea is certainly in play here.


    Pales in comparison to the Mogilny defection, though. That was regular cloak and dagger stuff.


    GO BILLS!!!

  9. First, let me say I stand by the "tinfoil hat comment" although I didn't mean it as quite the insult that it seems to be taken as. I'm pretty sure at least GODD knows how much I respect his insight even when we disagree.


    Second, I see this mostly as a Ted Nolan issue. I admit, I've never been a fan. I remember most of his first tenure pretty much as this with two major differences. He had Hasek, and a WWF brigade that made people forget the awful hockey they just witnessed.


    On top of that, the league has evolved. Whether you believe in analytics or not, a premium is now placed on puck possession and Teddy and his staff seem to have no answer.


    As I stated before, I see no reason anyone other then players objected to what Nolan said. HIs remarks and frustration is a perfect defense for those who question the team's motives. Of course, nothing is ever black and white and there are probably a lot of different things going on.




    Might be just as simple as reailzing Ted Nolan may be out of his depth at the moment. No wonder he's frustrated.


    GO SABRES!!!

  10. I'm prepared to start a website to compete with the Blue and Gold Club.


    Instead of paying $100 a year to be on a season ticket waiting list.....I am willing to offer FREE BUFFALO SABRES STANLEY CUP TICKETS to every home game for $100 a year per seat if you sign up for a 5 year option and pay up front.


    It will be properly insured through a AAA underwriter, which should cost me about 1.3%


    I will have to limit it to 8,000 seats, since that is the average amount of Toronto fans in the building that were sold tickets by Sabres season ticket holders. I know my marks.....


    Sorry, Ghost. I honestly have no idea WTF you are talking about here.


    But good luck with it, whatever it is.


    GO SABRES!!!

  11. This is where I am going. I get the feeling if things don't change in the effort or standing department soon, Ted is going to beg to be fired. Like I said, you could see he was not happy about LaFontaine and was quite vocal that Patty got a raw deal. I am sure Nolan has questioned staying on.


    If Ted Nolan was so unhappy about the PLF situation, if his sense of honor so insulted, he should have had the integrity to walk away instead of compromising his "principles" and accepting a lucrative coaching offer with a team he KNEW wasn't loaded with talent.


    Teddy was wrong to throw his team under the bus, no matter how much we agree with it. And it were MY team, I'd have no problem telling him that. I think I've overrated his ability as a coach. If his strength is motivation, then he has failed miserably. Which is a shame because he wouldn't know an X from an O on the whiteboard.


    Teddy can feel free to leave any time he wants and that would be OK by this fan.


    GO SABRES!!!

  12. It is simple. You do a relative comparison to others on the same team (i.e. with the same supporting cast) controlling for ice time (points per 60 minutes of ice time) and situation (5-on-5 play). Again, Myers was the worst defensemen on the team in even strength scoring 2 years ago. Dead last. Sulzer, Weber, etc. all ahead of him. Last year he was better, but still a distant second to The Hoff (slightly ahead of McBain). This year the sample size is too small to really say much yet.


    That said, I am generally of the opinion that an "elite" player should lift the play of those around him rather than be beholden to the supporting cast. I don't dislike Myers and I think he is a really good penalty killer because of his reach... but I just don't see the flashes of greatness that others around here seem to see. But, maybe/hopefully this will be his breakthrough season.


    Detroit, perhaps the best organization at recognizing talent, sees it as well.


    GO BILLS!!!

  13. They were always a viable market. The Sabres financial woes were in absolutely no way similar to Atlanta, Glendale, Sunrise, or any of the other "propped up" markets. They were in no more real danger of relocation than Pittsburgh. Bettmen himself said he never had a doubt in today's interview.


    Interestingly, he also emphatically said there are no teams in the NHL that are currently tanking on purpose and that none of the Lottery changes were an effort to discourage the practice. While this is an obvious lie, the sound bite will make for interesting sports radio theatre should the league attempt to punish any team that chooses to lose its last 30 games this season.


    It's much more effective when a team chooses to lose it's first 30 games. Far less obvious. The Sabres are crafty that way.


    GO SABRES!!!

  14. ... Frankly I think Nolan has become too Zen. ...


    I too believe in the power of the circle, which is the shape of a drum, which is what my head feels like after beating it against the great wall called sabrehockey, an ancient native word meaning "he who is a glutton for punishment."


    GO BILLS!!!

  15. I honestly can see his brain speeding up from Pre-Season to now.


    It was natural for him to be a little awestruck to start the year. He seemed to gain confidence as the Chicago game progressed. I agree with you; seems the game is slowing down a little for him. And that is a good sign. Perhaps the best sign.


    GO SABRES!!!

  16. So I read a report out of Edmonton saying that Draisaitl's skating is horrendous. Sam's look a bit above average. Also I like Sam's decision making thus far.



    Me, too. He's sound positionally and is crafty with the puck. Just a matter of time.


    GO SABRES!!!

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